Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Poop Coffee!


And it comes out of a cat's ass!

My 12 year old daughter (Galadriel Tanqueray Onassis) told me about this last weekend. I didn't believe her. So I Googled it. Damn if she ain't right!

Seems there's this cat-like creature in Indonesia that eats coffee beans, then shits them out pretty much unmolested. But during the beans passage through the digestive tract, it takes on some characteristics that apparently make it DELICIOUS!

Somewhere, in the long ago past, some Indonesian motherfucker found some coffee beans in a pile of catshit and said (in Samuel L. Jackson's voice) "DAMN! That looks like some pretty tasty shit! I'm gonna go home and make some coffe out of this!"

You can expect to pay $75.00 for a cup of this coffee, if you can find it.

Sounds like something that would go over BIG in a Johnson County Starbucks.


  1. Time to see if I have a bodily fluid that I can sell to retards with too much money!!!

    "Rusty Sweat....So refreshing!!"

  2. XO: Is that the Samuel L Jackson voice from Jackie Brown or just the generic Samuel?

  3. Actually, I'd have to go with the "Pulp Fiction" Samuel L. Jackson.

  4. Jules from Pulp Fiction says:

    "Hey, sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I'd never know 'cause I wouldn't eat the filthy motherfucker. Pigs sleep and root in shit. That's a filthy animal. I ain't eat nothin' that ain't got enough sense enough to disregard its own faeces."

    I imagin he'd say the same about cat-shit coffee.

  5. Of course, personality does go a long way. So if the Indonesian cat-like creature had a great personality, I might go ahead and sample the cat-shit coffee...

    ...but that would have to be one charming mutherfuckin' Indonesian cat-like creature!
