Sunday, August 20, 2006

Americans are insane

Services Held For Pets Lost To Katrina

Our government is feeding our children into a senseless meatgrinder in the Middle East, and we have people holding New Orleans Jazz Funerals for dead cats and dogs.

Good God.

I'm fucking speechless.


  1. I once read that there are more shelters for abused pets than there are for abused women. You think we might have our priorities fucked up?

  2. liberalkerry4eve (geez, get a shorter name, will ya?) - I'd agree with ya on that one. I've seen people spend thousands of dollars on chemo for dogs with cancer. Giving them special diets that the owner has to fix.

    Whatever happened to taking them out in te woods, putting a bullet in their head and just getting another dog?

    I mean, it's a dog! We're not talking grandma here.

    And if your dog is as precious to you as dear old grandma, you seriously need to get a life.

  3. Just to play the devil's advocate here, but some folks can't have kids of their own, so their pets become their children. Sounds silly, but it's more common than you would think.

    Different strokes, for different folks.

  4. I guess its easier to adopt a dog than a needy child.

  5. At least you can legally shut a dog in a kennel when you are leaving the house to run errands.

  6. What!? You mean you can't legally do that with a kid!?!

    ('Scuse me, I have to run home for a minute to take care of something.)

  7. I don't see why this is such a big deal to you? I think that there's room for both types of outreach. Why does it have to be either/or? There are rallies to support the troops, or protest the war. And, there is this cause for lost or abused animals.

    There's a school in town doing a fundraiser for band camp. My god, how awful! Don't they realize people are dying in Iraq, and people are thinking of sending their kids to a band camp?!

  8. Like Heather and Anonymous say, it's a personal choice, XO- something you often preach about. But that doesn't mean I don't laugh at the obscene splendor of the pet food aisle at Price Chopper.

  9. You're correct Dan. I am in favor of personal choice. And if a bunch of people choose to hold a candle light vigil for dogs and cats, then I choose to think they are silly.
