Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Merry Christmas from XO!

Seriously. From the bottom of my cold, black heart. Merry fucking Christmas. Or Chanukah, or Kwanza, or whatever superfluous overlay of the winter solstice you choose to celebrate. Really. I mean that.

Here is a link that will make you feel all warm and fuzzy about the origins of Christmas and explain why "Xmas" isn't a bad thing.

Here is a link that will tell you about the 4000 year old pagan roots of "Christmas traditions" and why the early promoters of Christianity shamelessly piggybacked on those neolithic traditions to further their own political agenda.

This is what a guy who wears a pimp suit and slides down your "sooty chimney" while you are asleep (without so much as a lube or buying you dinner...fucker probably even slipped you a roofie) and leaves you a "present" really looks like.

Happy Goddamned Holidays!


  1. Happy Festivus, XO. Now, on with the airing of grievances...

  2. LOL! I forgot to include Festivus!

    Ironic, since this blog and 90% of my real life conversations are pretty much one long, tedious "Airing of Grievances".

    Hell, I might even be Father Festivus.

    Anybody want to see my Festivus Pole?

  3. If your daughter was 6...

    What would this post look like?

  4. travel - I'm not sure I get your point, dear. This post has nothing to do with my daughter and everything to do with me being a cranky old bastard who doesn't have a single Christmas decoration up. No tree, no lights...nothing. I am one bah-humbug sumbitch.

    Don't know how my daughter's age factors into it.

  5. Well, I simply thought (with a crooked smile) that one of those pictures would have been XO in a Santa outfit...hehe

  6. LOL! That last picture WAS me in a Santa suit!
