Sunday, December 03, 2006

Our Newest Museum


You have got to go see this museum.

I had a couple of hours to kill yesterday so I thought I'd swing by Liberty Memorial and check out the new National World War I Museum.

I was totally unprepared for how comprehensive, vast, impressive and awe inspiring this place is. Kansas City done good.

A couple of hours wasn't nearly enough. I'll be going back when I have more time and there are fewer people.

But I'm telling you, this is going to become an international destination for scholars, researchers, writers and simple citizens with a personal connection to this war.

The collection of artifacts on display is absolutely amazing! They started collecting stuff in 1920 and never stopped. The condition of the items just boggles my mind. We are talking about metal, leather, wood and wool over 90 years old. But it all looks brand new. It's incredible. Posters look like they were printed yesterday.

The only museum with a larger collection of WWI artifacts is the Imperial War Museum in Great Britain. But that museum has a much broader scope. Our National WWI Museum is, to the best of my knowledge, the only museum in the world dedicated exclusively to the First World War.

Did you know that NINE MILLION soldiers were killed in this war? That doesn't count the wounded and "shell shocked" (that's what they called Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome back then). It was the first war that saw the use of airplanes, tanks, chemical and biological weapons; while at the same time, employing cavalry charges and swords. Google "trench warfare". It was probably the most barbaric, unsanitary, brutal form of warfare ever fought.

I was very impressed. The National World War I Museum at the Liberty Memorial gets the very first, ever, Hip Suburban White Guy Seal of Approval.


  1. Somewhere in the back of my mind I guess I had heard about this, but I sure didn't realize this was already a reality in KC. What you wrote reminds me of the Steamship Arabia where the artifacts are also just like new .. it's hard to fathom.

    I've felt the same way you describe feeling while visiting the military monuments in D.C. No matter what our politics are, we must always remember and respect the sacrifices people in the military have made for the rest of us to have what we have.

    Thanks for the review. I'll definitely plan on going.

  2. The Liberty Memorial is a fantastic testament to what this area can do when it puts its mind to it.

    The memorial itself also has a fantastic view of the KC area

  3. I thought this was a great museum before the rennovation, I'm really looking forward to visiting it now.

    I remember it was a great value, you could go through both sides fo the museum and up the tower for, like, $5.

    What's the admission price now?

  4. Holy crap. A reason to go to Kansas City. (Besides the crazy little women there. I'm gonna get me four.)

  5. emaw - $8 for the new museum and both old sides. $4 for the tower alone. But for $10 you can get The Works.

    John Iwanski - come on down! Kansas City and Chicago both have reasons to cling to the memory of 1985!
