Saturday, February 10, 2007

Let The Celebrations Begin!!

It took me just over a year, I have carpal tunnel and a callous on my index finger, but I just crossed the 10,000 views threshold!

Of course I'll probably lose all that history when I change to my New and Improved blog template in the near future. Anybody know if there is a way to carry that stuff over to a new template?

Now if I can just get someone other than me to read my stuff...

On the serious side, I want to thank everyone who takes the time to click on my link and wade through my crap. It's really weird and surreal to think that I may have friends that I've never actually met.

I've half-seriously considered throwing a blogger meet-and-greet party. Part of me thinks it would be a great opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. The other part of me thinks that it would just be a big, awkward, Australian cluster-fuck as the REAL people behind the blogs (including me) no longer have their on-line personas to hide behind and have to interact as actual human beings.

If I threw a party, would you come?

BTW, what the fuck is up with the guy in the hat? Looks like he was just released from some Arkansas half-way house. Probably has a half pint of Jack in his back pocket.


  1. I have to tell you I thought to myself if XO has to go to the hospital, I think I'd have to go visit know cause I was genuinely concerned...and I imagined myself walking into your room and you'd be thinking to yourself who the fuck is that? And, I'd be so embarrassed lol...SO THAT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN...

    If you do have ever have a party, well I'd make a honest effort to get over my shyness and come...I'm really a pretty private person..but I'd just do it..just have a gin and tonic waiting and I'll loosen

    And that guy with the hat .. well he's the anonymous idiot who was suddenly transported into his other world .. and now he has to prove he actually has a 9 inch

  2. Throw in some strippers and free hooch and I'm in.

  3. travel - I'm truly touched by the fact that you were that concerned.

    And even though I've never met you, I feel like I'd recognize you if you walked in the room. So I doubt there would be any "who the fuck is that".

    I'm now like three quarters considering actually having that party.

  4. Keith and I would come! We love a good excuse to leave the children at home by themselves!

  5. Always game for a party. I'd even bring some food stuff.

  6. I would come But Bouby wouldn't she is a little weird about new people.

  7. nightmare - there hasn't been anything new about me for half a century.

  8. I actually thought I saw you over the weekend, XO. There was this guy at the Moose that came in during halftime of the KU/MU game. He was tall, bald, had a goatee, and was wearing dark sunglasses, and I kept wondering if it was you. But you don't live in the area, and I know you know that I hang out at the Moose, so I figured if you DID ever get to my part of the woods, and you saw me (because, c'mon, you know who the hell I am, dammit!), then you'd definitely say hello!

    But this guy had one drink with his buddy (who was shorter, but also sported the indoor sunglasses look), and then they left. Without saying hello. So I figured it must not've been you.

    It better not've been, anyway!! :P

    Glad you're feeling a bit better, by the way.

    And I don't know if I'd attend a blogger meet up. Haven't gone to one since yeeeeaaars ago when I first started blogging, and was going through all the shite with Asshole. Everyone seemed to not like me much, and the people that were nice were from blogs I didn't read, so it was kinda weird for me. I'm thinking that if we had one now, it'd be more comfy and fun. So there's my 2 cents on that.

    Oh, and I've never been able to fully understand the site stat stuff. I set up a sitemeter account in June of 2006 just so I could see where people were finding my blog, and where they were at, and that sort of stuff. So is it good that since then, I've had over 14,000 visits?

  9. Janet - "We love a good excuse to leave the children at home by themselves!"

    OK. One of your children only has 3 teeth. So unless you live in Ray County, I'm guessin' that's a very young child. I'm hoping your other child is considerably older.

    Spyder - French cuisine? That alone is reason enough to have a party!

    Faith - To quote The Turtles, "It Ain't Me Babe". I've only been to The Moose once and that was a couple of years ago. Part of a one-month-long pseudo-relationship-attempt with a psycho-bitch-from-hell who claimed to be a young, widowed attorney with a ton of money and a great rack which she claimed was all natural. Oh yeah, she was also a LIAR! LOL!

    But if it had been me, I absolutely would have said hello and bought you a drink.

  10. I'm not trying to steal your idea, but I'm doing a party this weekend, and I'd be absolutely thrilled if you guys would like to come by. Friday after work, till whenever everybody leaves (probably pretty late). I know Spyder will be there. If you're willing to come, email me - It's a mardi gras party, and we'll have some great red beans and rice, and homebrew, too.

  11. 10,000 views is a nice number. Congrats. I'll come to the party, wtf.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Since it's snowing again I think I'm just going to head out of town. So if you make it to Dan's have a home brew for me!
