Tuesday, March 20, 2007

"Just when I thought that I was out, they pull me back in."

It seems there is some new, evil, villiany afoot that only the X-Man can overcome. I've been called into service, once again, to fight for Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

I'm not at liberty to divulge the details, but the mission will result in me being incommunicado for the next week.

I won't kid you. It's a dangerous mission. They wouldn't be sending me if it wasn't. That's what I do.

All I can really say is that E.Q.U.I.N.O.X. has resurfaced and all indications point to S.P.F. being involved. I've been up against them before and I have always won. God willing, I'll be victorious again.

If you don't hear from me in 10 days, dispatch the Search and Rescue teams. Ground Zero will be the Orlando World Center Marriott Resort. Expand the search in a spiral pattern until you hit ocean. If you haven't found me by the time you reach the beaches, then I'm done for. Don't mourn! Just carry on without me. Otherwise, the terrorists win.

I've already said too much. The Listeners are ever alert. Eat this post after reading.

Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck in your mission sir!

  2. What? A week without my XO fix! What am I going to do?

  3. spyder - Read my archives.

    Luv ya babe!

    See ya in 7 days!

  4. Be good to Tigger.

  5. I am soooo jealous! Have a good "mission"!

    (I've already read the archives, now what do I do for my XO fix?) :(

  6. Janet- So while he's gone what which archival blog of his should I read first? What XO stories of great prowess can be posted? What havoc (oops! I mean fun) can we post while our cat's away? You know, he will miss us. Too bad we don't know where he lives we could go plant pink flamingoes in his yard.

  7. Oh sweet fancy jesus i knew there'd be trouble! I too am cursed to wander the archives tearing my hair out and cursing your absence. The horror....

  8. So, I wonder if XO will rename his blog Hip Suburban Tan guy when he returns?

  9. No Mr. Onassis, I expect you to die. Mwaahahahahahahaaaaaa.

  10. I've made it through January, February, and March of 2006 archives.
    One of my favorite lines:" I lean so far to the freaking left I have to drive with the door open." March 28, 2006 7:00 PM

  11. Thanks! It's nice to be missed!

    Really nice.

