Monday, April 09, 2007


Sorry! That should have read "Blogger MEET." But, I made ya look!!

Greg from Death's Door and Michelle from Well Hell Michelle are hosting (arranging, sponsoring, I'm not sure what they right term is, but everybody is buying their own drinks!) a get together at Harry's Country Club in the River Market. It's Tuesday, April 17th from Happy Hour till ???!

[I've noticed that as I get older "???" is MUCH closer to Happy Hour than it is to closing time...expect me to arrive early and leave early]

The address is 112 Missouri Ave, Kansas City, MO 64106. Missouri Avenue runs E to W from Main and Locust. It's sandwiched between 5th and 6th Street.

Why is there a named street interrupting the continuity of all of the nicely and logically numbered streets? I have no fucking idea! Fuck you Tom Pendergast!

Here's a fucking map.

I had been thinking about doing something similar.

I've also been thinking about eating less and working out more and that hasn't happened either.

I knew if I procrastinated long enough that a Responsible Adult would step up to the plate and hit one out of the park.

Works every time!

I hope to see you all there. If you won't be there till late, let me know what time and I will TRY to stick around that long.

If I get another picture like this out of it, I'll be one happy blogger.


  1. dammit. everything fun happens in missouri!

  2. I will take this into consideration...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Heather - cosideration my ass...just be there. I have a feeling we will need a nurse close by. Do you know how to operate a defibrillator? Can you give mouth to mouth?

    crse - That's why the motto on the Missouri State Seal reads "tutto il divertimento succede nel missouri"

  5. I will need to consider this as well. I accidentally said some nasty things about Greg a little while ago on Tony's KC, so I should head there to buy an apologetic drink, if nothing else. (I confused him with a crappy blogger, and made comments about how he wasn't a TRUE blogger, and it was a big mess...) However, the fiance will be going to the dentist that day for the first time in a LOOOONG time, and will probably be recovering from the gas they give him while he's there. (He's a phobic. It's sad.) So. This all boils down to: we'll see. (I really wanna go, though!)

  6. I'm looking forward to it.

  7. I hear you about "???"

    For me, too, ??? is getting earlier and earlier. Last week, I went out and ??? was beer number two.

  8. Iwanski - At the risk of sounding like The Fiddler On The Roof, if I were a rich man, I'd fly you and MHP in to KC next Tuesday for the big blog meet.

    But I'm not, so I can't and I won't. Wish I could.

  9. I now have a hair appointment on Tuesday night, as my stylist couldn't make time for me in her schedule on Saturday, the bitch. :P So if I DO go to the meet-up (which I'd really like to, honestly...) it won't be until after 7. Gah.

  10. I'm in Chicago with flights cancelled to KC cause of weather so staying an extra night here...

    Will have to see about the blogger meat up...I need balls to drive all the way downtown at night (don't laugh)

    But, would really like to meat (hehheh) you really do need a conservative to keep you in line..


  11. Faith - well, I hope you can make it and I hope that "???" doesn't arrive before 7. But it's entirely possible.

    travel - I hope to see you there. Is it the distance from home or the downtown KC part that needs the balls?

  12. I sure hope ???? doesn't arrive by 7pm... that would mean I'd have to go home and finish my drinking by myself : )

  13. Man, sounds like I'm missing something good. I live on the Left Coast and its just not gonna happen. But, anytime you can get a pic with a cutie like Well Hell Michelle, like can't be all that bad!
