Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I happened to catch a commercial for Geeks R Us.

There is a new hire on my floor that I SWEAR is in this commercial.

I don't even know his name. We don't actually "work together". But I see him around on the elevators and he seems to be camped out in My Stall everytime I need to take a crap.

I've been thinking about this and there just isn't any acceptable way to approach someone you don't know and ask "Did you ever work for 'Geeks R Us?' Because I saw their commercial and there was a geek that looked just like you. Except he was a younger geek with more hair and less fat. Was that you?"

Karl Rove or James Carville couldn't spin that question into anything less than insulting.


  1. How about if you tried the "you look so familiar" bit, just "dont remember" where you know him from...maybe he will come clean. And the stall camping? UNACCEPTABLE! The corporate hierarchy dictates that as a low person on the office totem pole, it is your duty to switch it up a lot in the bathroom because people do have favorite stalls...bastard...

  2. Okay, here's what you do.

    "Did you ever work for 'Geeks R Us?' Because I saw their commercial and there was a geek that looked just like you. Except he was a younger geek with more hair and less fat. I love that guy. Was that you?"

    Okay, it's not exactly honest, but in today's economy ...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I like the vague "I know you from somewhere" line. If it's him and he doesn't want to tell, you probably won't get it out of him. However, you may find out where he hangs out and possibly some people he knows from the conversation.

    Then you can decide if it's worth your time to ever talk to him again.

  5. Just ask him if he has ever done commercials. I had a co-worker that did that on the side.

    "I love that guy. Was that you?"" And if he says yes then what?
