Sunday, April 29, 2007

Round Up The Guns

I'm sick of this shit.

This will piss a lot of people off and I don't give a flying fuck.

I think we should limit gun ownership to one narrowly defined hunting rifle per adult and round up and confiscate everything else.

No fucking hand guns, no automatics or semi-automatics. Those firearms have only one purpose. Killing a lot of people at close range really fast. There is no logical or constitutionally defensible reason why the populace at large needs to have these weapons.

I think we should restrict the sale of ammunition. Every time you want to buy more ammunition, you have to account for the status of the ammunition you bought last time. Add a form to the Income Tax process forcing you to declare every round in your posession and account for every round of difference from last years return. Subject to Federal Audit.

The Founding Father's intent for the 2nd Amendment was something akin to The National Guard.

"Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

A "well regulated militia". Not a bunch of wacko, radical, mentally defective "citizens" armed to the teeth with military-grade weaponry. The more insistant someone is that they need to own as many weapons as they want, the more I doubt their maturity and judgement and the more frightened I am that they own even one.

And don't give me that crap about the Founding Fathers wanting us to be able to defend ourselves against our own government. That may have been their intent, but that ship sailed a long fucking time ago and most of you were willing crewmen on the boat.

Everytime you enthusiastically handed over your right to freedom and privacy in exchange for a promise of security, you handed more power to the very government of which you are so suspicious and wary.

And I got news for you Sparky. I don't care how many guns, how much ammunition, how many illegally obtained automatic weapons you have stashed in the woods behind your house. If the Federal Government decides to come and take your guns away from you, there isn't a goddamn thing you can do to stop them.

They have F-18s, M1 Tanks, Seals, Rangers and Nukes. You have some camo, some buck urine and a stash of guns and ammo.

You can't win. Grow up.

It's time that we put a stop to this juvenille, macho crap and rounded up all of the guns and ammo we can find. We'll never get it all. But by God, we can put a huge dent in it and make it a hell of a lot harder for people to get.


  1. And I think that if you don't vote (it's your duty & you right) then you can't get a license to have a gun.

  2. How is a bigger effort to take away guns from perfectly sane people going to stop these criminals? Do you think they give a crap about the laws we have now? Is one more law, or stricter laws going to save us? Why don't we just enforce the ones we have? Did you know that if a felon goes into Walmart and tries to buy a gun, the law says they are supposed to be arrested for trying? But they just turn them away...I say why in the heck aren't we arresting them? If you go into a bank and try to rob them, should they turn you away? No, they arrest bank robbers...then why not felons trying to buy a weapon?

  3. "perfectly sane people"

    What? WTF?

    Most of the people who wind up walking into malls or schools and slaughtering innocent people fall into the "perfectly sane people" category right before they go batshit crazy, pull out their stashed weapons and go on a killing spree.

  4. Are you kidding me? The criminals that do this usually have a LONG history of mental problems before they commit these crimes...the perfectly sane I was referring to are the millions of American Citizens who legally carry concealed in order to defend themselves against these idiots...if you go door to door and take away everything you can find, first, you will only be getting the guns away from law abiding citizens...criminals don't care what you do, they know there will always be a black market to shop at...second, you will be leaving these millions of law-abiding Americans totally defenseless against these armed criminals...ask yourself Xavier, why do these crimes take place in gun-free zones? Ever wonder why these criminals don't open fire on a police station or an NRA meeting to try to get a high body count? That's because they are not stupid, just crazy...their shopping list for places to rack up a high body count does not include places where there could possibly be legally armed citizens who know how to defend themselves against armed criminals...

  5. Nice try, but this nutcase used a long gun, if you wish to take all the guns away, how about if YOU go to Compton, South Side of Chicago, and other hotbeds of gang activity with the police and start hustling the thugs for their guns first. Good luck. Lame argument on your part. Pleeeze don't try to bring your view on the second ammendment on the rest of us.

  6. Somehow the idea of shopping in a guns-welcome discount store filled with legally armed citizens on edge to be ready for those wacko armed criminals to come shooting through the doors isn't really appealing to me, either, survivor....

  7. The intent of the 2nd amendment was for something akin to the national guard? I suppose the 1st amendment was to protect pornography and NOT political speech. You're an idiot!

    By the way, if they ever do decide to start taking our guns, do us a favor and help them. You won't last long.

  8. 99% of all crime involving a gun involves an illegal weapon. Do you think those people are going to hand over a weapon they "don't own". No, only legal weapons will be seized, and won't that just tickle the criminal element pink. If more law biding citizens would become trained in the use of weapons and practice concealed carry, criminals might think twice for fear they are not the only one with a gun.
    The society we live in is so screwed up, we cannot stop anything, but maybe we can slow it down. One trained citizen, maybe, could have saved some lives.

  9. "Nice try, but this nutcase used a long gun"

    OK. You sold me. Lets take away all the rifles too.

    You can go deer hunting with a bowie knife clenched between your teeth and test yourself against the deer's antlers and hooves.

  10. "The intent of the 2nd amendment was for something akin to the national guard? I suppose the 1st amendment was to protect pornography and NOT political speech. You're an idiot!"

    What part of WELL REGULATED MILTITIA do you not understand?

    "if they ever do decide to start taking our guns, do us a favor and help them. You won't last long."

    Anonymous dipshit. They don't need my help. They don't need anybody's help. They have more firepower and resources than you can possibly counter. You should know. You handed it to them on a silver platter.

  11. This is addressed to the person named "Claps for Xavier" already DO shop at places where there are people carrying concealed, but you will never know who they are until you NEED one of them, because they aren't part of the problem, they are part of the solution! And let me tell you, if you EVER are in a store and some idiot opens fire on the crowd, you'll be thanking your lucky stars if someone was there with a concealed weapon and didn't hesitate to "take the criminal out" right before he put his sights on you or your 5 yr old daughter standing next to you!

  12. "99% of all crime involving a gun involves an illegal weapon."

    Really? 99%? You wouldn't mind backing that up with some ACTUAL FACTS would you?

    The Virginia Tech shooter obtained his guns and ammo legally despite having a long, documented history of mental problems.

  13. "you already DO shop at places where there are people carrying concealed, but you will never know who they are until you NEED one of them, because they aren't part of the problem, they are part of the solution!"

    Oh yeah! That makes me feel SOOO much better knowing that I have some untrained, uneducated, heavily armed DUFUS who thinks he's JOE CITIZEN, ON PATROL! wandering around just waiting for some opportunity to pull his piece and open fire.


    Stay away from me and mine.

    You are the problem...not the solution.

  14. Ok Xavier...let's look at what the 2nd amendment says...

    "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

    If I use your logic then I could take away all the books from anyone who is not a licensed teacher with just a flick of a closely...

    "A well-educated electorate, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and read books shall not be infringed"

    Does this mean that no one except licensed teachers should be able to keep and read books? means that we should ALL keep and read books so that we are a well educated electorate, thus securing our freedoms...Likewise, the right of ALL people to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed, because that right is necessary in order for us to remain a free society!

  15. You have to go through 8 hrs of training before you can legally carry concealed in MO, and none of these people are walking around "waiting with their finger on the trigger" for an opportunity to use it...they hope they never have to, but it is insurance in case they do...prepare for the worst and hope like hell for the you have car insurance? are you just waiting and hoping for an accident so you can stake a claim? Of course not! you have a sign on your front door that says "Gun-Free Zone"? WHY NOT?

  16. "A well-educated electorate, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and read books shall not be infringed.

    Does this mean that no one except licensed teachers should be able to keep and read books?"

    What the fuck are you talking about? That doesn't even make any sense.


    I wish we had a "well-educated electorate". We wouldn't be in the mess we are in today if we did.

  17. Boy, you really have a hard time following an intelligent conversation, don't you?...maybe that's why you wear dark glasses...nobody is home...

    I spelled it out for you, but you're either too high, too drunk, or too just plain stupid to follow me...oh well...whatever...I don't need to elaborate any further, if you can't understand what I said, maybe you'd better opt out of the conversation, Mr O'Narcissist

  18. "I spelled it out for you,.."

    And you did that where?

  19. Ok Xavier...let's look at what the 2nd amendment says AGAIN SHALL WE?...

    "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

    If I use your logic then I could take away all the books from anyone who is not a licensed teacher with just a flick of a pen...WATCH CLOSELY, OR YOU MIGHT MISS IT THE 2ND TIME...

    "A well-educated electorate, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and read books shall not be infringed"

    Does this mean that no one except licensed teachers should be able to keep and read books? means that we should ALL keep and read books so that we are a well educated electorate, thus securing our freedoms...Likewise, the right of ALL people to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed, because that right is necessary in order for us to remain a free society!

    April 29, 2007 11:03 PM


  20. Sleep on it...mull it around...maybe by morning you will have a couple brain cells restored where you can hold up your end of the conversation...who knows? we'll find be continued in the AM...good night

  21. When they came for the Second Amendment, I said nothing, for I owned no gun.

    Then the Sixth was next to go, and I remained silent, as I was not on trial.

    They took away the Fourth, and I said nothing, as I had nothing to hide.

    And then they came for the First, and I could say nothing.


  22. michael - for those who don't know...

    "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense."

    Guantanamo Bay. That ship has already sailed

    "They took away the Fourth, and I said nothing, as I had nothing to hide" Again, for those who don't know - "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

    The Patriot Act. Wave goodbye to that one, too.

    Regarding the 1st Amendment "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."...

    they still have 630 days to go.

  23. I often spout the "crap" that the 2nd amendment was primarily written so that we could overthrow the government if we wanted to. I usually raise this point because it's important for folks to remember that our founding fathers were not straight-laced conservatives, but radical revolutionaries -- and that they didn't give a rat's ass about deer hunting or think twice about someone protecting their home from an intruder in the middle of the night.

    My cousin died at the age of 12. She was playing with her father's handgun. She found it in a drawer. My uncle was one of the "perfectly sane people" that "survivor" speaks of, but his purchase of a handgun ultimately resulted in the death of his only daughter.

    And yes, most crimes are committed with illegal weapons, but they were legal somewhere first. NPR reports that most guns used by criminals in NYC were originally purchased across the river from me in Virginia, home of the most relaxed gun laws in the country -- and (no surprise) where Cho Seung-Hui bought his two guns, legally, with a history of mental illness.

  24. Jesus god, i leave for the weekend and this is what happens? XO, in case you are wondering and think you've gone insane? No. These are not valid arguments and every single one of them have logical fallacies. It might be helpful for proponents who feel that perfectly sane people "need" guns to fight with "all them illegal gunners" to look at murder rates in countries that have gun control. It also might be helpful if you stopped defining intelligent conversation as whatever you are regurgitating from glen beck and fox news. I dont know why you are still engaging with these people XO, their minds are closed. It pisses me off that we regulate drugs more than guns.

  25. I've decided I want a gun. I want to take my gun to the shooting range at least once a month for target practice. I want to be good enough at shooting my gun I can aim for an unarmoured body part and actually hit it.

    I don't want to carry my gun in public, I want to keep my gun in a combination-locked safe in a hidden closet on the top shelf in my house to keep my kids from having access.

    I want a gun, because I'm afraid of what Bush can do in 630 days.

  26. Your cousin's death is very tragic...period...and in a situation so tragic as's easy to misplace blame..."Oh if only he had not bought that gun, then she would still be alive"...but that is not is misplaced blame...he went wrong when, after buying the gun, he did NOT EDUCATE his daughter on GUN SAFETY...(evidently, he needed to be educated on safety himself) you don't just buy a gun, put it in a drawer, loaded, and forget there are kids in the house who do not understand their potential danger...he should have made sure she KNEW what it could do, and taught her not to touch it unless he was present and only after he made sure it was unloaded aren't stupid, they are curious, you have to take that factor out of the equation for them, then they will not touch them...It is a sad thing that this situation was not handled correctly, now a young girl lost her life and everyone blames gun ownership.

  27. we really regulate drugs more than guns?

    Tell that to Ramos and Campean! They would tend to disagree with you.

  28. janet...why even buy one at all? when you really need it, you will be fumbling around in the dark trying to remember the combination to the safe, while tettering atop a ladder, as someone is breaking into your home, and coming down the hall to your bedroom in the middle of the night...You may as well put a sign on the front door that says, "Yes, I have a gun, but it is inaccessible for about 15 minutes, so come on in, you'll make it to us before I can make it to the gun!"

  29. janet...and I don't care how proficiently you shoot (which, practicing once a month would not make you), hitting a moving leg or arm, even a head, is much harder than hitting the middle of the chest...and when you miss, you won't get a second shot..he will have shot you by then.

  30. As a certified personal fire arm instructor, and after teaching marksman ship in the Army, I think I qualify as 'educated' about the proper use of fire arms. Xo makes some good points as well as Survivor, but a lot of this conversation sounds like a pamphlet for the NRA. In England, gun related violence is on the rise, this is due to the realative ease that criminals can get to fire arms. Gun control has pretty much been a way of life in that country since WWII.

    This whack job, if he was set on killing and maiing, would have found another way to do this if he had no access to a gun. Either with a car or what not. More people die from KNIFE wounds every year in this country than guns. Strange but true.

    The daughter story. A truly tragic incident. And one of the reasons I sold my pistol, when I left the line of work the required it. But to claim all citizens are too dumb to have a fire arm, is crazy too. I must say though, as an instructor, I do have the authority NOT to issue a license to anyone I feel should not have one, either through failure at the course, or just because I do not think this person is stable enough to have one.

    It comes down to personal responsibility. The government of this country has enough control over my life. I am a grown man, let me make a few decisions without someone telling me thats is not good for you are whatever. I understand that my actions may lead to some bad places, but that is a choice I made.

    Just like Cho, just like that asshole at the mall yesterday. He KNEW what he was doing. Hell he killed and maimed before he even left the house that day. He may have planned it. Where was the family or authorities to make sure he got the mental treatment he needed?

    Shit happens. People as a group can be quite stupid. But to just make more rules, that will not be enforced anyway (we have over 10,000 laws nation wide on the books now), will just burden us further. People need to think for themselves and accept the fact that they will be held responsible for the actions they may take. I am not a gun control advocate, but I do think 8 hours is not enough training. Hell even the military, who's job is to make the most efficient use of the weapon, takes a week for BASIC rifle marksmanship. Joe Citizen needs at least that much training.
    As for the safe comment. Fear mongering is a tried and true NRA tactic. Safes are available today that will allow you to slide your hand in and depress a 3 digit code. This safe has large buttons, hard to fumble. It would be then up to her to practice it so she would not need to think. She would just do. Center of mass is the only way to shoot. Shoot to stop. Especially with a pistol. A 'combat' shoot with a pistol is typically under 25 feet. You do not have time to anything else at that point.

    I have rambled enough. If you need any information just google it. Just behave people. :)

  31. Wow XO you've really stepped in it this time :-)

    Guns bring out a lot of people's passions and that's the only thing it tends to bring out.

    Here's the root of the cause, neither banning guns nor MO's CnC laws stopped yesterday's horrible crime.

    IMO, I've come to the position that having law-abiding citizens own guns isn't a net positive to society, but it's also not a net negative. I also think that gun control laws are essentially a farce and need to face up to the reality that criminals will get guns. Making it hard for decent people to get the same weapons seems ludicrous.

    I know plenty of responsible gun owners and I think that type of responsibility should be encouraged.


  32. As Frank Barone would say: "HOLY CRAP"!

    XO, congratulations on 30+ comments on this post.

    For what it's worth, I agree with you on this one.

  33. To everyone on this blog...The firearms instructor makes some good points, but it doesn't take a firearms instructor to make a common sense evaluation of the situation in society today or to make a good decision when it comes to safety...I grew up around guns all my father was an avid hunter and I learned safety very early on, so "playing" with guns was never an issue at my husband has been an NRA Firearms Instructor in Oregon for many years...he teaches classes for concealed-carry license...he TEACHES safety, mindset, the laws,along with a myriad of other things, for instance, making dang sure if you have to use it, you hit the target and not some innocent bystander and using the right ammunition, one that will stop the assailant, while keeping the bullet from going through him and into the kids' play-park 2 blocks away...some people who come to the class are first time owners and handlers, they take more one on one instruction than others who are already comfortable with a handgun, but he doesn't just sit everyone in front of a video and say good enough, here's your certificate (I've been told some instructors actually do this...very bad!), the people that leave my husband's class, leave with a working knowledge of the responsibility in carrying concealed and a healthy respect for the capability of firearms in general, he also emphasizes that it is NEVER to be used or even brandished, during emotionally driven situations, ONLY in the event that your life is clearly in danger! It is then up to the individual to go home and practice so that they are ready when/if they ever are in a situation that they feel they have to use it (BTW, just because we are carrying concealed does not make us responsible to use it in a life-threatening situation, we can choose to take action, or not, we have the option at that point, but we are not bound by law to do so, as are officers and military, thus it stands to reason that they would require more intense training, since they would be under obligation in the same situation, to protect and serve)...we have a 5 yr old son...does he play with our guns?...hell no...he wouldn't think of touching them...because he KNOWS they are dangerous weapons...but it is something you have to instill in them and teach them, kids do not automatically KNOW this...I keep my .38 Taurus loaded with hollow points handy where I can reach it when it's needed (usually in a holster under my shirt)...I hope I NEVER have to use it to defend myself, but by gosh, no would-be murderer is going to catch me unaware and unprepared...I WILL be there to protect myself and my family if need be...I carry it when I take the dogs out for a walk in the woods (we live in the mts in OR), one night there was a mountain lion laying in our driveway, so as you can see, it is necessary at home, just like it would be necessary to carry it while walking down the streets of San Fransisco or any other place where criminals or dangerous animals might be (which is potentially anywhere) doesn't make me a "wack job" as described by xavier earlier on in this blog, it makes me a prepared and responsible citizen...there is absolutely nothing wrong with personal defense, it is our right and our duty as citizens to protect ourselves and not rely on some govt agency or the police dept to "save us" in time of need...yeah, you could dial 911, but how long is it going to take before an officer answers the call? In our area, it takes 45 minutes, sometimes longer...even in a city, it might take 10 minutes, you got that long when someone is standing in your bedroom with a gun in the middle of the night? In 10 minutes, if you are unarmed, you will probably be dead and the murderer will be gone.

  34. X- I hate to disagree with you here but I do believe you are talking out of your ass.

    The gun is a tool. Nothing more, nothing less. If you ban guns, you will only have people killing each other with knives, or sticks or rocks.
    I would prefer our society to place the blame on the individual instead of the weapon of choice. If there would be no guns would this guy have used his car? or a machete? How about a baseball bat wrapped in razor wire?

    No the weapon is not to be blamed for the deaths. The psycho holding the weapon needs to be blamed for the attack, free and clear. It is the price we pay for living in a free society. For being allowed to have open discussions concerning whether or not we get to have weapons.

    I won't bore you with all of the people who have tried and failed to have a weapons ban in the history of the history of the world, but suffice it to say there are many and none have survived.

    The human being is a flawed animal and occasionally we get psychos who kill, and they will with anything necessary.

    The ass clown who worked in my building is a great argument for banning ass cheeks as a murder weapon since his girlfriend smothered one of their victims to death with her ass.

    I like my ass X, please do not take away my ass.

  35. I have extra ass I would be willing to give up.

  36. "I hope I NEVER have to use it to defend myself, but by gosh, no would-be murderer is going to catch me unaware and unprepared...I WILL be there to protect myself and my family if need be"

    Ah the action-hero fantasy of the NRA. I, with my handy weapon, will take on a nutjob psycho who's invading my house trying to kill me and my loved ones.

    IIRC from my Criminal Justice class in college 90%+ of all murders are committed by someone the victim knows. So yes, in all likelihood you will be unprepared and surprised as your companion/friend/acquaintance kills you - sorry them's the stats. Second, everyone who buys into this fantasy seems to think the their assailant is an idiot who can't plan ahead.
    I'm going to guess that if one is murdered it will most likely be by a human and humans have this odd knack for planning ahead.


  37. Keith---
    Well, gee, don't you seem to have it all down, "Mr I don't need no stinking gun"...It must seem pretty cut and dry to you doesn't it?...Fine, next time there is a guy you DON'T KNOW pointing a gun at you, then by all means you bring your weapon of choice (ie; your baseball bat),and I'll bring my .38...we'll see who walks should post the same sign on your front door that XO is thinking about posting on says simply "Gun Free Zone"...No? Really? Why not? Wouldn't that just guarrantee it would be the safest place in your neighborhood??? (my sign says "My German Shepherd is trained to eat what I kill") I haven't had a burglar try it

    BTW...did you happen to KNOW the guy who shot the 32 people at VT??? Didn't think so....and did you happen to KNOW the guy that shot the 4 people at the Mall??? Right, didn't think so either...How many people DO you know who have pulled a gun on someone they knew??? Case in Point...

    (I think you got your stats wrong, you were obviously looking at the statistics report that shows that people are SEXUALLY MOLESTED 'not shot' usually by people they know)...

    But, I suppose if you are a thug who has thug friends, well, then you obviously do have a much better chance of knowing the thug who tries to kill you...either that, or you could be some poor woman who has a crazed ex out there somewhere...either way, you stand a better chance with a loaded gun than without, provided you are not afraid to use it when the time comes...if you are afraid of guns or couldn't shoot a human being under any circumstance, then you might as well not even carry would do you more harm than good if you stand there and hesitate, because he just might take it away from you and shoot YOU with it...

    As for criminals planning ahead...well, I guarrantee you the places that are marked "gun free zone" are at the top of their shopping list, not the NRA convention or the police station...

    As for me...I CHOOSE not to be a statistic...You obviously choose TO be a statistic...that's fine, it's a free country still, you have that right...

    KUDOS to Ms America of 1944, who at the age of 82 a few days ago, refused to be a statistic and did not hesitate to grab her gun and stop the burglars on her property! There are millions like her in America...and Thank God there are...or this would be a MUCH more dangerous place than it already is.

  38. Ya know, I could care less if anyone else in this country decides NOT to use a gun to protect themselves, for whatever reason...what gets on my nerves are those who don't want ME to have a gun in protecting THAT irritates me! You can call me an ignorant knuckle dragger hick all day long, that doesn't bother me a bit, but when it comes right down to it at the end of the day, you leave MY rights alone! Make your choice, then shut up and let the rest of us make's the people who like to have their noses in everyone else's business, who think THEY know what's best for the rest of us, like we are all too stupid to make our own choices, that will be the downfall of this nation.

  39. Like Mr XO, who wants to round up ALL the's people like his stupid ass that spar on the politicians to take away more and more of our rights to think for ourselves.

  40. Gee, the killer in MO is a spitting image of XO without dark glasses...hey, was he your evil twin XO? or maybe he was the good twin, considering all your screwed up cussing and ranting in your profile

  41. I'm with you on this, Xavier.

  42. The gun nuts are out in full force today. Holy cow.

    Castrations all around.

  43. Okay. Survivor is new here. She may not know that I can be a bit over the top sometimes (go read my profile). She also may not realize that like all bloggers, I'm a shameless attention whore.

    So thank you, survivor, for enabling my addiction to site visits and comments.

    I haven't had this many hits since I ragged about cars vs. bicycles on the road. That only got 30 comments.

    Just to stir up more shit, here is a link to THAT post.

    I'm such a slut.

    Thank you smedrock for injecting a few cc's of sanity and rationality. But don't make a habit of it. I have a very low tolerance for sanity.

    nightmare - "X- I hate to disagree with you here but I do believe you are talking out of your ass."

    Does my voice sound funny when I do that? Like Donald Duck?

    Also, "I like my ass X, please do not take away my ass."

    Buddy, I mean this when I say I got no designs on your ass. You just...keep it and go about your ass business. I want nothing to do with it. Xavier don't swing that way. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    Heather - CALL ME! LOL!

    Keith- "Ah the action-hero fantasy of the NRA. I, with my handy weapon, will take on a nutjob psycho who's invading my house trying to kill me and my loved ones."


    The reality is that they are MUCH more likely to get dope slapped by someone a lot more vicious than they are, have their weapon taken away from them, and killed anyway. You can target practice and shit all you want. But unless you have actually pulled a piece and killed another human being, you have no fucking idea how you are going to react. So don't give me that "24" Jack Bauer bullshit. You can be packing heat and still wind up pissing yourself and handing over your wallet.

    survivor - Look. You live in rural Oregaon. You are far enough away from me that I don't give a fuck whether you carry a gun or not. Go nuts, have fun, declare war on Idaho, shoot the fucker who stole your parking spot at the ammo store, I don't care.

    Regular visitors to my little Kingdom know that I'm a knee-jerk, bleeding-heart liberal with latent Libertarian leanings.

    I think we have too many laws, I think that people need the freedom to make their own choices and pay the consequences for those choices.

    I generally push for more freedom, more choices, fewer laws, less control. I think that's what the Founding Father's had in mind. Leave everyone alone to do as they please, and everything will work itself out and be OK.

    But I truly believe that high powered, automatic firearms and ammo are WAY THE FUCK too easy to get. Just like we have a "presumption of innocence" (which I am in favor of, btw), we seem to have a "presumption of mental competency to wield a deadly weapon" (which I am against, btw).

    That's bullshit.

    I think you should have to go to extraordinary lengths to prove that you are competent enough to own a firearm, have been trained to use a firearm, have a proven need to have a firearm, and are emotionally stable enough to own a firearm.

    If you pass all of those criteria, you get one...count 'em, one...gun that meets your special need and a carefully regulated allocation of ammunition based on your need.

    Every round must be accounted for.

    Allright. I'm done. I need to fix supper, call the girlfriend and watch some TV.

    There is more to my life than blogging.

    Ahahahahahahaa!! That was funny.

    No there isn't.

  44. Well then, I suppose you can't have any ammo to practice with, because big brother decides you are out of "credits" when you ask for some of those...nope...just 1 bullet this year ma'am, if you can't do it with that, oh well, you're screwed! Have a nice day and thank you for shopping your friendly neighborhood China-Mart! :-)

  45. I'm over half a century old. There were only 48 states when I was born. The only thing orbiting the earth was the moon.

    I have never been robbed, mugged, molested or had anyone try to kill me.

    Am I just lucky?

    I don't think so.

    Despite what you see and hear on the news, the average person will live their life in a completely unremarkable, unthreatened, unmolested and completely safe fashion.

    Most peoples lives are safe, boring, unexciting and uneventful.

    That's why people carry guns. The hope, the dream, that maybe someday, they will have just a hint of excitement in their otherwise boring life by getting to pull a gun on somebody...just like in the movies!

    Your life is boring. It will always be boring. Get used to it. There will be no gun battles, car chases or courtroom dramas.

    Go see a movie.

  46. Once again, a person who appears seriously mentally ill gets ahold of a gun(s). I hear this guy had a history and spent 6 hours in mental observation before they released him. Boy, isn't our system

    There's no doubt in my mind that deranged people with murder on the brain will find a way to do it with or without a gun. Also, there's no doubt in my mind that the very fact this country is so large would make removing guns from all the criminals in this country almost impossible. For those reasons, I don't believe banning guns from the majority of law abiding citizens will solve anything.

  47. travel - you are right. I know we could never round up all the guns. But we could sure make it a hell of a lot harder for wacko's to get their hands on them.

    Like Gun Shows. What the fuck is up with allowing people to just show up at a hotel conference room with a shitload of guns for sale?

    Stop That Shit Now!

  48. This blog made me think of this Chris Rock quote...

    “Gun control? We need bullet control! I think every bullet should cost 5,000 dollars. Because if a bullet cost five thousand dollar, we wouldn't have any innocent bystander .”

  49. "I have never been robbed, mugged, molested or had anyone try to kill me."
    XO - If I was single I would be willing to molest you!

  50. This post and the responses have been a great read.

    It is not a simple issue, and it was wonderful to see so many interesting views (and entertaining when things went over the top).

  51. "I have never been robbed, mugged, molested or had anyone try to kill me.

    Am I just lucky?

    I don't think so.

    Despite what you see and hear on the news, the average person will live their life in a completely unremarkable, unthreatened, unmolested and completely safe fashion.

    Most peoples lives are safe, boring, unexciting and uneventful."

    Okay, XO, then I don't get it. If everyone is safe already, then why the need to take away even more constitutional rights?

    I'm just sayin' you seem to be arguing against yourself here.

  52. Did anyone else notice that "survivor" seemed to be talking to themselves for several comments before she disappeared? My favorite comment was when she said, "we have a 5 yr old son...does he play with our guns?...hell no...he wouldn't think of touching them...because he KNOWS they are dangerous weapons..."

    Um, a 5 year old doesn't generally know how to tie their own shoe, but they can comprehend the complexities of gun/weapon safety. Good to know.

    XO, I have really loved all this as well. I know I'm one of your fave Republicans, but on this issue, I definitely lean left. And your commentary and info given on it has been lovely to read. Gracias.

  53. This was a wonderful discussion. I'm surprised no one's mentioned the freaks out in the mountains who've seceded from the United States, refuse to pay taxes or obey laws, issue their own money, drivers licenses and so on, and have basically created their own little paranoid-conspiracy-theory nation.

    Those folks are building nice, legal, got m'gun at the pawn shop arsenals buried in caches with thousands and thousands of rounds just waiting for a chance to overthrow the government, which they say isn't constitutional (meaning the government isn't constitutional).

    These are the John Birch Society folks. As I recall, a couple years ago here in NC a soldier was arrested for illegally obtaining weapons for these people.

    Personally, I don't like the idea of people (regardless of what they claim their mental status is) walking around with concealed weapons looking for a chance to be Rambo. But that's not exactly my point.

    The point is that most (not all, for christmas sake, don't think I'm stereotyping) of these gun fanatics are diehard, hardcore conservatives who go on and on about Homeland Security and threats of terrorism and the need for us to protect ourselves.

    The terrorists are here, alive, well, and issuing their own drivers licenses out in the mountains.

    No need for you to look anywhere else.

    Gun fanatics are just that: fanatics. I don't think anyone should be allowed to have any type of gun whatsoever at all.

    -left hand in the air-
    Happy May Day

  54. spyder - "XO - If I was single I would be willing to molest you!" SWEET!

    nuke - Thanks for stopping by. Welcome! Don't be a stranger.

    emaw - "I'm just sayin' you seem to be arguing against yourself here." Heh heh. Yeah, I do that sometimes.

    faith and satyavati - Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.

    I'll close this out with a quote from former Republican Senator Phil Gramm. When asked how many guns he owned, he replied "Ah have more guns than I need, but not as many as I want!"

  55. Faith...I didn't leave, I just got sick and tired of making my point over and over to a bunch of people who will never see things any other way no matter what happens in this country...

    you guys watch too much have become the mantra-chanting sheep that the media wants you to be...they fear guns, so you fear guns and the people who want to own them...tunr off the boob tube and learn how to think for yourselves, for crying out loud! old does a kid have to be before you teach him that if he touches a hot stove or puts a fork in a light socket or goes into the street without you, he will get hurt really bad? 21? Long before 5 yrs old! Everyone I know starts teaching these things as soon as they begin to explore their world or can walk/run, etc...Kids at 5 can barely tie their shoelaces because of undeveloped SKILLS, not because they are brain dead and can't undertand "Don't touch that" He doesn't have to understand the COMPLEXITIES of guns, he just needs to be able to grasp the idea that if he touches it, it will hurt him or someone else he loves really bad...

    gosh I can't believe some of the stuff that some people actually think out guys amaze me at how ignorant you all can be about guns are the most evil thing on this earth to be around...and so are the peoplet hat own them...good grief!

    Ignorance is NOT bliss folks, it's just plain ignorance! Smarten up!

  56. I'm with you. My friend was killed at Wark Parkway on Sunday. As both victims were shot in their cars, I presume that neither of them saw it coming; carrying their own weapons for self-defense wouldn't have helped one bit. I can't buy that the solution to gun violence is for more people to own guns.

    We also need to do more to help the mentally ill in this country.

  57. You liberals ARE mentally ill, Anonymous, and you guys seem to be BEYOND help.

    It is a PROVEN FACT that the crime rate in states and countries where gun laws are more lax is MUCH LOWER than those of stricter gun laws!

    Why do you suppose that is, with all those "CRAZED gun nuts running around playing Rambo"???

    By your logic, less guns = safer environment, correct?

    Well, if that were true, then why in the hell don't we see shootings at places where there are lots of people with immediate access to a lot of guns??? ie; gun shows, or police stations, or NRA conventions?

    Criminals LOVE liberals, because criminals LOVE more gun laws and every time a shooting occurs, liberals push for more gun laws!
    You guys have your own cheering section at the local prison at newstime each day!

    You will NEVER take enough guns away, that criminals will finally NOT have access to them if they so choose, no matter what you do with the laws!

    Example: You hang a sign up that says "Gun Free Zone"...that place should be much safer now, right???

    Because the people that look at that sign and actually OBEY it are, the very "gun nuts" you refer to...NOT criminals!

    Criminals look at that sign and think "Cool! Another place where I can shoot a whole bunch of people without somebody trying to shoot MY ass!"

    I don't understand why you liberals are retarded on this subject!

  58. I would consider owning a gun if:
    1. I didn't understand the stats on the likelihood of violent crime or didn't care to).
    2. I had an all consuming fear of members of the underclass.
    3. All the goddam paranoid rabid-right crankatarian homeschooling white-power turdsquishers would just shut the hell up and go back to the hollers, where they, and their 17th century feudalist opinions, belong.

  59. yeah - sounds like you got it all figured out. oh and the 'sane' ones that go into shopping you think gun laws would stop them '...oh i gotta wait for my permit before i go smoke 50 people'

    and then your comment on regulating all the ammunition. Oh - so what if you want to go to target practice. Oh wait, that just sounds bad. oh wait, we need to 'Un-Sharpen' your kitchen knives. The world isnt a safe place. But its Jimmy Carter (and kimmel) Duesche Bags like yourself that give honkeys a bag name. I bet you dont have kids...cause A liberal is a conservative who hasnt been robbed yet!!! and if a motherfucker breaks into my gonna unload a magazine and reload. Criminals dont get background checks... Thankfully americans are arming up - for the uprising against the unchecked urban state!!!
