Sunday, May 13, 2007

OK, I'm gonna do it.

I've been threatening to do this for a long time.

Now, I'm gonna do it.

The date is Friday, May 25th. I have that day off, but the gf doesn't. I have no specific plans...just wanted to turn Memorial Day (or is it Labor Day...I can never remember) into a four day weekend.

So on that day, I am going to watch the Special,Extended, DVD Editions of...

The Fellowship of the Rings; three and a half hours,

The Two Towers; three hours and forty five minutes,

and The Return of the King; four hours and fifteen minutes,

back to back in one sitting on my 46" Toshiba, high definition, DLP projection screen in full Dolby Surround Sound.

That will amount to about eleven and a half hours of actual screen time. That's not including potty breaks, fixing food, stretching and posting updates on this site.

I optomistically plan to start at 9am and finish at 10:30pm. That is thirteen and a half hours total. An extra couple of hours for sanity breaks.

I'm tempted to extend a tentative invitation to fellow Tolkien fans to join me for this marathon.

But I'm not sure I want to spend 12+ hours with anyone geeky enough to do what I plan to do.

However, if this is something that sounds appealing to you, I'm willing to consider the possibility.

Post a comment explaining why:

A) You would want to spend over 12 hours watching three movies with someone you don't know.
B) Why that's not weird.
C) How you could possibly keep from annoying me and pissing me off for such an extended period of time.
D) What delectible goodies you would bring.
E) Why you won't be embarassed when I post a picture of you on my blog sitting on my couch holding a bucket of popcorn and wearing the Helm of King Elendil.

Yes, I actually own one.

This should be interesting.


  1. Why would you waste your time with that when Cinemax is playing all the Star Wars movies in chronological order that day? :-)

  2. If you watch Stephen Colbert, he occasionally makes arcane, very informed references to the books and the films, and it's no joke -- he's a gigantic, unapologetic Tolkien fan. He once did a political bit on the show involving a maquette of the cave troll from the first film.

  3. Alas the concentration of geekness between the 2 of us would result in a permanent lowering of IQ's for 20 kilometers around your living room.

    I would definitely check and see though, we would prolly just end up bitching about a 'storm cloud' being used for Galactus. Bah!

  4. I saw all of these in the theaters in a single sitting when Return of the King came out. That was a long day in Phoenix and the air conditioning broke. An incredible experience though. They gave out film strip stills from the movie too, I got 'em sitting in a drawer awaiting the right conditions for display.

  5. A) You would want to spend over 12 hours watching three movies with someone you don't know.=The movies make up for not knowing you well.

    B) Why that's not weird.= Not weird because I have met you and I'm assuming there will be beverages involved.
    C) How you could possibly keep from annoying me and pissing me off for such an extended period of time.= Sitting still and watching movies is a lot like deer hunting, make no noise, move as little as possible and if necessary, pee in a bottle.

    D) What delectable goodies you would bring.=Rum and pizza

    E) Why you won't be embarrassed when I post a picture of you on my blog sitting on my couch holding a bucket of popcorn and wearing the Helm of King Elendil.= I used to play D&D, I own my own viking helmet, and I look damn sexy as ANY king!

    If Bouby Lets me I'm IN!

  6. A) You would want to spend over 12 hours watching three movies with someone you don't know.
    why not?
    B) Why that's not weird.
    it might be, but who cares?
    C) How you could possibly keep from annoying me and pissing me off for such an extended period of time.
    I have my ways..
    D) What delectible goodies you would bring.
    besides me...? if I must, I can bring pizza, cheesecake, ice cream and pasta salad; all homemade, mind you.
    E) Why you won't be embarassed when I post a picture of you...
    there are more embarrassing pictures of me than that in existence, I assure you.

    By the way, you should also know that I know virtually every word of the dialogue of all three of these movies and all four of the major books inside and out. We actually did this same thing a couple of years ago, and ordered out from a different place with each movie. It was a rainy day, though.. I don't know if it would have been as good if it was nice outside.

    Let me know if I won, okay?

  7. A) It wouldn't be all day, as we have to work but we are willing to show up after 5pm. I have met you & read your blog on a daily basis. And I’ve even turned husband on to you. (Ok that last part sounded better in my head)

    B) I'm married to a geek, a good looking geek, but a geek none the less. He pointed out to me that I’m the one that likes gadgets & I’m the one who blogs the most. So he claims I’m a geek too. It wouldn’t be weird, just normal. We even own that extended DVD set & then ordered the case for it.

    C) See A & B. And I promise not to try to pee in a bottle. I don’t talk to the TV. I’ll laugh at your jokes.

    D) Hmmm good question. Would have to think on this... Is there a food that would be appropriate? I refuse to bring raw fish. When Hubby runs a Firefly/Serenity game we always have Chinese food. See! I am married to a geek!

    E) Hubby has his own helm & we both have cloaks. Can we bring our swords? Years of SCA has left us immune to being embarrassed about wearing funny clothes.

  8. Jeez! You dorks are really going to hold me to this, aren't you?

    So, we have a tentative Nightmare, a late Spyder and a remote satyavati (you do know that there is no air fare, bus fare, gas money or any other transportation arrangements included, right? If you get here, you can stay here. But that's it.)

    I know! I'll get a really long USB cable and run my web cam into the living room and point it at the big screen. Not so much "streaming video"...more like "dripping video". With no sound.

    Mike, I'm sure the theatre experience was awesome, but you can't drink, smoke or pause the movie for piss breaks in a theatre.

    Mark - "Why would you waste your time with that when Cinemax is playing all the Star Wars movies in chronological order that day? :-)"

    Three words.

    Jar Jar Binx.

    'Nuff said.

    We'll see if I actually follow through on this or not. This would be the biggest commitment I've made since my last divorce.

    Baby steps. Baby steps.

  9. Well holy James Tiberius Kirk, this post just got better and better. I did love the movies. I did. And the books, which i read when I was twelve. And the fact that you are planning to give up a day in your life for this....i do fear that the geekiness in your livingroom will reach critical mass if this happens. I expect serious reprecussions....please before you do this, think of the children...

  10. crse - when the geekiness reaches a critical mass, do you get a geekhole? A singularity of geekiness from which nothing hip or cool can ever escape?

  11. A) You would want to spend over 12 hours watching three movies with someone you don't know.

    I have done this twice. The first time was a date and it was my suggestion. If a guy can't tolerate Jackson and Tolkien then he isn't going to be very creative in bed.

    B) Why that's not weird.
    Because I am a geek.

    C) How you could possibly keep from annoying me and pissing me off for such an extended period of time.
    What do you consider annoying?

    D) What delectible goodies you would bring.

    E) Why you won't be embarassed when I post a picture of you on my blog sitting on my couch holding a bucket of popcorn and wearing the Helm of King Elendil.
    Will you wear elf ears and green tights and let me take one too for my site?
