I smoked my last cigarette at 6:35am, July, 31, 2006.
After over three decades of smoking a couple of packs a day, I have been completely smoke-free for one year.
No, it wasn't hard. No, I don't miss it. No, I'll never go back.
Yes, I'm glad I did it. Yes, I feel MUCH better.
Congratulations! I got my smoker's equivalent of the 3-year chip last month.
sweet! Go XO!
I hope you're happy XO. Because of you and others like you, the poor downtrodden tobacco companies are facing mighty tough times these days. More and more, they're having to rely on foreign markets to make an honest living. So enjoy your clean air and easy breathing knowing that some executive in South Carolina is having to sell off one of his private helicopters just to make ends meet.
Good job! Now what are you doing with all the money you're saving? At $3.50 - $4.00 a pack depending on brand you must have saved a shit load?
Congrats, we'll have to kill you off slowly now :-)
Good going XO. By my calculations, you have saved enough money to take your darling daughter to Disney World...c'mon dad.
D - actually, I didn't save anything. I blew it all on whores and whiskey. Baby steps!!
travel - I think this addresses your point as well.
Good for you buddy! I promise not to ask how its going ten days from now. That always pissed the smokers in my life right off...
PS: Keep up the whores and whiskey. You owe it to yourself
Three cheers for the X-Man!! Good on ya, mate!!
Heather - yeah, well, no way you were getting off so easy as to take care of me when I was hospitalized for mere lung cancer!
You wish!
I'm going for The Gold!
Colon Cancer baby!
"NURSE HEATHER!! My colostomy bag is full again! Damn those fish tacos!"
Congrats! I have been smoke free for about 15 years it is the best thing ever.
See why I don't come to any of these blogger meets?
My smoke screen!
You guys would have me sit- alone- and outside. g
Good job! You da man!
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