O'Reilly, Hannity & Beck.
The Triumvirate of Stupidity.
The Critical Mass of Spin.
These are my favorite sitcoms. Watching these flaccid, impotent, hate filled, narrow minded, bigoted, gas bags, foam at the mouth and try to find creative, new ways to scream racist epitaphs, generate FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) and divide the country is FUNNY AS HELL!
Because NO ONE IS LISTENING! They are on the last ship of conservatism sailing into oblivion, yelling back to the people on the shore who have turned their backs and headed in a new direction.
The People have spoken. We tried Your Way.
It resulted in an unwinnable, undeclared war on a military tactic rather than an actual enemy.
It resulted in us walking away from everything this country used to stand for.
It resulted in the United States of America imprisoning and torturing people in perpetuity without a single shred of credible evidence of any wrong doing.
It resulted in a complete stripping away of any assumed right to privacy or anonymity of American citizens.
It resulted in spreading our military forces so thin, for so long, that we are no longer a credible military threat to anyone and everyone knows it except us. This is why Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons and North Korea is about to launch a "satellite". Because they don't think we can do anything about it. And they're right! We can't!
It resulted in rampant, unregulated, corruption and greed in the financial industry that has completely bankrupted this country and thrown over 8% of the population into unemployment. And it ain't over. Unemployment will top 10% before we hit bottom.
It resulted in a Fuck You Culture. "I have mine, fuck you! Go get yours, if you can, I could give a shit."
Well, the pendulum has swung the other way and it is your own fault if it smacks you square in the balls.
The political winds and the ethnic demographic of this country have changed. For the better.
Buh bye bigoted, old, conservative, religious, white, Republicans. Have fun stormin' the castle!
The fact that you think so passionately in these terms shows that these three people and everyone like them are winning.
emaw - To paraphrase Inigo Montoya, "That word you keep using... 'winning' ...I do not think it means what you think it means."
Ah. I see my comment may have been a little too subtle.
Try this: The three men you mention above, along with Olberman, Maddow, John Stewart and others, "win" when they get their audience (and bloggers who claim not to pay attention to them) to continue to buy in to the notion that there are two political parties in this country that are in an eternal struggle for control of the government.
As long as people continue to think in terms of Republican/Conservative vs. Democrat/Liberal, the public mouthpieces of both so-called parties win.
But the increasingly more obvious truth is that our country is not run by Democrats (very few of whom are liberal) or Republicans (very few of whom are conservative). It's run by mostly by alumni of Goldman-Sachs.
Hey, don't take my word for it.
emaw - "The three men you mention above, along with Olberman, Maddow, John Stewart and others, "win" when they get their audience (and bloggers who claim not to pay attention to them) to continue to buy in to the notion that there are two political parties in this country that are in an eternal struggle for control of the government.
As long as people continue to think in terms of Republican/Conservative vs. Democrat/Liberal, the public mouthpieces of both so-called parties win."
If you can't see that there is a very significant difference to the way the Bush administration and the Obama administration approached...well, EVERYTHING, then you are willfully ignoring the facts.
I read your post about the article in The Atlantic and wasn't the least bit disturbed by it. In fact, I couldn't understand why YOU were so disturbed.
I don't find it a bit surprising that virtually all administrations choose their Treasury Secretaries and Federal Reserve chairs from the financial industry.
Where the fuck do you want them to choose people from? College basketball teams? Game show hosts? Travel agents?
If you are going to put someone in charge of the American economic engine, shouldn't they know something about it?
It also doesn't surprise me that when their short stint in government is done, they return to the industry they came from. Are you advocating mandatory retirement for anyone serving in a cabinet level position?
You may also notice that when an administration chooses a Chief of Staff for the Marine Corps, it tends to be a Marine. Not the owner of a fast food franchise.
When appointing people to high-level government positions, it is not a bad thing to pick people who have some experience in that area.
For instance, if I were president, I would appoint you to the new cabinet position of Secretary of Conspiritorial Paranoia and Cynicism. But you would have to be a 33rd degree Mason, a member of the Tri-Lateral Commission, and a Rosecrucean in good standing in order to qualify for the position.
Can I get an invite to the Masons?
"But you would have to be a 33rd degree Mason, a member of the Tri-Lateral Commission, and a Rosecrucean in good standing in order to qualify for the position."
Hey, I've already got two out of those three, so I'm in pretty good shape.
What I found most disturbing wasn't who was being appointed (although I find it interesting that you didn't apply this line of thinking to the position of POTUS -- you basically advocated choosing the least experienced guy of the bunch), but rather how much power is being accumulated to so few people who have so little incentive or apparent willingness to use is properly.
If you can't see that there is a very significant similarity to the way the Bush administration and the Obama administration approached...well, EVERYTHING, then you are willfully ignoring the facts.
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