Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Dark Side of Greg Beck's per-fuckin-fect fried chicken

Today, I made my latest batch of Greg Beck's per-fuckin-fect fried chicken for my daughter, young Galadriel Tanqueray Onassis, her friend Kelcie and my own BFF.

I'm not saying it was my best batch ever, but it was pretty much my best batch ever. It was accompanied by a Caeser salad, Greg Beck's fries which are cooked in the same oil as the chicken, a couple of egg-brushed rustic french loaves spread with real butter, and polished off by a Tippins Caramel Apple Pie topped off with Vanilla Bean ice cream.

It was EPIC! The spontaneous reviews were "Toolicious!" and "Stupid good!". I'm taking some leftover chicken in to work for a friend who has never had it before and she be delighted.

But as I was cleaning up, I noticed something kind of disgusting.

This is what a bottle of virgin Canola oil looks like.

This is what that same Canola oil looks like after being brutally ass fucked by Greg's chicken and fries recipe.

Reuse, for any purpose, is contraindicated. It's given all it has to give. You got to throw that shit out!


  1. Yep, that's the truth. I tried to save the oil once and I would not recommend it.

  2. That bottom picture is also what your blood looks like after eating the fried chicken, butter-soaked bread, caramel apple pie and ice cream.

    Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  3. emawkc - If that's the price I have to pay for such incredible deliciousness, it is well worth it!

    Although having a taxpayer funded, single-payer, socialist health care system to unclog my aged arteries after the feast would also be Uber Awesome!

  4. Have you tried straining the oil through a cheesecloth lined sieve? It should do a few more fry sessions.
