Monday, December 27, 2010

Reader Alert Redux

Hey folks! Remember a couple of weeks ago when I had to lock down the comments with Comment Moderation to keep all you lovely folks from getting hit with spam comments?

Of course you do. I however, had mostly forgotten about it and the blog had become severely constipated with unreviewed comments.

Good news for you, the cyber-sphincter has been relaxed and the backlog of comments have been released.

Thanks to my buddy Jools for alerting me to the blockage. It's all cleared up now.

Henceforth, if you post a comment and don't see it, shoot me an email so I can release it. In the subject line of the email, type "Shit Or Get Off The Pot" so I know what its about.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you let someone take a picture of you on the toilet!
