Sunday, October 16, 2011

Images From The Last Day of the KC RenFest 2011

GTO and I hadn't been in several years, but my good friend Lyn came through with some free tickets. Thanks Lyn!


  1. I've long suspected that most of the "cast" at the Renaissance Festival don't know the first thing about the actual Renaissance.

  2. emawkc - You referring to the Star Wars Imperial Storm Trooper or the kid in the Wolverine costume?

  3. Renaissance Festival- a time to get dressed up in a funky costume, pay a cover to window shop and get suckered into paying too much for really cool shit. And a good time was had by all.

    Damn the torpedos and full speed ahead!!!

  4. Ren Fest? Oh ... I thought these were more pics from Occupy Wall Street ...

  5. You know have lived around here all my life and have never been to the local festival. Every year I say I am going to go and for some reason never make it.
