Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Favorite Photo Contest Results

On Christams Eve I launched a contest for your favorite XO Photos of 2011. The results are in!


Tied for 4th place with 1 vote each were:

King Kong Eats a Farm

Bennett's Garage

Missouri River Trees

In 3rd Place with 2 votes was:

Under The Bridge

In 2nd Place with 3 votes was:

Missouri River Sunset

The winner, by an overwhelming 5 votes was:

Cosby Hotel

This pleases me and thank you for your votes.

The fact that the Cosby Hotel photo won pleases me on many levels.

o It was one of the last photos I took using actual 35mm film with my old Nikon N80 before I made the switch to digital.

o The subject was suggested to me by my friend David Remley who is not only a professional photographer (unlike me) but a zealous advocate for historic preservation. I knew I would be switching to digital soon, I had a few rolls of B&W film left and was looking for a worthy subject. David suggested the Cosby Hotel which was scheduled to go under the wrecking ball. You can view the results of that photo essay here.

o I took the photos during a very rare and narrow opportunity when the windows had been removed and before they were boarded up. I didn't know that would be the case. It was pure serendipity and provided an unprecedented window on the past.

o The advice and feedback I received from David Remley while editing and processing the photos was invaluable. It was like taking an advanced photography course and I learned so much! Thank you David!

o It reminds me that simpler is better.

I need to have a high quality, large format print made and get it framed. When it's on the wall, 5 of you will be getting an invitation to a Super Deluxe Brunch to view the final product.

Thank you all for your support!


  1. XO - Somehow I missed the Vote.

    But I can tell ya that I never would have voted for Cosby Hotel - but rather for the three before that.

    : ]

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Your welcome and sue you're wrong. :)

  4. The Cosby shot is cool, XO, I just preferred the bridge shot if I was going to enlarge it and hang it on a wall.

    Happy New Year.

  5. King Kong Eats A Farm?

    Assuming the crop pictured is Zea Maize I would not want to be near him when the inevitable fluidic voiding of his colon occurs. It will bring new meaning to the term 'pyroclastic flow'.

  6. I can get you a 5x8 canvas print for free. Shoot me an e-mail and I will put you on contact with the appropriate party :)

    Nice shots, I did not vote because I loved them all.

  7. Sorry I missed the vote. Would have tossed one down for Bennett's Garage.

    I'm a fa f photos of old signage and have spent a lot of time photographing old movie marquees and drive in theaters.

    They'll be completely extinct before we know it.
