Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The "Plan B Initiative"

I've had several discussions with some of my friends recently regarding our so called "Golden Years".

They aren't looking all that fucking "golden".

For a variety of reasons unique to each of us, we find ourselves with the following circumstances in common.

1: No retirement savings. No 401K. No inheritance. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Once we quit working and the paychecks stop coming in, we are well and truly fucked. We are all living paycheck to paycheck so the end will come swiftly and without mercy.
2: We are all in our early/mid/late 50's and our 60's are looming ominously large.
3: None of us have a Significant Other or see any likely prospects on the horizon.
4: None of us are particularly keen on the idea of living the rest of our lives alone, in Section 8 Housing, living from Social Security check to Social Security check at the whim of the fucktards in Washington who don't give a flying fuck about any of us.

So we've been informally entertaining the idea of returning to our Hippie roots and starting what we call "The Plan B Initiative".

The basic idea is that if we reach "a certain age" (which we each define differently), still don't have a "Significant Other", and are faced with a drastic change in lifestyle, we can pool our resources and form our own micro retirement community. What we used to call a Commune. But with more responsible finances, better hygiene and less patchouli.

We haven't worked out all of the kinks yet. In fact, we haven't even discussed any of the kinks. We are barely past the "yeah, it might come to that" level.

But let's look at the options:

1) Living alone on the edges of substinence until we die.
2:) Living in a low rent retirement home full of ancient, demented strangers.
3:) Being a burden on our children.
4:) Forming a small community of friends with shared goals, shared values and shared resources.

I vote for Option 4.

We have about 10 years to come up with a plan and iron out the wrinkles. I think we can make this work. It's at least worth a try.


  1. Count me in sounds like a good idea.

  2. Retirement conversations between my wife & myself led to 2 discoveries.
    1. We both wanted to live on water (so were thinking lake front)
    2. She doesn't want to retire with just me.
    After agreeing to look for property in a warmer state on a lake she invited her 1 year younger never been married sister to throw in with us. Sis now has her house on the market is living in our basement and we're making plans for all 3 of us to find a suitable crib.

  3. It's not too late to start to save something, even if it's a very small amount. There is a way to do it but you have to give up something, or, you have to get creative and find a way to make some extra money.

    For example, I started an Etsy shop selling vintage jewelry. I usually buy the jewelry at antique shops (once in a while estate sales) and turn around and sell it for a profit. Now, I had some knowledge of vintage jewelry when I started and I've studied it intensely for the past couple of years, but everybody has expertise in something or can learn. With your love of taking photos, XO, did you know people sell photos as art on Etsy? There are literally hundreds of thousands of different things for sale there or at other venues. I probably only make a few thousand a year, but I do it more as a hobby than anything else. But, I do know people who do make a living at it.

    Just some thoughts. Thankful I had a 401K and pension.

  4. Not a bad plan.Except you'd be lucky to get section 8 housing, it's in short supply. Saving now is futile, even if you save a little, it won't cover more than a year or two of your lavish lifestyle. consider moving to the country, you will blend right in.

  5. Do what is necessary to avoid Option 2, XO.

  6. If you're not tied to staying in the Meth capital of the world, you might want to consider moving to a rural county where living expenses are lower (housing is more affordable, etc) and the communities tend to support their members a bit better.

    There's even a program in Kansas that will give five years of now income taxes if you move to a "rural opportunity zone."

    Also, there may be some tax and estate planning advantages if you all move to Utah and marry each other.

  7. XO - At this point in time - I would say that my Golden Years are rather tarnished.

  8. Dude.. We won't really let u go to Shirkeys calm down old man ;)

  9. XO - That's one goodlookin' Elvis suit - if ya ask me.

  10. Hell of an idea. I'm sure glad I have a pension. May make things a bit easier

  11. "......Forming a small community of friends with shared goals, shared values and shared resources....."

    Unlike the Canadas, which is a country that works in practise, but not in theory, your Utopia is flawed.

    The sign will start off:

    "Four legs good. Two legs bad."

    And end up:

    "Four legs good. Two legs better."

    Y'all will still have to deal with the 'Tragedy of the Commons' too.

    Sooner or later a splinter group will come for Piggy's glasses and care nowt for the conch.

  12. Look at becoming an Expat. Mexico is still pretty cheap, I like Guatemala myself. Rents in safe areas can be had as low as $100 a month, medical care is silly cheap. Food can be much cheaper if you shop in the places that cater to the locals. I did a two month trial run to Antigua Guatemala a few years ago, I stayed with my brother in a rented condo on the outskirts of town. It ran less than $1500 a month for my share and we ate all of our meals out, if you were willing to cook in then it would be much less.
