Yes. Register All The Guns.
It's just common sense. If you buy a gun, Society has an interest in knowing that you own that gun and you should be required to carry liability insurance on any damage caused by that gun. If you walk into a gun store to buy ammunition, you should be required to show proof of ownership of a firearm that requires that ammunition and show proof of liability insurance for said firearm. There should also be a reasonable round-per-day limit on ammunition purchases. Any purchases of semi-automatic weapons or clips exceeding 10 rounds should be restricted to law enforcement or military personnel. Rather than making everyone's medical and mental health records available to law enforcement or gun dealers, everyone's gun and ammunition purchases should be available to medical professionals. If a possibly psychotic patient presents himself with a desire to do harm, the clinician should be able to query a federal database and see "this person doesn't seem to own any weaponry that presents a real and present danger to anyone", or "this person purchased 12 semi-automatic weapons and 5000 rounds of ammunition 6 months after filing for unemployment, 4 months after declaring bankruptcy and 2 months after his wife filed divorce papers in Lafayette County". A doctor should be able to file a "reasonable cause" block to further gun and ammo purchases and require that person's home to be searched and have any dangerous weapons legally removed and held in safe keeping until the individual is deemed responsible. This makes sense.
Those who would give up liberty for security, deserve neither. You deserve neither.
Every gun should have a title. Just like a car. Every time it trades ownership, there is a record of who sold it and who bought it and for how much.
Every change in title should be recorded within 30 days. Any theft or loss should be recorded within 30 days and be accompanied by a police report and insurance claim.
When the gun drops off of the ownership/insurance trail...that's where you have a problem and focus on accountability.
All good ideas. Can't wait to hear the bat-shit crazies reply.
No one has ever made any connection to registration preventing any illegal shooting. What is known is that its the prelude to confiscation. Just try and get mine. In fact, I bet your hiding under your bed already because the unicorn is loose in your house and your scared. This is pure stupid.
The problem overall is not and never has been lawful gun owners. As tragic as the rare school shooting is, they are a drop in the bucket when compared to the every day never ending killings in the urban core. I've known more criminals than you can count. Having been one myself I can tell you with certainty, criminals do not give a fuck what kind of new laws you pass. Look at Chicago. The people killing one another are not buying guns legally. Chicago has gun laws out the wazoo. It is also the most violent shit pile in the country. In a nutshell, this latest gun control bid has nothing to do with keeping people safe. It's about making one side look like hillbillies clingin to Gawd n Guns. You know that. This is about politics and winning elections.
It's a little funny to me (funny strange) that the same people who insist that a person should not be able to vote without showing a photo ID are the most resistant to any sort of registration or regulation of firearms
You know me. You've met me. Yet you think it would help if I would turn in my Springfield 9 mm with a 19 capacity magazine? And then I should get a title and insurance for my shotgun and when I give it to my son-in-law, I should get a change in title within 30 days, etc. etc..
Really? Ya think that's going to help society? Are you really that afraid of me? lol
Anonymous - "No one has ever made any connection to registration preventing any illegal shooting."
That's because no one has ever tried it. Let's give it a shot (see what I did there?) and see what happens.
"Just try and get mine."
Oh, go pound sand up your ass "tough guy". I don't want your fucking gun, but if the Feds decide they want your gun, I don't think you have the balls or the arms to defend yourself against Predator drones with Hellfire missiles, M1A Abrams Main Battle Tanks or Seal Team 6.
Save the "tough talk" for your bar buddies. Nobody here is impressed with your efforts to overcompensate for having a tiny little dick.
Mark - "The problem overall is not and never has been lawful gun owners."
That's not entirely true. The Sandy Hook shooter obtained his arsenal through legal means that could have been mitigated. He wasn't out in some dark alley buying a single handgun with the serial number removed so he could hold up a liquor store.
Same is true with that "Joker" fuck who shot up the movie theater. He bought all of that stuff legally.
If we tightened the laws around buying, owning and possessing, these wackos couldn't have amassed such a huge arsenal so easily.
"As tragic as the rare school shooting is, they are a drop in the bucket when compared to the every day never ending killings in the urban core."
That's true. I'll give you that. But here's the thing. Nobody gives a flying fuck at a rolling donut about "the every day never ending killings in the urban core."
Those are criminals killing criminals over criminal activity and it is confined (for the most part) to the handful of zip codes where that shit goes down. They have their own channels for getting illegal guns an no legislation is going to impact them. I agree. But they are a sort of "self contained" problem that very rarely bleeds over into the rest of society.
L A - I know you don't agree with what I just said to Mark because you support Alonzo (who I think serves himself above all others) but I do agree with what you just said.
Jools - No, I'm not afraid of you! I mean, I would be if I came down there and tried to do you wrong...I'd be very afraid! LOL!
I'm just saying that tracking the provenance of gun ownership from the point of manufacture shouldn't be that big of a deal.
We do it with cars, we should be able to do it with guns.
If a gun is found at a crime scene, it shouldn't take the police more than 10 seconds to locate the most recent lawful owner of that gun and ask that person some questions.
"Do you still own it?" No? "Did you sell it to someone?" No? "Was it stolen?" Yes? "Did you file a police report within 30 days as required by (my new) law?" No? Why not?"
There is nothing unreasonable or burdensome about having a trail of ownership for deadly weapons.
Come on xo criminal elements are not contained to a certain area. Willie sutton said he robbed banks because that's where the money is. I could rattle off a few dozen robberies turned murder, wrote about most of them. For every gangsta on gangsta killing there is a gangsta killing some grandma on her front porch or some baby asleep too close to a window. There were over 70,000 attempts by felons to purchase a pistol or rifle through the regular background check system . The feds prosecuted less than 40. The problem isn't not enough law, the problem is that laws in place agent prosecuted. Trust me, I don't allow guns anywhere near me. I don't want to do 120 months. I do however respect the rights of those who legally and responsibly own guns. I also am sympathetic to their mistrust of a govt who talks out of both sides of their neck. Many of the political reps who are in favor of more gun control want to go farther than registration. People don't trust them and I don't blame em a bit. This is one of those debates where a middle ground doesn't exist.
Scuse the auto correct typos.
Mark - "Come on xo criminal elements are not contained to a certain area."
Sure they are. Nobody in my neighborhood or yours would think twice about taking a walk after 10pm and enjoying a pleasant night.
But if we lived at 27th & Euclid we would have bars on our windows and wouldn't dream of stepping foot on our porch after sundown.
"There were over 70,000 attempts by felons to purchase a pistol or rifle through the regular background check system . The feds prosecuted less than 40."
Now wait just a goddamn minute! You can't claim that felons won't try to buy guns legally and then turn around and claim that 70,000 felons were turned away by existing laws.
One of these things might be true, but both of them can't be true.
Now, all that aside, lets do lunch this weekend. Saturday or Sunday at Little Richard's?
Might have to wait a week. But soon for sure. I didn't say that they don't try, i said something to the effect that it isn't how they obtain them for the most part.
Background checks don't bother me...I'd vote for em but I see that went down to defeat and Obama near had a hissy fit.
The whole world is upside down. The Congress and the President are upside down. care..N. Korea...I don't even know where to begin. Everything is so f...d up.
I may crash your lunch with Mark just cause...let me know.
Jools - I would LOVE to have you join Mark and I for lunch, if that's OK with Mark.
That would be awesome.
"hissy fit," is that a technical term or a secret code word for tea-baggers?
XO said,
".......Jools - I would LOVE to have you join Mark and I for lunch, if that's OK with Mark........"
That was on April 17, 2013. Did Jools kill you during your lunch date?
Where are you?
I finally post some new crap on my blog and y'all disappear!
Oh and it's "join Mark and me for lunch".
And what's this? Comment Moderation AND robot disproving? I would think with the former the latter is redundant.
Sheesh! Yankees!
Harvard just recently came out with the conclusion of a gun control study. Harvard discovered that more gun control and restrictions does not equal to a reduction in crime.
You sir, would be warmly welcomed in other societies bankrupt of liberty and personal protection.
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