Monday, July 02, 2007

Last Reminder

Monday, July 2


Mickey's Irish Pub
420 NW Englewood

Click on the blog title for a link to a map.

Hope to see your face in the place.

Thanks to nightmare over at Smell's Like Bullshit for organizing this little get together.

I think Michelle, frog pajamas the Cubicle Gangsta and Heather from General Blather will be there. Who else is coming?

How about you? Yeah, I'm talkin' to YOU! You gonna be there? You fuckin' better be there!


Faith said...

Dammit, I didn't know it was gonna be up there! I can't make it.

You know, there ARE us bloggers that live and work in JoCo. Just sayin'...

Janet said...

We can't make it, sorry. :(

Between the kidlets and the drive (we're also south, just on the MO side), it's just not feasible.

FletcherDodge said...

I was going to go as well, but my passport isn't up-to-date. Do they speak English that far north?

Spyder said...

I'm going! And I need a beer!

Happy In Bag said...

Next time around. Have one for me.

Dan said...

I would definitely come up there, but I'm afraid of moose. And Frances Semler.

Webmiztris said...

not a chance....that's WAY too far away for me....LOL

have fun!

Nightmare said...

What a bunch of pussies! what are you all afraid of white people? Lack of pretentious rich people? Cars on Blocks? what is it??!!!

Groucho K. Marx said...

I have a thing about bridges.

Broadway- Chouteau- Lloyd- Jeff and Beau.

Besides- it's after 5 before I read this....