I'm Evil, Goddamnit!

How evil are you?
I'm the very embodiement of EVIL and you all know it!
I reek EVIL!
I ooze EVIL!
I have a secret lair filled with bikini clad ninja babes, walls full of blinking lights, underground monorail, the works!

I strike fear in the hearts of anyone who knows me.
So I took the test again!

How evil are you?
Okay, that can't be right either.
Stupid fucking internet test.
I have to go iron my EVIL slacks, fold my EVIL clothes and clean my EVIL kitchen.
Because I'm EVIL, Goddamnit!

(Lee will know why I closed with this pic)
hahahahhahahahhahahahahahah! I knew that already.
pure evil here, fuck you very much.
It says I'm pure evil too. This is without even selecting Canada once. Something must be broken.
I was pure evil as well. Probably because I know you should always "blame Canada".
razza-frazza frickin-frackin interweb test!
You're not evil, just wannabe evil.
Pure Evil. Maybe that's because I like Half Rabbit and Poodles.
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