My Silver Surfer Tie Redux

I was given a Silver Surfer Tie

by a co-worker and former Boston University classmate of Alfre Woodard

who informed me that "I can tell that when you were young

(me when I was young - SPOILER!!)
you hung out with more black folk than was good for you."

(bonus points to anyone who recognizes the above musician and correctly identifies him in the comments)
True. So very true.
We have a winner!
"Doc said...
Solar Eclipse? hell, that was a band here a lomg, long long time ago. the only name i remebr from that was Jimmy Dykes...."
Holy Shit, Doc! That's close enough!
The guy in the picture (taken by a German foreign exchange student in 1971) is Randy Grayson, the drummer and sometimes sax player for the Solar Eclipse.

He later joined the funk band "Clyde N'Em & Her" and toured the world.

I believe he can still be heard locally, although I'm not sure who he is playing with these days.
Jimmy Dykes was indeed the lead guitar player and singer of Solar Eclipse who later went on to fame as a local jazz guitarist and toured with Oleta Adams.

J.T. Lynn, the keyboard/sax player for the band is now a succesful sideman and arranger in Branson. Last I heard he was working for that Japanese fiddle player. Never can remember his name.

Not bad for an early '70's high school garage band from Excelsior Springs.
How many garage bands do you remember who had a "James-Brown-tight" horn section?
The Solar Eclipse did.
I once saw them take two listens to a brand new song ("Vehicle" by the "Ides of March") then go into the studio (garage) and perform it flawlessly the first time out. Nobody wrote down shit. They just listened to it and played it. They were that fucking good.
And now, Doc, for the $6 million dollar the fuck do you know about the Solar Eclipse?
Feel free to email me privately at xo64068 at yahoo dot com.
I simply must know.
Ike Turner?
Jimmy J.J. Walker (DY-NO-MITE!!!!)
Darren - Umm, no.
Hint 1 - Local musician.
Hint 2 - You have too many balls.
no guess but you were so cute and innocent looking!
local musician-cuts out my guess-Michael Jackson. has to be Charlie Parker.
Hendrix, no doubt.
I have no clue who the musician is - probably because he was never on American Idol -- but shout out to the NJ pics!! Damn you are fine XO!!!
rich sugg?
No clue, but great tie!
Charlie pride?
LOL, Dynomite makes me think of the human tornado...
Sonny Kenner?
you looked like john lithgow, right before he tried to shoot eastwood with the plastic gun.
None of you have correctly identified the mystery musician.
Nor did I expect you to.
The only clue that I can give you (which won't help you at all unless you already know the answer) is "Solar Eclipse".
MM - Sadly, possibly tragically, you are not the first to make the Lithgow comparison. NOTE TO SELF: Quit posting that fucking picture!
Solar Eclipse? hell, that was a band here a lomg, long long time ago. the only name i remebr from that was Jimmy Dykes....
Holy Shit, Doc! That's close enough!
The guy in the picture (taken by a German foreign exchange student in 1971) is Randy Grayson, the drummer and sometimes sax player for the Solar Eclipse.
He later joined the funk band "Clyde N'Em & Her" and toured the world. I believe he can still be heard locally, although I'm not sure who he is playing with these days.
Jimmy Dykes was indeed the lead guitar player and singer of Solar Eclipse who later went on to fame as a local jazz guitarist and toured with Oleta Adams.
J.T. Lynn, the keyboard/sax player for the band is now a succesful sideman and arranger in Branson. Last I heard he was working for that Japanese fiddle player. Never can remember his name.
Not bad for an early '70's high school garage band from Excelsior Springs.
How many garage bands do you remember who had a "James-Brown-tight" horn section?
Solar Eclipse did.
I once saw them take two listens to brand new song ("Vehicle" by the "Ides of March") then go into the studio (garage) and perform it flawlessly the first time out. Nobody wrote down shit. They just listened to it and played it. They were that fucking good.
And now, Doc, for the $6 million dollar the fuck do you know about the Solar Eclipse?
Feel free to email me privately at xo64068 at yahoo dot com.
I simply must know.
I thought Clyde N'Em & Her was a red herring.
But I found this cool list when I checked into it:
Damn hippies...
I read what that chick Lisa Crawford had to say about Remon Grayson. I was raised with Remon on North Main Street. We have kept in touch all of these years. All is true except the fact that she said "Remon has became a good drummer in the past few years." That is a bunch of crap!!!! The last solo I heard him play on drums in 2008, sounded like a cross between Buddy Rich and Clyde Stubblefield. He has played drums all of his life. Since he was two years old, according to his Mother. He was also the Drum Major for The Excelsior Springs High School Marching Band. I remember one Friday evening in Richmond,Mo. "The Solar Eclipse" played at a park. After putting on one hell of a show, Remon walked to the back of the stage and got on Lisa Crawford's drumset and the band went into Cold Sweat and then into a James Brown Medley of songs. Remon sounded just like the James Brown drummers, playing lick for lick. When he took a solo, the people were amazed, because they thought he was only a sax player. It turns out that he was the best drummer I heard there that night. He also did shows with a band called Clyde "Nem & Her". They traveled across the U.S.A. and also in Europe and Japan. Remon entertained, by dancing, playing sax, keyboards, and drums throughout those shows. It was in Las Vegas where he played on the strip dancing and playing sax and drums. He also played drums with the Platters in San Diego Calif. He was a demo drummer out in the Hollywood Calif area for two major recording studios. He is rehursing locally for now, but they are gearing up to go back on the road and tour. The band is an alternative band. The bass player in the band with Remon is from a band called "Sly & The Family Stone". They recorded together in Las Vegas. Word has it, that they may be hooking up with a guitar player that toured with Prince. Remon is a very good friend of mine. We keep in touch. He is a BADD ASS DRUMMER FROM WAY BACK!!!! He can also entertain the crowd either on the front line or from the drumset. It depends on his mood.
Yours truly,
Loyal Friend.
Remon is an amazing drummer. I have had the honor of jamming with him on several occasions. He has even filled in for my band Shades of Grey as recently as May of 2009. I have some current pic's from One Eye'd Jacks with Remon behind the kit.
p.s. clyde bagley of (clyde em & her) died in las vegas in 1984 at umc he marry the keyboard player bj billie jo miller some of the player stayed around but are gome now when i hookup with them neckbone was on drums greg banister on guitar michael rolshawn on bass & reg on sax & clyde on trumpet oh man what a sound they had from greg browne aka the hears of las vegas
I had the honor of playing with an incarnation of "Eclipse" with Ramon Greyson, and Jimmy Dykes. We were a blend of two bands, the "Lost Souls" and "Solar Eclipse" after Grace Crawford, Martha Lynn, J.T. Lynn and their original trumpet player left the band to go away to college. We expanded the band to a full horn section, (I, being one of the trumpet players.) I can tell you, that band kicked like few others I have played with since. Ramon and Jimmy totally drove that band with their raw talent and energy. I was with them probably a year or so. We played around the midwest, mostly colleges and some club work. This was before Ramon went on to "Clyde and Him" and Jimmy went on to "Oleta Adams".
Lee Watkins, KCMO
(by the way, Grace Crawford and I still play back the great James Brown routines to each other from time to time! Ramon was the best!)
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