This is ridiculous
Dunkin' Donuts pulls Rachael Ray ad
BOSTON (AP) -- Dunkin' Donuts has pulled an online advertisement featuring Rachael Ray after complaints that a fringed black-and-white scarf that the celebrity chef wore in the ad offers symbolic support for Muslim extremism and terrorism...
...Conservative commentator Michelle Malkin complained that the scarf wrapped around her looked like a kaffiyeh, the traditional Arab headdress. ''The kaffiyeh, for the clueless, is the traditional scarf of Arab men that has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad,'' Malkin wrote in her syndicated column...
...Popularized by Yasser Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in beheading and hostage-taking videos, the apparel has been mainstreamed by both ignorant (and not-so-ignorant) fashion designers, celebrities, and left-wing icons," she said."
Here is a picture of Rachel wearing the scarf.

Here is a picture of Arafat wearing a keffiyeh.

Other than the fact that they are both made of black and white fabric, there is absolutely NO FUCKING SIMILARITY!
The pattern is completely different! If Arafat had worn a paisley patterned keffiyeh with sassy fringe, he'd have been ass-fucked by his own camel (more often than usual).
She's not wearing an keffiyeh! It's not wrapped around her head! It's a fucking scarf!
I swear to God if the right wing fucktards in this country were any more tight-assed, you could shove a lump of coal up their ass and get a diamond back in about 3 minutes.
In fact, I say we give this a try. Everybody go buy a bag of charcoal and....
Oh never mind.
they do it because they can and Rachel Ray needs ratings so she will comply. me-I'd make a whole outfit in this pattern and make my audience wear it too.
As always, XO, great post. The far right criticizes political correctness and they do this?
And, very honestly, I think that you and TKC are tied for best blog in this town. Good stuff.
who's rachael ray?
meesha - almost makes me want to invest the effort to see if Malkin and Ray are owned by the same media conglomerate playing them against each other to boost profits. Almost.
mainstream - "...I think that you and TKC are tied for best blog in this town..." I know you probably meant that as a compliment, but I'm not sure I can accept it that way.
doc - I'll explain who Rachel Ray is when you explain how you know about the Solar Eclipse.
I think we should all get black & white scarves in solidarity with Rachel Ray. LOL! This is ridickulous!
doc - Rachel Ray is a TV chef who is way hotter than Michele Malkin...root of the problem?
XO you are always good for a laugh. I love your blog! :)
ah, that explains it - we don't watch much tube here. thanks.
even given that, can't see the scarf issue. whole world's been going crazy for a while now.
...knew Jimmy Dykes casually way back when, sorta like i knew Really Bad Bart of Ace Pancakes and had run-ins with Al Dimeloa, Chick Corea and a buncha other musicians over the biggie.
Black and white scarves are being banned! What's next? I'm screwed. My classic checked Vans will be black-listed next, then maybe that black and white gingham shirt I have from my British-revival Ska phase I had back in the 80s. All those shops carrying this next fashion "must-have" are either going to make a killing or we'll see these tassle-y, tattered homeless-y looking accessories on the bargain table very soon.
If Rachel Ray makes one jihadist feel perkier, the terrorists win.
I think we're all missing something here...
That scarf looked really stupid. Crimes of fashion always deserve appropriate punishment! Well done, IMO.
I got some charcoal... anybody know where Phill Kline really lives?
These people are so desperate for anything at all to scream about that they take molehills and make mountains.
In a tangential thought, every time I see Arafat I laugh because my grandmother's brother looked EXACTLY like him (and no, he wasn't a jihadist, he was an Army demolitions expert...which on second thought is maybe the same thing under another flag...)
Anyway a few years back I was doing a lot of clothes shopping from overseas companies and I had been dealing with a company in Kuwait.
Citibank called me and was going to shut my account down over it. I tore their very nice customer service rep a new asshole, called them a bunch of xenophobic right-wing lunatics and explained that even if I WAS supporting terrorism, $58.95 won't get you very far.
They retained my account and gave me an enormous credit line increase.
I should have hit them with a lawsuit for discrimination or something. Then my credit would be limitless.
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