Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The War On Terror

I've spent so much time posting comments about other blogger's posts that I think I have this "war on terror" thing distilled down to just three scenarios.

I'd like my readers to vote on which scenario they think is most likely to win out.

SCENARIO 1 - The Neo-Conservative view:
We can defeat terrorism by simply killing all of the terrorists. Eventually they will realize that their cause is futile, and no longer take up arms against us because of our superior firepower and ideaology. Their friends and family will not seek revenge against us and become terrorists themselves. They will instead acknowledge that their brothers and sisters were "evil-doers" who deserved to die because they didn't believe in U.S. Democracy and didn't acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Personal Savior. All of the slain terrorists friends and relatives will embrace American-style Democracy, convert to Christianity and get jobs at the nearest Burger King.

For every "terrorist" we kill, we will spawn 2,6,10,20 new "terrorists" determined to avenge the death of their loved one. For every "terrorist" we torture to keep Americans safe, we will spawn GENERATIONS of radicals willing to become suicide bombers against American interests. For every "dictator" we over throw and replace with a "democracy", we will generate centuries of hate, animosity and suspicion from neighboring countries who wonder if they will be the next target of arrogant American Imperialism.

We stop terrorism by eliminating the causes of terrorism; the lack of hope for a just and properous future. We stop interfering in other countries based on greed and self preservation, and start cooperating based on self enrichment and empowerment. We stop talking down to other countries and dictating to them what they must and must not do, and start asking them "how can we help?" We stop viewing a willingness to talk as a sign of weakness, and start an open dialog with anyone willing to talk. We treat everyone with the same respect that we expect of them.

Those are the three choices that I see. But I'm open to suggestions. I wish more people were. Post them here if you have them.


  1. Great post. Scenario 4: Whatever helps Halliburton is okay with us.

  2. LOL! Somehow, I think your Scenario 4 may be so closely tied to Scenario 1 as to be indistinguishable.

  3. Unfortunately, we have tried the third option in some cases (Somalia for instance, began as a food drive). But, as short sighted as this country is, we are also an impatient bunch, so it turns into do-it, do-it-now or I will put you in a corner. The Daily Show hosted the president of Pakistan last night, and (I will not even atempt to type his name for fear of insulting the man) made it clear on how he ended up chosing the current path for his people. The U.S. gave him 2 options, you are with us or against us. He seriously considered fighting us, but thought long term. Something this country has not done in since I was born. If you can see the eisode, please do. I am sleep depraved at the moment due to a huge wor load over the last 26 or so hours....

  4. We all know you're hiding Osama in your basement.

  5. I so wish the president of Pakistan was our president!

  6. Scenario #3 please, with a dash of #2 thrown in.

  7. I hereby nominate XO as Ambassador to Iran. In his gentle manner, he can explain how free speech is good for everyone and the occasional cartoon doesn't hurt anyone. He can offer to draw cartoons of Christ just to show Americans show no favoritism. He can kindly ask what can we do for the Iranian citizens, suggesting, for example, we launch a campaign to convert Americans to Islam in brotherhood. That will make Imadinnerjacket very happy. He can offer to help Iran with their nuclear program, for energy purposes of course. The list goes on and on...

    XO the possibilities are endless. Do it!

  8. XO I'm sorry. I must rescind your nomination. I just read your Shut the Fuck Up article and I am afraid for your bald head if you become Ambassador to Iran. I hope you understand.

  9. Travelingal - Awww. You're warming up to me! You're starting to realize that I am deeper and more complex than you thought! You're seeing that I'm not just a one-sided, knee-jerk, single-issue liberal idealogue.

    Dontchya just hate that shit?

    I know I do! LOL!
