Sunday, October 01, 2006

I'm a Pole Smoker

No, not me, you idiot!

I'm talking about Republican Congressman Mark Foley.

Don't get me wrong. Any regular reader of this blog knows that I don't have any problem with gay people. I'm especially fond of L E S B I A N S!!!! YUM!

No, its not the fact that Mark Foley is gay that is the problem. Barney Frank is openly gay and he has been an outstanding member of Congress.

The problem is that Republican Mark Foley appears to be a hypocrite and a child stalker.

He has the audacity to appear with John Walsh in 2005 to push for tougher sex-offender laws, while at the same time he is sending sexually expilicit emails to 16 year old male pages.

As appaling as his personal hypocrisy is, whats even worse is the hypocrisy of the Republican Leadership who was made aware of this at the time, and covered it up.

Why didn't Speaker Hastert call for this Justice Dept investigation a year ago?

The Republican Leadership is not calling for investigations and making public condemnations now because they have just heard about it and are OUTRAGED.

They are doing it now because their efforts at containment have failed and they are engaged in all-out damage control.

THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT THAT A HIGH SCHOOL AGED CHILD WAS STALKED AND WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE BY ONE OF THEIR OWN. If they did they would have called for this investigation a year ago. It's all about cover-up, spin and damage control.

Republicans cannot make any claim to "moral higher ground".

But then, we always knew that.


  1. I agree with you on this Foley thing. But, c'mon, Republicans don't have a monopoly on hypocrisy by any means.

  2. Yeah, protecting children is important!

    So important someone sat on these IMs and emails for 3 years.

    Good thing they nipped this in the bud.

  3. emaw - No, Republicans don't have a monopoly on hypocrisy.

    It's just a lot more satifying when it's revealed in their publically posturing, morally-high-ground-claiming, supercillious, holier-than-thou, pompous politicians.

    gitmo - thanks for stopping by buddy!
