Monday, April 16, 2007

Amazing New Discovery

OK, Living in the Scoot Utopia been blogging a lot longer than me. And I didn't really discover him so much as I read about him over at Tony's Kansas City.

So I discovered this blog in pretty much the same way Columbus discovered America.

But still, anyone who decides to walk from my adopted hometown of Liberty, MO to Olathe, KS, just to bisect the Greater Metropolitan Kansas City Area and blog about it impesses me greatly.

"Time started: 6:38am
Time ended: 9:35pm
Distance walked: 37.5 miles (new personal record!)
Steps taken: 69,800
Calories burned: 4,700"

If I go to the bank and the dry cleaners on the same day, I have to take a nap. If I walked from the Liberty Town Square to my house in Liberty, I'd need a hip replacement, foot surgery, a bottle of scotch and a full-body massage with a "happy finish".

He set up a website that he updated via his cellphone camera in realtime during the walk. Check it out at

I'm impressed and inspired! Tomorrow, I am going to take the elevator from the 13th floor to the 4th floor, and WALK the last 3 flights of steps to the lobby on my way to the coffee cart for a double espresso latte. I might even leave the building entirely and CROSS THE STREET to the Other Coffee Place and get my caffiene there.


  1. wow.

    Me, I'm happy walking 35 minutes on the treadmill at the gym! (they have childcare, too!)

  2. Walking!? Freakin' Ludites make me wanna puke. Somebody pass the pork rinds!

  3. "a massage with a happy finish" is probably the best line ive heard all week. But im so there. Its so impressive, and definitely something i would enjoy watching a documentary about. While finishing off the easter candy of course.
