Wednesday, April 18, 2007


UPDATE: As promised this morning, I am updating this post with proper links and correcting at least one glaring omission!!

Sorry I don't have time to search for an appropriate photo or graphic. This will be bare bones and quick.

The blog meet was, in my humble opinion, a huge success. Much thanks to Greg and Michelle for organizing it.

Got to meet so many wonderful local bloggers!! Happy In Bag, Three O'Clock in the Morning, Death's Door, Cubicle Gangsta, mToast, Well Hell Michelle, The Saders, Flogging America, My Spyderweb, Dangerblog...

I'm probably forgetting someone.

Oh yeah! NIGHTMARE from SMELLS LIKE BULLSHIT! Who is just like you imagine he would be. A hell of a guy and a lot of fun! He even brought his Bouby!

Tony's Kansas City was conspicuously absent. Probably because Eric Barton and Jason Harper from The Pitch were there.

Because I left early, I missed General Blather. Sorry dear!!! Next time!

It was great meeting everyone! We should definitely do that again. And again.


  1. it was a pleasure to meet you too and yes it would be great to all meet up again.

  2. It was definitely a success. Not having met anyone previously I felt pretty relaxed & welcomed. I would be game for a once a month who ever can make it type deal.

  3. Thanks for coming, I enjoyed meeting you. We need to give Planet Rusty shit for bailing on us :)

  4. Now I feel all left out...did I make such a small impression that you forgot me...:-(

  5. YEAH YEAH I'm a teasing! Had a blast and look forward to the next one.

  6. well...still sucks to be in ohio!

  7. Sorry I missed you. Next time stay longer!

  8. Seriously, your profile picture does not do those sunglasses justice.

  9. red - I'm SOOO confused! Does that mean that someone better looking than me should be wearing the RayBans?

    Beth said that I was "less bald in person". What did that mean? Did I need a shave?

    I'm in angst-overdrive!


    Seriously, I very much enjoyed meeting you both. Glad to have rediscovered your blog and hope to see you again soon.

  10. nightmare - sorry for the slight. I fixed it. I'm sorry I didn't get to spend more time with you but the impromptu logictics of the evening seemed to plot against it. Next time.

  11. mark - you didn't miss much. I'm much more interesting in cyber-space than I am in person. It's a whole lot easier to be witty and clever when you have google, spell checker and a couple of hours alone at your disposal.

    Besides, at 51 years old, 7:00pm is the new 3:00am.

    It was almost starting to get dark by the time I got home. WOO HOO!! ROCK & ROLL, BABY!!! Living life on the EDGE! Just like Keith Richards!

  12. XO- You didn't seem like the snort your dad type!

    So when & where next month are we meeting? Should we stick to Tuesday as we older people may still be fresher then, than say towards the end of the week. LOL!

  13. Sorry Xavier, it was me that said you were less bald in person.

    If you send me $8542.00, I'll tell you what both are supposed to mean.
