Sunday, August 31, 2008

"How The West Was Won"

"Cinerama is the trademarked name for a wide screen process which works by simultaneously projecting images from three synchronized 35 mm projectors onto a huge, deeply-curved screen, subtending 146° of arc, and for the corporation which was formed to market it. It was the first of a number of such processes introduced during the 1950s, when the movie industry was reacting to competition from television. Cinerama was presented to the public as a theatrical event, with reserved seating and printed programs, and audience members often dressed in best attire for the evening."

Cinerama was the IMAX of the early 60's.

This movie featured every major Hollywood Star of the time, was directed by John Ford, and had a running time of more than two and a half hours. Unheard of in 1963.

This was the epic, ground-breaking, must-see film of its time. We're talking Star Wars.

For the full effect, make sure you watch this clip in "full screen" mode and crank your sound.

The only Cinerama screen in Kansas City was the Empire.

That's where I forced my family to see 2001: A Space Odyssey.

I was 14. It was my birthday. I was expecting something along the line of The Green Slime.

I seem to recall an angry, father-led departure from the Empire theatre after the first 45 minutes of 2001: A Space Odyssey without any human dialogue, meteor showers or laser battles.

Strange Things Are Afoot At The Circle K

A couple of really weird things happened in the past few days.

The first one happened on the way to work Monday morning.

I was headed north on 291 when I glanced down at my dash and saw that all of my analog gauges were DEAD! No speedometer, no RPM, no temp, no battery, nothing. In place of my digital odometer, was the cryptic message "no bus".

But the jeep was still moving. It wasn't a catastrophic failure.

Just to see what would happen, I turned my headlights off (I always drive with my headlights on to increase my visibility to other drivers). All of a sudden, my gauges were back! I turned the headlights back on, and the gauges were still there!

Whew! WTF?

My first thought was that this was the first symptom of an irreparable electrical failure that would ultimately leave me without a vehicle, unable to get to work, jobless, unable to pay rent, and homeless. Shuffling along Independence Avenue with the crack whores and drug dealers.

That's the way my overly analytical mind works. From a single fact to absolutely worst possible case in a nano second. Because that's just how I fucking roll.

When I had more time to analyze the situation, I came up with a couple of more rational explanations.

The first scenario was that maybe I had a fuse going bad. That's possible.

But then I remembered that when I renewed my tags back in May, I failed the safety inspection because the driver's side high-beam was out. I had to rush out to O'Reilly's to get a new headlight. The O'Reilly's guy looked up my make and model and determined that I needed a Xenon bulb.

In a blatant attempt to up sell, he informed me that if you have a Xenon bulb on one side and a regular bulb on the other, the Xenon bulb doesn't last as long. It burns out faster. This makes some customers not like Xenon bulbs.

I passed on the attempt to double-dip my wallet and went out to the parking lot to install my new headlight and get my tags.

In the process I noticed that the passenger side headlight was, in fact, a regular bulb...not Xenon. Whatevies. I had just paid over $700.00 in personal property taxes and I just wanted to get my fucking tags. Wasn't really in the mood to spend anymore money.

But now I'm wondering if that could be the source of my "no bus" incident. Especially since switching the headlights on and off fixed the problem.

Maybe I won't wind up homeless and penniless, shuffling along Independence Avenue after all.

Maybe I just need to cough up $8.00 for a new fucking headlight from O'Reillys!

The second incident was extremely bizarre.

It involved on odd sound in the home.

It was a constant, semi-high pitched hum.

My first explanation was that it was coming from the H/AC vents. I had recently shut off every vent in the house except the ones in my bedroom and bathroom.

My bedroom faces west and sits above the garage, so it is hard to keep cool in hot weather. I was trying to force all of the AC upstairs into my bedroom and I thought that might caused a woodwind effect from the air blowing over the vanes in the vents.

Hey, it's possible.

But the really weird part was that the sound stopped if I turned on the water in my bathroom sink. It started up again as soon as I turned the water off.

What. The. Fuck?

I went downstairs for something and noticed that the sound got louder. Following the volume led me to the downstairs bathroom where I had a running toilet.

I've had problems with that toilet for some time now. I can't seem to get the float adjusted right and it tends to run.

I took the cover off the tank, fixed the float, and the sound immediately stopped!

In the most bizarre confluence of unlikely household circumstances I have ever encountered, the interaction between the waves generated in the tank by the running water and the phonograph needle effect of the float on the surface of the water seemed to be causing a sound to resonate through every water pipe in the house.

Fucking freaky!

I challenge all of you musicians and acoustic/vibration subject matter experts to tune your running toilets to make your water pipes sing and publish the results in a peer-reviewed journal.

Because I would LOVE to know how the fuck that could happen on its own, at random.

A Transcript

Actual conversation between XO and Galadriel Tanqueray Onassis:

XO: "See this shirt?"

GTO: "I wasn't going to say anything..."

XO: "I bought it at Gordman's for $7.50! I saved $37.00!"

GTO: "And you can't see why? Seriously, I love you dad, but you need to get some style!"

Saturday, August 30, 2008

I Partied Backstage With ZZ Top

I can't believe I haven't told this story before.

First we need to enter Mr. Peabody's WABAC Machine and journey back to 1975.

ZZ Top had just released their 4th album, "Fandango!" in April. This was the album that introduced the song "Tush" to the world.

As part of their World Tour, they were appearing at the newly built Kemper Arena, on Halloween.

The warm up act was Rory Gallagher.

The ZZ Top stage set was Texas-themed and had vultures tethered to perches and rattlesnakes under Plexiglas domes on stage. This was ZZ Top at the peak of their game.

It was a kick ass line up!

I was well known in Excelsior Springs for my high school theatrical performances and mad make-up skillz. Especially my live performances at the local movie theatres when they ran horror movie marathons. When I roamed the isles of the local movie houses in my Wolf Man makeup, the bitches screamed and the men shit their pants.

Charley came from a monied family. Charley's dad was a local politician of some note. Charley was well known for making spontaneous appearances at keggers in his full body gorilla costume. Over the drunken years, the gorilla costume had accumulated some wear. The gorilla fur had some patchy spots.

But Charley was determined to mount an all out party offensive on the ZZ Top Halloween concert. He had a bunch of tickets, some hot-ass bitches, and he needed help.

Charley offered my broke ass a free ticket and free transportation to the concert if I could patch up his gorilla suit and provide Halloween makeup for his friends and bitches.

I seem to recall their were some free fungus-based "refreshments" included as well. Did I mention this was 1975?

It was an offer I couldn't refuse.

So I patched up his gorilla suit.

I applied the obligatory Vampirella makeup on the hot bitches in the low-cut vamp-cleavage outfits.

"We have to get the make-up applied as far down your chest as possible. Otherwise it won't look right. Trust me. I'm a professional."

Yeah. A 20 year old "professional" with a woody that could break a 2x4 because I was feeling up MILF tits. HAWESOME!

Charley was quite a site at the concert. Picture a gorilla wearing exotic cowboy boots, a big-buckle belted "ZZ Top Fandango!" t-shirt, and a big black cowboy hat. He spent most of the concert roaming the arena while we just enjoyed the show. We eventually lost track of him entirely.

When the show was over and everyone was dispersing, we were looking for Charley. He was our ride. We were asking everyone "Hey man, have you seen a gorilla in a ZZ Top t-shirt wearing cowboy boots?" It was 1975. Reactions were mixed.

As the crowd got really thin and the lights got really bright, we were reduced to asking the roadies on stage if they had seen our gorilla.

One of them said "Yeah. He's backstage with the band."


"Tell him we need a ride! We're stranded!"

Instead of Charley coming out, we got a member of the crew inviting us in with backstage passes!

They guided us through the labyrinthine service corridors of Kemper Arena until we reached ZZ Tops tour digs.

And there they were. Billy Gibbons. Dusty Hill. Frank Beard. Surrounded by their fawning minions and adoring groupies.

Their were 50 gallon plastic drums filled with ice and beer.

They were all talking to fans and signing autographs.

The drummer, Frank Beard, had a system.

A hottie groupie would go and fetch him an ice cold beer from the tub while he signed autographs. When she arrived with the beer, he would stop signing autographs while he pretty much chugged the beer straight down.

Drumming for ZZ Top is hard fucking work!

Then he would dispatch her to fetch him another beer while he signed a few more autographs until she returned. When she returned with the beer, he would stop signing autographs while he chugged THAT beer straight down.

This pattern continued the entire time we were backstage.

At first, I was determined to be cool. I wasn't going to be some dipstick fanboy and ask for an autograph. I was going to act like I BELONGED backstage.

Until I finally sobered up enough to realize that everybody else was getting autographs. It was pretty much the only reason we were there (it certainly wasn't because Billy Gibbons spotted us from stage and told his roadies "That guy! Right there! He's the one I want to party with when I get off work! Bring him back stage! He's cool!")

So I finally grabbed a B&W 8x10 band photo off the stack and presented it to each of them for autographs.

I would love to scan it and post it, but much like the 10 Commandments and Joseph Smith's Golden Tablets, my autographed ZZ Top photo has been lost to history. I last remember having it in a rented home in Raytown.

At the end of the night, Frank Beard was too drunk to walk and had to be carried out of Kemper Arena into the waiting tour bus.

Friday, August 29, 2008

I Would Vote For John McCain!

If he had chosen Micheal Palin...

instead of Sarah Palin...

Although I would totally tap that!

Repeatedly, enthusiastically, energetically, and with indescribable debauchery and perversion.

Because that's just how I roll.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

New Voice Comments left at 816-533-8030 ------------>

Well, this is one way of doing it.

It could probably use some tweeking.

Maybe that should be tweaking.

Much thanks to Leigh Ann Little for solving the problem for me.

As always, she is THE BALLS (that's a good thing LA).

Whereas, The D sucks tritesticulated donkey ass and FAILS for his typically lame ass and expensive suggestion!

Anyway, here are a couple of recent voice comments left on my blog.

Call 816-533-8030 and leave one of your own!

Hello, Nightmare!

Talkin to Bill

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Photo Caller ID

So I made the switch from Verizon to T-Mobile, got a nifty new Samsung t429 and have spent ALL FUCKING DAY playing with it and configuring it.

Especially the phonebook. I've consolidate every phone number from two different yahoo contact lists and from my old phone. If I have your phone number, you are in the book.

I'm also trying to make sure that everyone is assigned to a group and that everyone has a picture for photo ID.

Here are the ones I have hooked up with a pic so far.

My 2nd Ex-Wife:

My 1st Ex-Wife:

(that really is her around the time we started dating...she still looks that good)

Well Hell Michelle:




Law School Bound:

I also have family photos for family members and I am searching for appropriate photos for the rest of you.

If you have a photo you think I should use for you, or better yet, if you have a photo you think I should use for someone else, please send them along!

Because until I find suitable pics, the default pic for all y'all is this:

For now, the wallpaper on my phone is this:

Next up...custom ringtones!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Midle Class Batman


Poached from io9:

"Middle Class Batman comes from artist Mike Mitchell, who's created a Dark Knight more in tune with these economic times: His idea is that all the same psyche-scarring things happened to this Bruce Wayne, but without that whole Wayne Family Fortune money. So, his parents are still dead and he still becomes Batman... just a Batman with a nightstick and without those awesome wheels."

Fucking awesome! His second most reviled arch-villain after the Joker? Union-busting SCABS!

Couldn't Agree More

Saw this on the bumper of the car in front of me today.

Cracked me up.

I Was Afraid Of This

So it's Joe Biden.

* sigh *


Biden's mouth. The guy is a loose cannon in love with the sound of his own voice.

36 years in the Senate. Not exactly what people think of when the word "change" is used. As Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the Senate Judiciary Committee, he is the quintessential Washington insider.


Biden's mouth. Because he has a reputation as a loose cannon, Obama will have plausable deniability for anything the guy says. If he can be controlled and "programmed", he could be the perfect attack dog.

36 years in the Senate. His experience counter balances Obama's percieved inexperience. His knowledge of Foreign Relations is second to none. Foreign leaders know who he is. He will bring gravitas to the ticket.

I really don't have anything against Biden. He certainly has the qualifications. My biggest fear is that if they can't control the words that come out of Biden's mouth, he could be a major distraction and liability during the campaign and for the next eight years.

There WILL be gafs. Guaranteed. The only real question is how serious and damaging they will be.

But, the decision is made. They didn't ask my opinion.

Now I would really, really like to see him announce that Bill Richardson will be his Secretary of State. In that position Bill Richardson should start a world tour the day after Obama is inaugurated. He should visit every single country on this planet, hold talks with the leaders of those countries, and begin repairing the damage that has been done by the current administration.

I also want President Obama to shut down every single secret prison, bring the so-called non-legal combatants into mainstream, due process, legal system. Tell the world who they are and the charges against them. Put them on trial and move them through the legal system as quickly as possible and make it all transparent to scrutiny by the rest of the world.

I think any instances where the United States has tortured detainees should be investigated and made public. Anyone involved needs to be held accountable. The United States needs to publically apologize to the world for all such instances and pledge that we will never, ever again treat anyone in our custody in such a manner.

The United States needs to hold itself to a higher moral standard than the people who want to attack us.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Obama Bayh?

I hope not. I still want Richardson or Sebelius.

But according to the Twitterverse and KMBC's own Michael Mahoney, that's what it looks like.

"KMBC's Micheal Mahoney reported that the company, which specializes in political literature, has been printing Obama-Bayh material. That's Bayh as in U.S. Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana. Word leaked out about the material as it was being printed up by Gill Studios of Lenexa. The Obama campaign had said it would make the announcement by text message on Friday."

Tom Lehrer on Wernher von Braun

What Font Am I? Who The Fuck Is Askin'?

More fucking accurate than any horoscope I've ever read. Especially the part about small doses. That's why I always leave early.

You Are Comic Sans

You are a nothing but a big goofball. You're quite playful and fun!

You're widely known for your zany personality and your vivacious attitude.

To say that you stand out in a crowd would be a definite understatement.

Remember that you are overwhelming at times and that people appreciate you best in small doses.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Galadriel Tanqueray Onassis

This little cutie just started her Freshman year in High School.

Smart as a rocket scientist. Tutors other kids in math. Makes good decisions. Makes good friends. Makes good grades. Never been in trouble. Adapts well to change and adversity. Loves to read. AWESOMELY wicked sense of humor. Drop dead gorgeous. Techno savvy. Has a personal sense of style that sets her apart from the crowd without being a freak.

She's taken dance and gymnastics, she's been a cheerleader and a football manager, she spent 3 weeks touring Australia as a Student Ambassador for People to People, Intl. and visited Washington , DC with her 8th grade class.

By bulking up on the carbs she managed to get herself from a size 0 to a size 1.

She recently discovered how fast she can run and may go out for track.

Has a vastly ecclectic taste in music that manages to sandwich Ray Charles and Aretha Franklin around Tokio Hotel.

All in all, I'm pretty damned proud. I enjoy her company.

She's my best friend.

Free Cannisters

No longer compatible with my decor.

You want 'em? They're yours.

Oh Noes! Nanobotz

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tonight's Featured Entree at Casa Onassis

Pan-seared, Wild Salmon fillet marinated in Robusto Italian dressing

Baked Stuffed Clam on the half shell, broiled to a finish with drizzled olive oil

Saffron seasoned, long grain rice

Savory, buttered bread sticks

Yes. I cook.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Simpsonized Super Heros

For Logtar

For May

Courtesy of io9.

For Fiery

That sultry atheist Fiery tagged me for this meme.

Well, I was a second-string tag because she knows I don't do very many memes. Anymore. Somewhat of a recovering memer.

And since my chicken pot pie won't be ready for another 19 minutes, what the fuck? Let's kill some time together.

1---Soda v. Pop. ~ I don't really make this distinction. All I drink is Diet Coke, so that's how I refer to it. Unless I'm being clever and witty, in which case I call it a Sody Pop! Which again, is no distinction. Is this the longest answer anyone hase ever given to this simple, binary, solution set? Because I could go on. There are cultural differences between yankees and southerners. All sorts of cultural nuances around this first question. But in the interest of time (pot pie done in 15 minutes), I'll stop. Let's move on.

2---Regular v. Diet Soda. ~ Um, see above. Next!

3---Diet Coke v. Diet Pepsi. ~ What the fuck? Are you, NASA? All "triple redundancy"? Asked and answered! Move along!

4---Beer v. Wine. ~ Fucking pussys. Neither. Bourbon.

5---White Wine v. Red Wine. ~ Jesus H. Christ in a Chicken Basket! Do you hear the words coming out of my mouth? BOURBON!

6---Panty v. Underwear. ~ Panty for wimmins, Underwear for doods.

7---Thong v. Other. ~ Thong for WILFs, Other for all the rest.

8---Silk v. Cotton. ~ Silk, baby!

9---Boxers v. Briefs. ~ White Cotton BVD Briefs up until my last divorce. Now I'm all about the silk boxers!

10---McDonald's v. Burger King. ~ Burger King! Although the Burger King guy in the commercials CREEPS ME THE FUCK OUT! But then so does a clown who hangs around kids.

11---Chocolate v. Vanilla. ~ Duh! Chocolate! The synonyms for "vanilla" are plain, boring, generic, yada, yada, yada. The synonym for "chocolate" is "ORGASM!" You do the math!

12---Sweet v. Savory. ~ How is this even a distinction? I call SHENANIGANS! Trick Question!

13---Plaid v. Solids. ~ Solids unless you are Scottish and can prove it by producing documentation and eating haggis without projectile vomiting.

14--- Flats v. Heels. ~ I really prefer flats. Heels give me a ba-donka-donk.

15---Automatic v. Stick Shift. ~ Stick! Automatics are for cell phone chatting pussys!

16---Black v. White. ~ Black as my cold, dead heart!

17---Cursive v. Printing. ~ Printing!

18---Length v. Girth. ~ I got both. Can't be separated. Deal with it! (what you just read was hollow male bravado unsupported by physical evidence. I'm XO and I approved this message.)

19---Butter v. Margarine. ~ Butter BABY!

20---Paula Dean v. Rachel Ray. ~ I'd do 'em both. At the same time. With butter.

Are we done here? Can I go eat now?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

In Defense Of The Jeep

This post was inspired by the latest post from John Iwanski over at...wait for it...wait for

Now before I get to the meat of the post (no homo), I have to defend John's choice of a name for his blog (not that anyone is attacking it, I'm just sayin').

He's John Iwanski. He calls his blog Pretty straight forward. What more would you expect from a native Chicagoan?

Some of you may think it unimaginative. Some of you might be thinking he could have expended a bit more thought and creativity in naming his blog.

But I am reminded of a bit that Denis Leary did about corporate names. I couldn't find a youtube clip of it, but the gist of it was how company names don't actually mean anything anymore. Nextel. Sprint. Avaya. Even AT&T and KFC. AT&T used to be an abbreviation for American Telephone & Telegraph. KFC Used to be an abbreviation for Kentucky Fried Chicken. Not any more. AT&T is now just AT&T. Same with KFC. It's all about marketing and branding. Company names no longer tell you anything about the company and what it actually does. Apple. Verizon. You know who they are and what they do because of marketing and branding. But their names don't mean jack shit!

That was Leary's set up. The punchline was something like "My father worked for the Boston Paper Company for 50 years. They were in Boston. They made paper!"

So I find "" a refreshingly clean and honest name for a blog. He's John Iwanski. This is his blog. 'Nuff said.

But I digress.

His post had to do with being involuntarily substituted an SUV for a car rental and finding that he actually enjoyed driving it.

He felt guilty that he enjoyed driving a gas-guzzling, planet-killing, SUV with a large, comfortable captain's chair that sat up high, with good visibility, had plenty of head and leg room, and made him feel safe.

Now, I drive a Jeep Wrangler.

A direct descendant of the Willys Jeep that America's Greatest Generation used to win WWII and stop the Nazis from exterminating the Jews.

So despite it's less than optimal gas mileage, I think my Jeep deserves a little respect.

Although the Jeep may have been the original SUV, it is no longer an SUV in today's terms.

Much like Barry Goldwater would no longer be considered a Republican in today's terms.

No, it's not a fucking Prius. But it's not a Hummer either.

My reasons for owning and driving a Jeep are:

DURABILITY: Jeeps were designed tough to fight WWII and the basic design is still tough. These vehicles are hard to break and they take high mileage in stride.

HIGH VISIBILITY: You sit up high in a Jeep. High enough to be able to see what that ignorant fucktard in front of you who is yapping on his goddamned cell phone SHOULD be seeing if he was fucking paying attention!

FOUR WHEEL DRIVE: No, I don't go "mudding" and I don't run obstacle courses in Utah. My Jeep is my only means of transportation. How stoopid would it be for me to bust an axle climbing mountains or drown my engine crossing creeks? But it is very reassuring to know that I can get myself out of situations that will leave other drivers stranded. This has actually happened many, many times.

CHEAP CONVERTIBLE: No, you can't lower the top at the push of a pussy-button; you actually have to get out of the vehicle and put some effort into it. That builds character and strengthens the grip. But it's totes worth it! Most economical path to skin cancer devised by man!

[SIDE STORY: When I was working for a major telecom and living in Ray County I had a one hour commute to KC each way, every day. During a major blizzard, I braved the weather, put the Jeep in 4WD, drove 35mph for two hours and made it to work. My co-worker, who had a Jeep Cherokee with 4WD, and who lived an hour away in the OPPOSITE direction somewhere out in fucking godforsaken Kansas, was conspicuous by his absence. So I IM'd him. "Dude! WTF? I made it in to work! Where are you?" Although he was half my age, I will never forget his sage words of wisdom. He said "Four wheel drive is for getting HOME from work...not getting TO work." That's deep, man. Profound.]

FUN: Jeeps are just fun. If you have never driven one, it's hard to describe. I drive a stick. I think Jeeps with automatic transmissions are for posers and pussys. But driving a Jeep with a stick is like a cross between driving a go-cart and riding a horse. I can't think of any better way to describe it. It's direct, responsive, and you can go anywhere under any conditions. And it's fucking fun! You can take the top off, you can take the doors off, you can fold the windshield down, you can take it up mountains, into the woods. You just can't beat a Jeep.

If you drive one, please observe the protocol.

It's a Jeep thing.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Final Comments

I've been staying out of this sandbox lately.

It used to be a fun place to play until the stray, anonymous, trolls started using it as their own personal litterbox. The overwhelming stench of petty, agenda-fueled fecal matter drove me away.

But my good friend Dan, over at Gone Mild, for whom I have great admiration and respect, lured me back with his post about how unfair and onerous it would be to pass a City Ordinance that would require ALL city workers, elected, hired or volunteers, to take diversity, sexual harrassment, anti-discrimination classes and, yes, submit to a criminal background check.

In other words, everyone employed by Kansas City in any capacity would be required to submit themselves to the same level of education, scrutiny and accountability that has been an annual, required, documented ritual in corporate America and any entity receiving federal funds for the last 30 or so years.

What I find most astounding about this is that, apparently the government of Kansas City, does not already have such policies in place. How is that possible?

I was content to speak my peace in a single comment on Dan's blog and be done with it.

Until I saw this childish, petulant, unprofessional, ill-informed, self-authored and potentially self-incriminating post on the official blog of the mayor of Kansas City.

[INCREDULOUS SIDENOTE: Since embracing Google Reader, I have not visited the Mayor's Official Blog directly. Having done so tonight, I immediately noticed one good thing and one bad thing. The good thing was that the picture of the mayor sitting on his front porch, surrounded by family and staffers with his wife sitting on his lap had been replaced by a picture of just the mayor. Good call. The bad thing was the link to "Brule Native American Concert LIVE and Coyote Wisdom Workshop: Native American Techniques for Healing Body, Mind and Spirit Hosted by KC Mayor Mark Funkhouser". Are you kidding me? On the official blog of the mayor of Kansas City, paid for by Kansas City residents and people who work in and visit Kansas City, you have a link to some supernatural, New Age, shaman crap? Spell this word with me:
U N P R O F E S S I O N A L.]

The citizen's of Kansas City (a group to which I can proudly proclaim I do not belong) paid for this (with my wise and pithy responses interspersed...any bolding or italicizing is mine):

"from Funk's Front Porch by Funk
Dear Folks,

This week I’m writing the newsletter instead of Gloria.

As I’m sure you’re aware, nine members of the City Council co-sponsored an ordinance on Thursday that would place severe restrictions on would-be volunteers for the city.

Even a casual read of this proposal reveals it to be bad policy.

For instance, there are 7,694 volunteers in our Parks Department alone. This ordinance would require those generous citizens – even the ones who give up a Saturday afternoon to clean their neighborhood park – to undergo hours and hours of antidiscrimination and harassment training and a criminal background check.

And it would stipulate that not one of those thousands of people be related to anyone in the Parks Department. So if a city worker is short on help for a special event, they can’t ask their spouse or kids to lend a hand. It would be illegal.

In fact, my colleagues on the City Council wouldn’t be allowed to have their kids come in and stuff envelopes, help answer phones or even move furniture around.

So, yes, it’s bad policy."

O.K., just that first sentence alone tells you this is going to be a bumpy ride. As HORRENDOUS as Ms. Squitiro's contributions to this trainwreck have been, this could only get worse. At least before, the mayor could (lamely) claim some sort of plausible (ha!) deniability.

Not on this one.

No, Mr. Mayor, it's really not bad policy.

The actions of anyone performing duties for the city, especially in the public eye (whether it's in a public park or city hall) reflect on the city they are serving. I don't understand what it is about this concept that is so difficult to comprehend.

Individuals performing duties on behalf of the government of Kansas City should not engage in discriminatory behavior. They shouldn't sexually harass someone. They should not have a criminal background (above a certain well defined and documented threshold...parking problem...rape and murder...we need to talk)

City officials should not be dragging in friends and family members to make up for the fact they they don't have the professional staff and resources to run the city!

Governing a city the size of Kansas City is not a mom and pop, "you make the costumes, I'll paint the sets, we'll use dad's garage for a stage, let's put on a show!" operation.

City government needs professional staffing. Not amatuers and well meaning (but incompetent) volunteers. Especially at the executive level.

"But smart policy is not the point here.

This ordinance is a bald-faced, mean-spirited political attack on me."

Wah, wah! All the cool kids are picking on me!

You are the one who made the decision (well, maybe it was you...maybe not) to step onto the political ballfield and get yourself elected mayor of Kansas City. Either suck it up, walk it off, rub some dirt on it and get back in the game, or take your worn out, second-hand, flea market baseball glove and go home.

But don't whine.

"To understand this, you only have to ask yourself one question: Why now?

This ordinance is obviously a reaction to a lawsuit against the City, me and my wife. Yet if it were to pass, it would have no impact on that lawsuit. Worse, it would essentially render a guilty verdict in that lawsuit without due process. And this is America. I’m sure that if we could somehow strip this whole situation of petty personal politics, my colleagues would agree that conviction without fair trial is fundamentally wrong.

It’s especially wrong in a case such as ours, in which the allegations are absolutely false. I am very confident that we will prevail through the judicial process.

But when you ask, Why now? You have to take into consideration everything that is happening in this administration, the progress that is being made.

"This ordinance is obviously a reaction to a lawsuit against the City, me and my wife."

Gee, ya think?

The Mayor's actions have shined a laser-like spotlight on some unbelievably archaic legal vulnerabilities in Kansas City's existing HR policies. The City Council has rightly decided to plug those gaping holes and limit the city's future liability by adopting new ordinances.

"Yet if it were to pass, it would have no impact on that lawsuit. Worse, it would essentially render a guilty verdict in that lawsuit without due process. And this is America. I’m sure that if we could somehow strip this whole situation of petty personal politics, my colleagues would agree that conviction without fair trial is fundamentally wrong.

It’s especially wrong in a case such as ours, in which the allegations are absolutely false. I am very confident that we will prevail through the judicial process."

Didn't he just say all of that a minute ago? Are there no professional proof readers in city hall either?

"But when you ask, Why now? You have to take into consideration everything that is happening in this administration, the progress that is being made."

No. We really don't. All we have to take into consideration is whether the charges against you and your wife are true or false. Pretty sure a judge's instructions to a jury will say pretty much he same.

"In just 14 months, we have adopted a fiscally prudent budget, a debt policy and an economic development and incentive policy, which the city never had. We’ve passed two important sales taxes – one for infrastructure and another for transportation – by historically wide margins. We’ve placed on the November ballot the best light rail proposal this city has ever seen, and we’ve made so much progress toward a regional transit system that I predict we’ll see portions of that system up and running before my first term is complete.

And now we’re starting to move forward on bold new initiatives that will have a profound impact on the future of our city. Over the last two months, I’ve reached out to my fellow mayors across the metro area and across the state – all the way to St. Louis – in an effort to build alliances. As result, we’re now taking the first steps toward creating a metropolitan mayors caucus and a statewide urban partnership through which we can impact lawmaking at the state and federal level to improve conditions in our city. Since May, I have been working with leaders from across the city to develop new ideas for economic development in the most distressed areas of our city. In the coming weeks, I will appoint a group of leaders to move those forward, turn them into plans and policies which greatly improve the quality of life in neighborhoods that have been left out of recent revitalization efforts.

With this ordinance, some of my colleagues on the City Council are diverting attention and energy away from these efforts and toward something that has very little impact on our city.

I know that some of you are skeptical about that statement. Some would say that I’m the one who is stirring unnecessary conflict because I insist on having my wife up here. If she would only stay home, all of this would go away.

And that might be true, were it not for one stubborn fact: Gloria has been essential to all of our successes

Oh please, please, explain how a nepotistic, unpaid, unaccountable "volunteer" has been "essential to all our successes".

What, specifically, has she contributed that couldn't have been accomplished more efficiently and less controversially by a paid, professional, experienced, Executive Assistant?

"She is a vital member of my team, every bit as important as my chief of staff, my writers, policy analysts and scheduler. In fact, she’s the primary reason why we’ve pushed all of these big initiatives in such a short period of time. Because the biggest, most unique contribution she makes is to constantly push me to keep moving forward on my agenda."

So the mayor of a major metropolitan area considers his wife, an unelected, inexperienced, uneducated, seemingly crass, and universally unwelcomed former doula, to be "...a vital member of my team, every bit as important as my chief of staff, my writers, policy analysts and scheduler."


Mr. Mayor, with all due respect, if you don't have the drive and the initiative and the motivation to do your job on your own without the constant pushing and nagging of your the point that she needs to have an office next to yours in city hall...then perhaps this isn't the job for you. You might be happier doing something else like, I don't know, being an Auditor somewehere.

"So, in short, she’s your standard elected official’s spouse: the driving force behind the leader. What makes us most unique is that we don’t hide it. We don’t pretend that she’s just an adornment to my public life, someone who surfaces now and then to smile at a banquet. Instead, we are who we are: a man and woman who have been deeply in love and partnership for 29 years, and who will continue to be so for 30 more, should we have the grace to live so long.

And if you value what this administration has accomplished, if you share hope and faith for what we aim to accomplish, you will help me oppose this vicious political attack.

I urge you to contact you to contact your City Council member and tell them not to enact this bad ordinance. Tell them it will hurt the city’s ability to work with volunteers, and it will hurt this City Council and Mayor’s ability to make ours a city that works for you.

In faith,

The "...standard elected official’s spouse..." doesn't have government office space, they don't speak for their spouse on matters of policy and they don't make hiring, staffing and security decisions.

Jesus H. Christ On A Crutch.

Good luck, Kansas City.

I cannot think of a more perfect rationalization for urban sprawl than Kansas City, Missouri.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Online Dating

After my last divorce and a DISASTROUS blind date on the day my divorce was final, I joined a couple of online dating services.

This was the photo I had posted

At the risk exposing myself to endless ridicule from you vicious people, this was my profile:


ABOUT ME: I'm one of the last of an endangered species, a guy who is NOT a jerk! Just a nice, intelligent, honest, fun loving man who loves to laugh. I like walks in the rain, snuggling in front of a fireplace, camping under the stars, blah, blah blah. I’m sure you’ve heard it all before. Generally turns out to be a steaming load of crap, doesn’t it? I'm too old to play games. I'd rather just be totally up front and honest from the start. Makes things a whole lot easier, don't you think? The reason guys play games and blow smoke up your skirt is that they are trying to make themselves appear INTERESTING to you. At my age, I would hope that I am interesting enough just as I am, thank you very much! I’m not gonna make up a bunch of monkey poop just to impress you. I know how to treat a woman and I love to flirt. I’ve been told I’m a great kisser and a pretty darned good cook. I do have a bit of a "Sir Galahad" complex. Nothing like a "damsel in distress" to make me rise to the occasion. I'm 6’ 2”, 195 lbs. I have a beautiful, intelligent, sarcastic 9 year old daughter who’s only a few short years away from making my life a living hell. I am a constant reader, always in the middle of something. You name it, if it's good, and it captures my attention, I'll read it. I love live music. Harlings, The Levee, Grand Emporium, hell, even Brownies! I’m a pretty fair percussionist myself...not in a band or anything, just enjoy it. I'm an amateur photographer and process & print my own B&W photos. I have a great (if sometimes warped and twisted) sense of humor and prefer a woman who knows how to take a joke and can give as good as she gets.

ABOUT YOU: I know there are a lot of valid reasons why you might not have a photo posted on your profile, but PLEASE send me one if you respond! I'm not looking for Barbie, but not particularly attracted to Madeline Albright, either K? K.. There does have to be SOME physical attraction, don't you agree? And please, no Glamour Shots…all those pictures look alike to me! Gives me the creeps! It’s reminds me of “The Stepford Wives”. If you aren’t old enough to remember that movie, then we probably aren’t compatible (unless you are really, really HOT! LOL!) Be yourself! Nothing is more attractive than a woman who is comfortable with who she is and has a healthy dose of self confidence. I don't believe in "ideal matches". My tastes in women are like my tastes in books; I'm willing to read a couple of chapters and if it captures my interest, I'll keep reading and see how it ends.

Do you want to meet a really nice guy who knows how to treat a woman? Want to have some fun? Drop me a line and say hello! What have you got to lose? Nothing but the time it takes to write an email. You won't be sorry.


I guess I only did the online thing for a year to 18 months. It was a blast! I met some great women, many of whom are still my closest friends, and just had a lot of fun.

But I also had to wade through some of the most gawd awful, crappy, and at times even deceptive profiles you can imagine.

What comes next is not original, by any means. I'm sure most of you have seen a version of this in email chain letters.

But I am here to testify as one who "has been, done that", this shit is fucking TRUE!


"40-ish" = 49

"adventurous" = slept with everyone

"athletic" = no tits

"average looking" = fugly

"beautiful" = pathological liar

"contagious smile" = stoner. She got weed! She got weed!

"emotionally secure" = heavily medicated. Probably Prozac.

"feminist" = no blow jobs

"free spirit" = junkie

"friendship first" = trying to shake reputation as a slut

"fun" = annoying

"New Age" = body hair in all the wrong places, reeks of patchouli

"open minded" = desperate

"outgoing" = loud and embarrassing

"passionate" = sloppy drunk

"professional" = materialistic bitch, you better have a beemer.

"voluptuous" = very fat

"large frame" = hugely fat...measured in acres, not pounds.

"looking for soul mate" = STALKER! Use fake name, meet at hotel, give her your brother's phone number. But go ahead and do her.

Yeah, I know. This was an uncreative, easy way out.

But fuck you. I got left over Gates from lunch calling to me from downstairs.

Maybe I'll feel more creative after some delish BBQ and deviled egg tater salad.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So, I Got a Speeding Ticket

Happened on the way into work this morning, west-bound 24 Hwy just east of I-435.

I totally deserved it. Doing 55 in a 35 zone.

I was driving like an asshole. Which I am. I aggressively passed a lot of people who got my derisive stink-eye, a disgusted shake of my head, and a clearly mouthed "Jesus Fucking Christ you stupid fucking cocksucking doorknob!" on my way around them.

No doubt everyone of them were laughing their asses off and fist punching the air as they drove by and saw me pulled over. That would have been my reaction had the situation been reversed.

It was just a matter of time.

No idea how much this will cost me. But the fact that I managed to surreptitiously get my seat belt fastened before the cop made it to my window means it will be at least $50 bucks cheaper than it could have been.

Already had my license and insurance card in the window by the time he walked up.

For a (probably) costly pain in the ass it actually went fairly smoothly. The cop (Kansas City) was polite, professional and didn't talk any more than necessary. He didn't lecture me and I didn't protest or bitch. It was business transaction.

He told me the city would mail me the fine and I won't have to appear in court.

Took about 5 minutes. Which wasn't bad, but if I had 5 minutes to spare I wouldn't have been fucking speeding!

I think cops should be prohibited from pulling people over for speeding during the morning and evening rush hours when honest folk are just trying to get to and from work.


Monday, August 11, 2008

Major Milestone

As both of my regular readers know, I have been through much cell phone drama in the last few years with my daughter, young Galadriel Tanqueray Onassis (GTO).

There have been lost cell phones, broken cell phones, dead cell phones and ridonkulous $500+ text messaging cell phone bills that resulted in months long cell phone outages for said offender.

All of which inevitably resulted in some sort of emergency expenditure by the dear old Bank of Dad.

But today was different.

Today I got panicky calls from the ex-wife's phone that triggered my "special ring tone"

which of course, I let go straight to voice mail.

Turns out it was GTO calling on her mom's phone because GTO's phone wouldn't take a charge. She was phoneless. For a 14 year old girl this is The Apocolypse.

I start seeing $$$.

But much to my delight, I later find out that thanks to her recent babysitting gig for her older sister and brother-in-law, she was able to work out a financial loan arrangement with her mother which resulted in her buying a brand new, undiscounted $150.00 phone from T-Mobile, at no cost to me, which still allows her to get a "new at two", fully discounted phone under contract at the end of this year which she also plans to buy with her own babysitting money.


An incredible first step in my daughter actually earning her own money and using it to pay her own bills.

Next hurdle...her getting a much better job and starting to pay MY bills!

Baby steps!

Found Art

Back around 1976, Kansas City installed a lot of bi-centennial themed stuff with a sort of "figure eight/double-infinity" logo thing. Nobody knows why.

Some of the hardware included these incredibly phallic street lights, which are now, finally, being replaced.

Of course, phallic public works are nothing new in Kansas City.

But I digress.

My point is, I could take those old street lights,

and transform them into anti-matter warp nacelles,

and make some KICK ASS scale models of good ol' NCC 1701.

That's right!

The U.S.S. Enterprise!

Old school!

Because that's just how I roll.

Bush to Russia: Reverse course in Georgia

[Editor's note: The above photo is from the editors private collection of stolen Bush porn and was NOT featured on the linked CNN story. Although it should have been.]

"WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Russia's attacks against the former Soviet republic of Georgia have "substantially damaged Russia's standing in the world," President Bush told reporters Monday after returning from his trip to Asia."

Yeah, invading other countries DOES tend to "substantially damage" your countries "standing in the world". Jesus Fucking Christ!

"Bush also warned Russia against trying to depose Georgia's government, saying evidence suggests Russia may be preparing to do so."

Let me just make sure I understand what you just said. You're saying it is WRONG for one country to invade another country and depose it's government? That's right, isn't it? That's what you just fucking said, isn't it?

"Russia must reverse the course it appears to be on," Bush said in the Rose Garden of the White House."

Or what? What the fuck are you going to do? What do you think that anybody in the world believes that you have left that can possibly back up any threat you make to anybody?

You gonna attack Russia?


Nukes? You gonna launch a nuclear war to defend Georgia? You going to kick-off all out atomic Armeggeddon to punish another country for doing THE EXACT SAME FUCKING THING THAT YOU DID? TWICE!!!

Because I got news for ya Dubya. Nukes is all you got left. You have squandered our conventional military strength in a trumped up "war" when the entire matter could have been handled as a clandestine law enforcement matter.

Even if our military were at full strength, not engaged anywhere in the world, rested, equipped, trained, chomping at the bit for some action and completely at your disposal, you STILL couldn't do anything.

Attacking and invading Russia has never, ever, worked.

Ask Napoleon.

Ask Hitler.

The Russians, really, really don't like uninvited guests who behave poorly.

Diplomatic options? Huh uh. You pissed that away too. We don't have any clout left with ANYBODY thanks to you.

Nations that would have been intimidated by our power and influence 10 years ago and who would have sided with us out of fear of retaliation, now routinely spit in our face just for the fun of doing so.

Because they know we can't do shit!

So please, Mr. President, do the American people and the entire world a favor and just shut the fuck up.

You are an embarassment and a failure. Everyone knows it but you. Even Cheney. He played you like a fucking violin.

Flapping your pie hole can only make America more impotent.


Stop appearing in public.

Stop speaking to the press.

Search the google for a really good international lawyer.

Start looking for really cheap one way flights to The Netherlands.

On second thought, don't worry about the flight arrangements. I'm sure The International Criminal Court in The Hague has the resources to carry out an extreme rendition.

It's hard to imagine anyone who would lift a finger to stop it.