Tuesday, December 06, 2011

"Job Creators" My Big Black Ass!

I am so repulsed by the GOP glorification of the "Small Business Owner" as the Savior of American Capitalism.

I've worked for them!

Greedy, manipulative tyrants who exploit part time employee laws to enrich themselves and give their workers the barest minimum to get by.

Small Business Owners don't give a damn about "creating jobs" or "growing the economy".

Their goal is to fly as high as they can and still remain under the radar so they can fatten their wallets without giving their employee's a single penny more than required by law.

Small Business Owners are the bottom-feeding vampires of Capitalism.

The GOP is all in favor of fucking the middle class in the ass (no lube) by letting the payroll tax cut expire (which would result in a violation of their dick worshipping promise to Grover Norquist to NEVER raise taxes on ANYONE, EVER!), but they draw the line at paying for it by taxing BILLIONAIRES just a little bitty tiny smidgen of their ridiculously obscene wealth.

Why? Because those BILLIONAIRES are supposedly the "job creators".

OK. So we haven't raised their taxes yet. Where are the fucking jobs? They haven't created any jobs yet. What are they going to do if we raise their taxes? Keep not doing what they've been not doing?

If we lower their taxes can we expect some altruistic flood of new jobs because they are no longer living so close to the edge and can now afford to "invest in the economy"?

NO! They will pocket the fucking money and run because they don't give a rat's ass about you or America.

They only care about themselves.

The rest of you (us) can go get fucked.


  1. I might actually register and vote republican next year for making you pay your fair share. Your car-owning, steak-eating lifestyle is all about showing poor people (who didn't benefit from the taxcut) what they can't have.Being old as you are, just days away from social security, it's understandable that you want other people pay into it for you, but thankfully someone listened to years of you harping on about fair share and will make you pay yours.I will gladly pay mine, just to see it happen. Thank you, republicans.

  2. Your hero, Ed Schultz, of socialist tv channel MSNBC, would be proud of you for echoing the words from his lame commercial.

    That said, I've decided I can't stand Grover Norquist. I didn't elect him and I don't belong to his org. Just who does he think he is, anyhow. I would never have signed his pledge and I don't respect those who are on bended knee before him either. (Note to self - call Kevin Yoder)

    As for the small business rant, you have FAILED to get my goat this time...lol

  3. XO, next time don't post drunk :-P

  4. We could easily solve this by nationalizing all business, then we'd all work for the government and get great health insurance, with a nice pension.

    We know the government would treat us fairly, right?

  5. This bozo Marxist can say any stupid thing and the media never calls him on it. It's too bad we can't convert the hot air from this guy into something useful.

    I don't know about you, but I don't want my kids to live in a socialist state where the privileged few like Obama, and his fat ugly wife and his sullen kids get privileges and the rest of the country gets the left overs.

    Obama's hatred of capitalism is just an extension of his hatred of America.

  6. XO - You're Black?

    funny cause you don't look like it in your profile picture

  7. kcmeesha - Your comment made no sense. But you are Russian so I'll just assume you were being morosely tragic and enigmatic with a subtle hint of irony.

    JOOLS - I don't even know who Ed Schultz is. I don't watch MSNBC. Not enough tits, superheroes, spaceships or explosions for my ecclectic tastes.

    I predict that Grover Norquist will get his just comeuppance.

    You just know that beady-eyed little motherfucker has some moldy skeletons in his closet and some ballsy LIBERAL investigative reporter will flush those quails (mixed metaphors...sorry!) eventually.

    My money is on him being a cross-dressing submissive and hiring dominant prostitutes to humiliate him.

    Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    Keith - Sir! I take umbrage at your assertation! I was not, as you say, "drunk". I was in a fit of Righteous Outrage over a blatant case of social injustice.

    Had you not taken the cowardly course of moving from the frigid, snow-packed, Cthulu-forsaken midwest to the sunny fucking beaches of California, I would challenge you to a duel to regain my honor.

    Alas, that shall not come to pass.

    Old Fart - The whole concept of the so-called "Small Business" is bullshit.

    They don't have to abide by the regulations that govern actual businesses, they don't get taxed like businesses. And yet, they're a fucking business!

    If you want to create a company and go into business you should be subject to all of the laws and taxes and oversight as any other business.

    Small Businesses should not get a free pass and be able to still file taxes like "Oh, I'm just an individual who make a lot of fucking money and doesn't provide my employees with any benefits".

    If you're a business, you're a business. Nut up or shut up.

    The Question Man - This is the only acknowledgement from me you will ever recieve.


    You're a fucking idiot.

    Sue - I am every bit as black as Bill Clinton, our first black President.

  8. XO - 'Bill Clinton'

    Ah yes - and our second People's President.

  9. The Question Man - This is the only acknowledgement from me you will ever recieve.


    You're a fucking idiot.

    Knowing that you feel that way about me, makes my heart feel warmer.If there was a Oscar given to the biggest retarded asshole, you would win, hands down!
    By the way, after reading your blog,I am 100 percent in favor of abortion in cases of incest.
    And please check your spelling of the word "recieve"

  10. You should start your own movement. Occupy Main Street. Boycott all small biz. Only eat at chains like Applebees and TGI Fridays, because all of those places you enjoy that are privately owned and operated are part of the evil small biz illuminatti. Oh wait, that wont do, because you are an occupy wall street supporter and corporations are the enemy. Sooooo, short of moving to Montana, living in a tuff shed, scribbling your manifesto in ink made from the dried dung of racoons, you my friend are as fucked as a soup sandwich. You loathe the big companies,dont you work in the banking biz in some way shape or form? You loathe the mom and pop little guys. I dont see any way but total self imposed exile. Pack warm, Montana is cold as a jewish divorce lawyer in the winter.

  11. Midtown Miscreant said...
    You should start your own movement. Occupy Main Street.

    By the looks of his picture here, maybe he already has.

  12. MM - "...you my friend are as fucked as a soup sandwich. You loathe the big companies,dont you work in the banking biz in some way shape or form? You loathe the mom and pop little guys."

    Actually, I don't 'loathe the mom and pop little guys'. What I loathe is the Republicans trying to wrap fat cat millionaires in the cloak of the 'mom and pop little guys' by calling them 'job creators'.

    Most millionaires don't create jobs or anthing else of value. They just create more wealth for themselves by shifting their money around, gaming the system and paying people to keep them from having to pay any taxes.

    Ironically, the combined salaries of the high paid accountants and lawyers that help them avoid taxes probably come to more than the actual fucking taxes!

    However your assertion that I am as fucked up as a soup sandwich is so correct in so many ways I won't even mount a defense. Guilty as charged.

    Jarhead - Your comment makes absolutely no sense and has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

    What's the matter? Did you have to try to come up with something "clever" on your own?

    Wasn't there anyone on Fox today to tell you what to think, feel or say about the subject?

    Poor baby. :-(

    Can I get a Sad Trombone?

  13. Small businesses employ half of all U.S. workers

    Now that, my friend, isn't chicken feed.

    Of course, they are job creators. Of course their primary goal is to make money. Isn't that your primary goal as an employee? You sure as hell aren't a missionary.

  14. Jools - I don't dispute those figures.

    What bugs me is the Republicans packaging ALL millionaires as "job creators".

    As if you have this huge population of rich people just chomping at the bit to get out there and put unemployed people back to work if the Big Gummint would just get off their backs and let them get at it!


    They aren't "job creators", they're "profit creators".

    If they absolutely HAVE to create a job in order to maximize their profits, they'll do it...reluctantly, and with as little pay and benefits as absolutely necessary.

    If they can create all of their profits without paying anyone other than themselves and creating no jobs at all, that's their idea of heaven.

    "Of course their primary goal is to make money. Isn't that your primary goal as an employee? You sure as hell aren't a missionary."

    My primary goal is indeed to make money and sometimes I feel like I have to assume the missionary position to get it.

  15. Obama is not about jobs any more.
    Obama is about a fat slush fund ridden agenda and crippling the military.Obama's hatred of capitalism is just an extension of his hatred of America.
    Thankfully I missed his hypocritical *Speech^ in Kansas, or was it Texas where he lambasted the rich and millionaires, like a good little Commie should.
    This bozo can say any stupid thing and the media never calls him on it. Fully expected, but still unbelievable to watch.
