Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I Suppose I Should Explain

I've been blogging for 6 years. I started in January of 2006. This will be my 1,564th post.

One of the things that I've enjoyed most about the give and take with my readers in the comment section is the fact that we have always managed to disagree without being disagreeable.

The discussions have always been intelligent, respectful, passionate, sarcastic, witty, biting and profane.

Virtually all of the commenter's have been fellow bloggers or tweeters. We all know each other and we all read and comment on each other's content.

Until recently.

Things have changed and it's my fault. Let me explain why.

There is a Right Wing Nut Job Blog that I visit frequently. It's called Jo-Joe Politico.

This is Joe Scoggins and his wife.

Here is his bio:

"I was born in Miami, Florida, the son of an Air Force officer, traveled the world, was saved at age 17, and have served the Lord since. That's me on the left and my lovely wife, Bonnie...the pretty one...on the right."

Now, although I disagree with virtually every thing he posts, most of which has absolutely no basis in fact whatsoever, I do respect the fact that he invites comments and discourse as long as said commenter's follow his House Rules:

"1. Absolutely no foul language. If you are not man or woman enough to control your language, you are not welcome here...go somewhere else.

2. I am not looking for strings of commenter's arguing with each other, so confine your comments to the topic at hand and address your comments to me, unless you can be exceptionally gracious and polite.

3. Since this is my blog, I am the sole arbiter of what can be placed on this blog. My decisions are final and without recourse. All anonymous comments, unsigned, will be deleted, as will ad hominem attacks against me or others.

4. Within the scope of those rules, you may feel free to have fun here (I sure will). Sarcasm, wit, half-wit, nit-wit, parody, satire, puns (especially puns), etc. are encouraged."

I don't have any problem with his stupid fucking rules. Visiting someone's blog and leaving a comment is like visiting someone's home. If they don't smoke, you don't light up in their living room. If you see a picture of Jesus on the wall, you don't cut loose with "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST YOU STUPID GODDAMN CUNT!" when your girlfriend forgets to bring you a napkin when she obediently fetches your spam-on-a-cracker appetizer.

Unlike other Right Wing Nut Jobs, Jo-Joe lets you comment without deleting your comments or blocking you from even accessing his blog like most Right Wingers do.

So me and a couple of other Liberals have been frequenting Jo-Joe's blog and leaving comments within his rules.

What we do, basically, is counter his ridiculously bullshit-filled, Right Wing, Christian, rabidly (and closeted racist) anti-Obama tirades with ACTUAL FACTS. We provide links to ACTUAL FACTS that prove that pretty much everything on his blog is a fucking lie!

It's fun. Good sport.

However, if you go walking through a feed lot, no matter how carefully you scrape your shoes on the porch, you are bound to track some really smelly shit into the house.

That's what has happened on my blog.

Some of the ignorant, sister-fucking, slope-headed, inbred, drooling motherfuckers who make up Jo-Joe's "readership" have followed me home to leave flaming bags of shit on my doorstep.

Most of you who have been around a while are used to seeing intelligent people respectfully exchange opposing points of view and then maybe get together for lunch or drinks to discuss further.

Here is a small sample of the comments left by the Right Wing, Conservative, "Christian" followers of Jo-Joe Politico on my end of the year blog post that was a simple meme with no political content:

"Anonymous said... ASS-HOLE!"

"Timothy Reids Thoughts said... Xavier Onassis's mother should have used contraceptives and avoid giving birth to that imbecile."

"Darth Bacon said... Hey, Aquarians Love To Fuck, why would you want to comment on sue hanes's blog? She a wacko , but then again so are you!"

"Nick's Long lost Mother said... I find this Hip Suburban White Guy to be a real liberal asshole, and one who never bothered to use toilet paper."

" Top Cat said...
If you bother to read between the lines carefully to what these America-hating, social-engineering liberals, who left their behavior, conduct, morals and beliefs make America stronger outside the door are saying. You will find that their toxic, brain-dead logic leaves ordinary Americans shaking and scratching their heads in confusion and disgust.


Maybe that pack of racist’s like Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Alvesta Wright, Jesse Jackson, Harry Belefote, Louis Farrakhan, Mr. Eric Holder, or this Brain-dead punk who authors this blog believes in reverse discrimination, but ordinary Americans do not.


"IntolerantCynicami said... Hey Miss.Antiquarian Fucked-up.

Who the hell died and made you the judgmental ass-hole of the blogisphere?

Why the fuck do you even care what people write or say about others that don't even concern you, you stupid obnoxious bitch.

It's dumb annoying bitches like you that piss the hell out of Gentlemen like me."

"Anonymous said... Hey Aquarians Love To Fuck, eat shit!"

So, here is my point.

All of the people I just quoted vote for Republicans. Or Conservatives. Or Christians.

This is why the VERY BEST that the Republican Party can offer up for the Presidency is a greedy Mormon corporate raider like Mitt Romney who "loves to fire people"; a batshit crazy libertarian bastard like Ron Paul who wants us all to retreat into caves and sharpen our own sticks and fetch our own water; serial adulterer's like Newt Gingrich whose moral windsock points in the direction of whatever is new, young and strange (while fighting to Impeach Clinton for getting some sloppy head); moral tight-asses like Rick Santorum who want to create an all-powerful Christian Theocracy that will control who you can and can't love or fuck; Rick Perry who is like a really stupid, dumbed down version of George W. Bush; and then there was Cain and Bachmann.

So look at the level of intelligence that these new commenter's exhibit and look at the people that they would vote for to replace Barack Obama.

This is why I let them leave all the comments they want. It rallies the Liberal voters to get their asses out to the polls and vote for Democrats.

Because we cannot, under any circumstances, let these knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers have any significant sway in the election of our political leaders.


  1. Just may be your best one yet XO - there's the you I've missed!

  2. Jebbus. You act like the reasons you vote along party lines is some morally superior position than republicans doing it.


    They want to control your bedroom, you want to control their money.

    Stealing is stealing. Whether it's a guy with a gun doing it, or the government backed by the guns of their goons doing it.

    I probably won't vote for any of the repubs this year because Gary Johnson is running on the Libertarian ticket.

    But I still haven't made up my mind. I don't vote on a letter next to a persons name.

    Never have, never will.

  3. Manningtheship - Thanks! I've been AWOL. I'll try to do better.

    Old Fart - "Gary Johnson" Ahahahaha!


    He's like a far less credible version of Ron Paul if Ron Paul was publically smoking hash and eating twinkies.

    Vote for Gary.

  4. You know what XO?

    I was seriously considering NOT voting in November.

    One post here- yours- has seriously made me reconsider that decision (for whatever good that may be g).

    Peace my friend....

  5. "....If you see a picture of Jesus on the wall, you don't cut loose with "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST YOU STUPID GODDAMN CUNT!" when your girlfriend forgets to bring you a napkin when she obediently fetches your spam-on-a-cracker appetizer....."

    Since when was a napkin de rigueur?

    And as far as Spam-on-a-cracker is concerned, I cannot think of a better amuse-bouche - it perpetuates the incessant 'anabasis' of American Cultural Hegemony quite well doesn't it?

  6. je-sus ke-rist

    i heart ALTF

  7. Oh Nick, I'll only break your heart.

    Old Fart said:

    "....Stealing is stealing. Whether it's a guy with a gun doing it, or the government backed by the guns of their goons doing it....."

    I like to think of this type of alleged 'theft' as the presumed owners of the swine at Gadara would have. Jesus cast demons into a herd of pigs (Matthew 8.30-32 (cf. Mark 5.11-13 and Luke 8.32-33) which then proceeded, in terror, to 'drown' themselves.
    The owners of these swine would not have considered this liberation of their assets as theft, but that they were providing a service for the greater good and did not require recompense.
    Then again, perhaps they were quite pissed that they were not compensated for their loss and proceeded to lay the foundation for that which would eventually conclude, 600 years later, with the Archangel Gabriel delivering those specific words, as recorded in the Qur'an, to the prophet Muhammad.

    Theft is theft - you're right.

  8. Not for nothing, but you left one of the candidates off your list: Jon Huntsman. Not sure if you did it on purpose, because he's been so under the radar that he hasn't really been paid attention to as a true contender (although how Bachman and Perry are/were, I'll never be able to figure out), but he did come in 3rd in the New Hampshire primary last night, so he has that going for him now. :D

    As for the rest of the post...I dunno what to say. Honestly. It makes me sad and kind of disgusted that people can behave this way.

  9. "....This is why the VERY BEST that the Republican Party can offer up for the Presidency.....(followed by a list of folks introduced with a colourful concatenate of emotive/descriptive adjectival modifiers as rhetorical devices)...."

    From whence I come, ALL Americans are hapless Libruls. I mean for the sake of fuck, y'all have democracy! How liberal is that?
    I see no difference. Yins are still as testicles in a scrotum (That's 'peas in a pod' for those unable to comprehend my simile).

    As soon as we get rid of that caucasoid-loving/marrying cunt Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar will rule the planet with a velvet glove covering an iron fist. We will be strict, but fair.

    Did you know that not only was Aung San, Suu Kyi's father, a Communist he also sided with the Imperial Japanese during Dubya Dubya Two until it was obvious they were going to lose - then switched allegiance to the equally horrid Brits.
    The Brits, to their credit, had him 'offed' after the war ended.
    The sins of the father shall indeed be visited upon the daughter.
    And I don't like Mother Teresa much either.

  10. @ ALTF

    okay - that last bit was hilarious.

    you need to actually post words on your blog you know. much as i enjoy the mini-meme....

  11. XO - I would like to say right off that this Post is one of the Best and Most Intelligently Written Posts I have even read.

    It is clearly understood - even by me - and it leaves no doubt to the reader what you are saying.

    I remember the first time ever I checked your blog.

    And it was then that I just knew that I was on to something.

    Then I saw your photographs - which kept me coming back for more.

    But it is your inherent intelligence that I could read - sometimes between the lines - that really has kept me coming back.

    You - XO - are one of the Good Ones.

  12. midtown miscreantJanuary 11, 2012 10:01 AM

    Come on xo, you cant lump every conservative under the same umbrella. The libs have their own band of slack jawed, starry eyed, morons. Crazy and retarded are traits that cross all party lines. The republicans don't hold a monopoly on stupidity, there's plenty to go around. With you, it always comes down to the religion thing. The firing comment from Romney is total bullshit taken out of context. Run the whole quote. One could take your line calling a woman a cunt, and make you look like the biggest he man woman hater in history. Knowing you, I'd know it's bullshit, but it's all about context. And honesty. Something sorely missing in both parties.


  14. I am always amused by the level of stupidity an diatribe that some people resort to when they are called out, or made feel uncomfortable. I wonder if they ever ask themselves, maybe there is something wrong if I feel this guilty about this feeling... is it my faith that troubles me?

    The thing about pedestals is that if they get too high, the go from soap boxes to very shaky structures... so even a little bump makes them come down tumbling.

    Maybe those people don't realize that we all know people outside of our comfort circle... maybe that is what happens when your ideas only mate within their own family. Intellectual inbreeding should refer to that instead of just hiring someone you were a teacher to.

    On last thought is... why would Joe not want back and forth banter amongst the people that comment? Isn't that level of discussion what really moves ideas forward?

  15. You say, "I Suppose I Should Explain"?
    And that's your explanation? I must admit it was pretty damn lame.
    If you bother to read between the lines carefully to what these America-hating, social-engineering liberals, who left their behavior, conduct, morals and beliefs make America stronger outside the door are saying. You will find that their toxic, brain-dead logic leaves ordinary Americans shaking and scratching their heads in confusion and disgust. Normal people especially patriotic American’s can recognize bull dong when we see it hear, and smell it, and we have no desire whatsoever to embrace it.
    It must be so annoying to these whacko liberals here that they can't scream in our faces, or hold up their dirty signs on our blogs, so they attack our blogs.

    The left’s definition of diversity does not make America stronger. It is weakening and destroying America. Let’s be bold and honest: The left’s version of diversity is repugnant.
    It will be a cold day in hell before I embrace the Marxist, Socialist agenda that their holier than thou Messiah, the ignoramus in Chief supports. Or his three stooges Eric H. Holder, Joseph Robinette Biden, or Nancy Patricia Pelosi.
    I fully respect people who respect and cherish our basic American customs, traditions, goodwill, and values. I have no respect for left-wingers who disrespect our basic American way of life and who wish to limit our freedoms.
    Maybe that pack of racist’s like Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Alvesta Wright, Jesse Jackson, Harry Belefote, Louis Farrakhan, Mr. Eric Holder, or this Brain-dead punk who authors this blog believes in reverse discrimination, but ordinary Americans do not.
    I still believe in our country, our American heritage, and that diversity is America’s greatest strength, multiculturalism, our military, and I believe in kicking the 'illegal alien’s out of this country. And I still believe that we have the right to raise a cross in our military cemeteries and not care about that one atheist might wander through and be offended!
    And furthermore, The Democrats plucked Obama out of obscurity solely because he was black in order to demonstrate their liberal credentials . They never for one moment thought he would get to first base in the presidential elections. That is why they did not bother to vet him . Given his dubious criminal and terrorist, and anti-Semitic associates he would have been rejected as a candidate. Put that in your blog and smoke it.

  16. "....."Anonymous said... Hey Aquarians Love To Fuck, eat shit!"....."

    I missed that on the previous post. Forgive me, Anonycunt.


    Since I am required to masticate said shite, may I enquire after how it might score on the Bristol Stool Chart? I mean, if it is going to score 6 or 7, I'll have no trouble, but if it scores 1 or 2, could I follow it with a beverage?


    My profile says I have been on blogger since November 2006. I have 500, plus or minus, posts currently in 'save' mode.
    Perhaps I'll re-publish them one day.

  17. Kat made some very good points here one of which is proven by the comment above this one by that Dick-Head, Aquarians Love To Fuck!
    By the screen name alone, He or she just made my point before I even wrote it.
    People like the who wrote this post one here are the filth of the earth. They truly are like infants, eating, crying, and shitting and producing nothing but filthy diapers.

    I am revolted by their complete lack of appreciation for America. The same America that has provided them with so much. Their embrace of everything anti-American is nauseating. Their love for everything that is against what America stands for.

    Since America is such an evil place for them I wish they would just leave, and take their beloved germ infested illegal immigrants with them. Before Obama gives them amnesty so that they can vote for him.

  18. Well XO, hang in for the main event.

    When the discussion turns to Romney style vulture capitalism and it hooks in with the criticism from Occupy Wall Street, Joe and his readers will have their backs against the wall.

    Not sure who Mr. Multiple Personalities is asking Joe to purge the liberal swine from his site. A lot of these right wingers really get into the night of the long knives.

  19. KnuckledragginAndI'mFeelinNoPain said,

    ".....by that Dick-Head, Aquarians Love To Fuck!
    By the screen name alone, He or she just made my point before I even wrote it.
    People like the who wrote this post one here are the filth of the earth....."

    I'm a girl, silly. Personally, I like dickheads - especially the girthy ones.
    I cannot comment on whether the pixelations of Xavier's post inhabit 'Terra Cloaca' or not, but I am certain your unlettered pixilations come close.

    Lovely play on the two words 'pixel' and 'pixil' doncha think?

  20. Oooops!
    Make that 'pixellation' and 'pixillation'.

    Apologies. I thought I was celating a pair of neologisms, but it appears I'm too late.

  21. If any of yins needed any proof that ALL of you Americans are Libruls I need only refer you to the results of the latest Republican primary.

    To wit:

    That Ru Paul guy came in second with 22.9% in the Palmetto State last night - now if THAT is not reflective of Librul behaviour, I'll eat Mr/s. Paul's size 42R bustier!

    Speaking of the Palmetto State, did you know that an ingested extract of the American Saw Palmetto plant is an excellent natural treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)?
    Urinate like you did when you were twenty!

    And another example of how yins are all Libruls? I was sitting in the back of a theatre watching 'Avatar' one night. And despite the fact the movie's premise is based on the long discredited myths of the 'Noble Savage' and the 'White Messiah', Republicans, Democrats and Jihadis alike ALL cheered together when the Pandorans, and various fauna, were butchering American Marines in the climactic battle. Now THAT is Librul behaviour.

  22. Aquarians Love To Fuck, I have news for you, Real American's don't give the slightest SHIT what you think.

  23. Dearest Brokeback Cowboys Blog,

    I know.

  24. Notice to all Libruls.....

    Many of you are operating under the misconception, albeit understandably so, that I pixellate my word salads with the intent of maximising the number of you and your ilk who might understand them. This is indeed erroneous. I instead craft and deposit my dross with the express purpose of minimising the number of people who should comprehend it. It is only with the few, the lucky few, the band of Real Conservative brothers (and sisters) that I wish to communicate.
    Sorry, but you Libruls are just one of the myriad brain-dead which we Real Conservatives use to close the wall up as we go once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more. In true Conservatism there’s nothing so becomes a man, or woman, as modest stillness and humility. But when the vileness of the Librul blows in our ears, we imitate the action of the tiger: stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, and disguise fair nature with hard-favoured rage. Be copy now Real Conservatives to men, and women, of grosser blood and teach those Libruls how to war. And you, good yeopersons, whose limbs were forged in Real Conservatism, show us here the mettle of your pasture. Let us swear that you are worth your breeding, which I doubt not.

    I tried to get Sir Lawrence, with his stentorian voice, to post this but, apparently, he’s dead. And Branagh’s line was busy.

  25. Damn, I forgot what the blog post was even about after vomiting through the fuck chick's quarter word comments that are totally nonsensical, but obviously fulfill her craving for attention that she can't get anywhere else.

  26. XO, You are a disgusting piece of shit. My harsh words just can't discribe the way I feel about what you have done here today. That was the most brutal and dumbest thing that i have yet to see on anyone's blog.

  27. XO, You really stirred up the Joebots. Liberals don't like controversial criticism, said Glenn's sock puppet.

    There's nothing controversial about,
    toxic, brain-dead, whacko, criminal, terrorist, anti-Semitic, Marxist, Socialist, America-hating, social-engineering liberals...People like the who wrote this post one here are the filth of the earth. They truly are like infants, eating, crying, and shitting and producing nothing but filthy diapers.

    It's not really criticism, either. Could you be more specific, guys?

    At least Old Fart has a gripe I can get a handle on. I'm sure he read "Atlas Shrugged" and has a copy (unread) of "Road to Serfdom" where everyone can see it. An enlightened Libertarian.

    ...you want to control their money.

    Stealing is stealing. Whether it's a guy with a gun doing it, or the government backed by the guns of their goons doing it.

    I guess taxation is theft, enshrined in the Constitution.

    Article 1, Section 8
    The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence[note 1] and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

    Nothing about exemptions for "job creators".

  28. Cont.

    How about George Washington. From his farewell address. The one Theocrats like to cite because he appealed to the citizenry to follow their religious (no mention of Christianity) precepts and not be assholes. He also said,

    As a very important source of strength and security, cherish public credit. One method of preserving it is to use it as sparingly as possible, avoiding occasions of expense by cultivating peace, but remembering also that timely disbursements to prepare for danger frequently prevent much greater disbursements to repel it, avoiding likewise the accumulation of debt, not only by shunning occasions of expense, but by vigorous exertion in time of peace to discharge the debts which unavoidable wars may have occasioned, not ungenerously throwing upon posterity the burden which we ourselves ought to bear. The execution of these maxims belongs to your representatives, but it is necessary that public opinion should co-operate. To facilitate to them the performance of their duty, it is essential that you should practically bear in mind that towards the payment of debts there must be revenue; that to have revenue there must be taxes; that no taxes can be devised which are not more or less inconvenient and unpleasant

    Why do you hate the Constitution? Why do you hate the "Father of our country"? Why do you hate America?

  29. Thank you for providing the attention Mr./Ms. I Travel for JOOLS. But, it's actually rejection that I crave.

  30. ok..back to business

    I despise Obama. I despise his forced health care law. I despise Eric Holder. I despise Van Jones. I hate the what EPA has become under Obama. I despise Janet Napolitano. I don't trust anybody in his administration with the exception of Hillary Clinton. I will vote for anybody against Obama. And I'm sure by now the Dept of Homeland Security has got me under their eye just for even saying these things which makes me hate Obama even more.

  31. I Travel for JOOLS may I add that I'd vote for Camel's Turd before I'd vote for Obama.

    Hip-less Suburban White Guy- Camel's Turd.. Hip-less Suburban White Guy- Camel's Turd..

    Has a nice tone don't it?

  32. You can tell when XO hits the nail on the head by what crawls out of the woodwork.

    Great post.

  33. Groucho - Vote early, vote often!

    ALTF - You, my dear, have been a very busy little fucker today. I hope you had fun spreading the love. I have no doubt that many a right wing troll will soon discover that it burns when they pee. Well done.

    Nick - I have no idea who the fuck she is or from whence she came, and I find the imagery on her blog to be disturbing enough that I only visited once and then wiped my history. But she can kick a conservative nutsack like mobody I've ever seen. It's a thing of beauty to watch, I tell ya.

    Faith - Other than being a Mormon and wearing magic underwear, I don't see anything that repulsive about Huntsman. He seems incredibly normal, intelligent and centered when he is on stage with rest of those fucked up jokers.

    sue hanes - Hope you had fun today as well. Thanks for playing.

    MM - "The libs have their own band of slack jawed, starry eyed, morons." That may be true. But none of them are running for President and this is an election year so they don't concern me.

    Logtar - I feel like I hit a hornet's nest with a stick, but instead of a swarm of hornets I got a swarm of stupid. LOL!

    You said "...why would Joe not want back and forth banter amongst the people that comment? Isn't that level of discussion what really moves ideas forward?"

    I think Joe enjoys the banter or he wouldn't allow it. But he is definitely not interested in moving ideas forward. He's interested in stating what he believes as fact and bitch slapping anyone who disagrees. Nothing wrong with that. It's his blog. He can do as he pleases and I can choose to play along or not. God Bless The Internet! :-)

    Ducky - Is this fucking hysterical, or what? Jesus H. Christ in a chicken basket! It's like there was a major zombie outbreak, but all you have to do is point your finger at them like a pistol and say "POW" and they fall over.

    JOOLS - So, I can't put an Obama campaign sign in your yard? Wow. I did not see that coming! :-) You know I luv ya!

    Craig - I think I'm gonna have to take a shower before I go to bed. There was so much STUPID flying back and forth today I think I got some on me. It burns.

  34. Craig, I do not hate the Constitution, or George Washington. In fact, I hold them in very high regard. Yes, taxes are theft. I do however know that in order for government to provide Constitutionally mandated services that some taxes (theft) is needed.

    I notice you didn't cite Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3. Direct taxes must be apportioned amoung the states.

    Which means that an income tax is impossible unless Congress can make it happen that a state with 10% of the US population pays 10% of all income tax collected.

    Oh, but those thieves in Congress wrote the 16th amendment to cover that. Only... they forgot to get it ratified by the required number of states for it to actually BECOME a constitutional amendment.

    That didn't bother them, the courts, or you (obviously)... but it does bother people who hold the government accountable and the Constitution in high regard.

  35. Old Fart - Oh Christ. You're "one of those".

    The 16th Amendment has been settled law for almost a century but YOU, in your infinite and far superior understanding of the Constitution are declaring it illegal and invalid.

    You should get thee to the Supreme Court and negotiate some face time with the Justices.

    I'm sure they would be fascinated and enthralled with your superior grasp of Constitutional Law.

  36. X.O. -

    hmm...i found the images enticing.

    in fact i'd let her top my bottom or bottom my top (either way or both sound grand), but i half suspect she's actually trelvix in drag and wouldn't THAT be embarrassing?

    p.s. - you are aware the moon's been full for the last 3 nights? jes' sayin'...

  37. Nick - I saw a lot of images on ALTF's blog that looked like something from "Toddlers & Tiaras" but in lingerie and wearing a Batman cowl.

    That kinda creeps me out.

    But I agree, I wouldn't be surprised if Trelvix did a reverse hand, latex mask, peel off reveal ala Mission Impossible Classic.

    The intelligence, wit and vocabulary certainly fit his literary DNA.

  38. Nick - And yes...I am always acutely aware of the Full Moon. It is my talisman and my muse.

  39. Hey Intolerant - Are you hittin'
    on me.

    Cause I've been hit on before and it sure sounds like it.

  40. Yes XO, I'm one of those. I believe that because the Constitution spells out EXACTLY how an amendment is added to the Constitution, that if something doesn't meet those qualifiers it doesn't matter whether a court says it does.

    To bad you're not one of those. Instead, you're a canadian living in MO.

  41. XO,

    I used to visit Joe's blog but gave up trying to have a logical discussion there, since he is consumed by Obama Derangement Syndrome.

    You can't argue with someone who's so far gone that he casts aspersions on the president's birth certificate, education, and even whether or not Mr. Obama is a sincere Christian.

    Joe is consumed by hatred, and there's no way to get through that.

    Let him and his fellow travelers wallow in their swamp of racism and self-deceit.

  42. I notice you didn't cite Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3. Direct taxes must be apportioned amoung the states.

    Which means that an income tax is impossible

    Even without the 16th amendment, an income tax on labor is constitutional. The first income tax was levied in 1861. The first tax on income from the sale of property was in 1789, the whiskey tax. See the whiskey rebellion. That tax was later repealed but it was never found unconstitutional.

    The income tax on labor has always been treated as an indirect tax in American law and not subject to apportionment. "Pollock vs. Farmers Loan and Trust" established income from property, dividends, and capital gains as direct taxes. It said nothing about income from labor.

    The 16th says that income from any source is an indirect tax. It was ratified by 42 of the 48 states, 6 more than what was needed. Maybe you're one of those whacky tax protesters. Go ahead, challenge it. Many have and every court has found the arguments you make frivolous and without merit.

  43. "A Canadian living in MO."

    Ouch! a low blow.

    But I agree with XO Old Fart if you have a better understanding of the law than anyone else why have you not really made a name for yourself and gone to court to point out how the 16th amendment is wrong and have it removed from the books.

    It's clear from your words and thoughts you need to be in Washington protecting us the people who are stupid rather than here in blogville trying to make us believe you know the The Constitution better than anyone else.

    Please Old Fart for our sakes go to Washington and save us the stupid idiot people from goverment harm.

  44. Seriously? And you apparently aren't smart enough to figure out you're being "had" by some idiotic poser that has nothing better to do than create dozens of online persona and writes comment after comment, sometimes even arguing with himself?

    He's not that hard to figure out. But apparently you "enlightened ones" can't even see past his Sybil antics. There aren't a bunch of right wing nutjobs posting, it's just one guy that is making you look like a big fool.

  45. Thanks for the great post XO. Been reading your blog for about three years and as much as I enjoy the pictures the essays are even better.
