Monday, November 05, 2007

Water Boarding


Ambitious Fledgling said...

Thank you for this very informative blog. I have been wondering what water boarding was.. or rather what it involved. Thanks for doing the research for me.

GB, RN said...

Yeah, I thought it was just something you did at the beach...or the lake.

Thanks for the edumacation. I'll have to adopt this new form of torture the next time Brother smokes in my car.

Trelvix said...

Everyone should try this at home one evening - just for a few seconds.

Even in a controlled environment the sense of panic and powerlessness will overwhelm you (if you're doing it right).

And at home you can stop it when you want.

Try to imagine NOT being able to stop it. You can't imagine it but try.

And we're the good guys. Shame on us.

(sorry. bad experience.)

Xavier Onassis said...

stink - sounds like a great theme for a blogger get together!

Let's have a water boarding party!

I'll supply the water and the board, everybody bring their own facial rag, some comfortable restraints, a "safe word" and a side dish!

Who's in? (actually, if this really sounds fun to you, please don't respond and stop reading my blog.)

Xavier Onassis said...

stink - sounds like a great theme for a blogger get together!

Let's have a water boarding party!

I'll supply the water and the board, everybody bring their own facial rag, some comfortable restraints, a "safe word" and a side dish!

Who's in? (actually, if this really sounds fun to you, please don't respond and stop reading my blog.)

Joe said...

It seems to me that we held the Japanese's feet to the fire for war crimes when they waterboarded our POW's. So, what makes us right and WW2 Japan wrong?