I've Been Banned Again - Part 2
I was going to let this go (because I don't really give a flying fuck), but Little Miss Chatterbox came into MY house and left these comments.
"For the record, I have numerous liberals that stay on my blog for years, they just happen to not be bitter and hateful."
Yeah, I know the type. We call them House Liberals. Always eager to please. They have no passion, no soul. They have lost their outrage and are able to discuss things on a purely academic level, taking care not to offend anyone.
Fuckin' pussys. There is plenty to be outraged about, and I am one pissed off, fed up, capital "L" Liberal. This is who you're dealin' with, right HERE!
"I tolerated your vitriol for as long as I could and then decided that since it wasn't adding anything constructive to the debate it was time to cut you loose."
Ohhh, I get it. By "wasn't adding anything constructive to the debate" you mean I wasn't reinforcing your faith based belief that you are surrounded by Evil Muslim Terrorists and we should shred the Constitution and The Bill Of Rights and give The President whatever powers he thinks he needs to round people up, hold them for years without any charges or due diligence, commit acts of torture, piss in the faces of our allies and parade around the world like a heavily armed bully doing whatever the fuck we like, just so you and your vapid friends can sit at home and watch American Idol in the illusion of peace and happiness.
Got it. You're right. I'm not contributing to that fucking argument.
"After you attend your anger/bitterness management therapy class let me know and maybe we'll give ya another go around."
To quote Adam Sandler, "my anger management class pisses me off!" LOL! Love that movie!
Two points.
One. I don't need anger management. What I need is a President who doesn't just make shit up because he wants to go to war with Iraq to avenge his Pa, then stands up behind the Presidential Seal with a condescending smirk on his face, leans in like he's talking to child, and just blatantly lies his cowardly little ass off and sends 4000 brave American soldiers to their deaths when he (and Cheney, and Wolfowitz and Addington) were too fucking chickenshit to answer their country's call during Vietnam. Just typing that makes me physically ill.
Two. "...let me know and maybe we'll give ya another go around." Yeah, I don't think so toots. You can just keep that hypocritical shit to yourself.
"Either way, I knew you'd whine about getting banned. I'm sure you don't care about coming back but in case you do let me know when you're done with the 12 step program ;-)."
Whine? WTF. Oh, I forgot, this is MY blog. WHAT THE FUCK? To paraphrase Inigo Montoya, "I do not think that word means what you think it means."
WHINE (from Merriam-Webster OnLine)
Main Entry: 1whine
Pronunciation: \ˈhwīn, ˈwīn\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): whined; whin·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hwīnan to whiz; akin to Old Norse hvīna to whiz
Date: 13th century
intransitive verb
1 a: to utter a high-pitched plaintive or distressed cry b: to make a sound similar to such a cry
2: to complain with or as if with a whine
3: to move or proceed with the sound of a whine
It looks like "whine" implies some sort of regret or complaint.
Were you under the impression that I was upset that I was no longer able to leave comments on your blog?
Au contraire, my dear! You're flattering yourself sweetheart. I'm actually relieved that you have removed the temptation.
Because every time I started to leave a comment I felt just a little dirty and guilty. Like I was dipping my hands into filth. And I knew that it was a complete and total waste of my time, energy and synapses.
I knew there was no point. It's like trying to reason with a bunch of brain-dead zombies.
But I have a very deep-rooted Sir Galahad Complex. When I see someone in danger, my first instinct is to jump on the white horse and ride to the rescue!
So when I see people wallowing in a fantasy of some Ozzie and Harriet America that never existed, and when I see them cheering on an Administration that continues to lie to the American people and send people off to be maimed and killed while the cheerleaders sit at home watching American Idol, I have an overwhelming urge to grab them by the shoulders, shake the shit out of them and yell "WAKE THE FUCK UP! This isn't a goddamn TV show! This isn't an episode of "24" and Dubya ain't Keifer Sutherland! This is real! Real people are dying! And it's all a LIE!"
To which they blithely reply "Wow! Bush Derangement Syndrome! Is Hannity and Colmes on yet?"
It's just a waste of fucking time.
I can't wait to see their faces when they wake up to Barack Obama as President and Bill Richardson as Vice President.
It's a whole new world, bitches. Get used to it!
"And when I saw Devi Dasi's comment I knew she had to come from somewhere over here. Have a great day!!"
Hey, don't be dissin' on my Devi. Devi Dasi's got more heart and soul than all y'all.
Okay. I'm done. I'm fixin' tacos.
Who wants one?
P.S. - Yes, I know I just violated Lesson # 7. What can I say? I was bored.
Discuss amongst yourselves.
Wait this isn't 24? Oh good I can go pee.
Another excellent post and don't worry about #7.
It's worth it to rant on an Anne Coulter Lite.
It's so obvious how much you don't give a flyin' fuck. Kind of like how Tony doesn't give a flyin' fuck about Funkhouser.
Who let the dogs out? LMC let loose the dogs of War. I love it when you get worked up into a lather like that!
I have a post in my head about the stupidity of being a Republican now, specially if you are not making over 250K... none of what they are doing benefits you, yet so many people keep on voting like sheep... amazing.
As for being banned, well, LOL they just took away your temptation.
Inconceivable! (too subtle)
I enjoy your blog, otherwise why would I be reading...but really you must realize that you are part of the problem. You've created a public forum, then made it clear who is and isn't welcome to post. Maybe I'm not outright 'banned' (yet) but I certainly know when I'm not welcome. I made the mildest sort of criticism (can't even remember about what now) and was accused by one of your minions of 'having bush's dick in my mouth'.
You hate bush. Got it. You think Iraq was a big mistake. Okay. I respect those opinions and believe they come from a place of honesty and passion. However, I don't hate bush, and I don't think Iraq was a mistake, therefore I'M A LIAR AND A DUMBASS AND A BRAIN-DEAD ZOMBIE WITH BUSH'S DICK IN MY MOUTH!!!!!. It's all so tiresome...
I'm open-minded. I seek out other opinions. I speak a second language. I don't watch american idol. I like sushi. Why can't I express a contrary opinion without my character and my motivation and my intellegence being insulted in the basest possible terms?
You guys pretend that Iraq was a happy, peaceful place before big bad Chimpy W Hitler went in there and started murdering babies so we can steal all the oil. I'll let you in on a little secret, Iraq was a place of murderous violence and repression where people have been dying by the thousands for the last thirty years. People are still dying, just different people. Does this sound calloused? It's not. Every dead marine makes me cry.
We had every right to go into Iraq. They violated 17 different UN mandates. What good is the UN if their mandates aren't enforced, and aren't enforcable, and every tyrant in the world knows full well that when the UN wags their collective finger at you they are just blowing smoke.
We're gonna have a war, we might as well have it in the slimiest shithole in the world, overthrow the government while we are at it, and try and make something grow in its place that is not so openly hostile to US interests.
Are ya gonna ban me??? Are ya???
PS Obama is going to get his ass handed to him
winston - "Are ya gonna ban me??? Are ya???"
Nope! Not at all.
You bring up some valid points.
I look forward to responding to them.
Thanks for stopping by!
Badmouthing Satyavati? That's a low blow. Gotta stoop pretty low for that. I agree with you X, she's got more heart than LMC.
I've never heard anyone describe themselves as "[...] A LIAR AND A DUMBASS AND A BRAIN-DEAD ZOMBIE WITH BUSH'S DICK IN [their] MOUTH."
I think I just found something we can agree on. Common ground if you will...
(I know. The complaint might be that I read the comment selectively and/or that I took the snippet out of context. One might even lament that I've manipulated the intent of someone else or that I've created intelligence at the exclusion of overwhelming facts that discredit my position.
Yeah. One might say that. Fortunately we live at a time where that sort of argument is easily dismissed as hateful and unpatriotic.
XO, it has been a long hard day in my world. Im mentioning this because im trying to rationalize the vicarious RAGE i feel about this crap. I don't have words. Well I have a lot of words actually but they would only serve to fuel my own sense of impotence that goes hand in hand with that urge to "grab folks by the shoulders and shake the shit out of them". I wish I had something more profound to offer in support of what you provide in terms of consistently thought provoking and intelligent contributions to the current societal dialogue. But right now all I can come up with is a raging "FUCK THEM" particularly in response to the last comment here which serves as little more than a poorly strung together collection of logical flaws. I do recognize that a FUCK YOU response is, of course, another exercise in impotence. But dammit, people who provide the mental equivalent of a a cut and paste of bits of misinformation and sprinkle them with foxnews soundbites while blatantly refusing to participate in even the barest minimum of critical thinking do not deserve well thought out responses. They deserve FUCK YOU with perhaps a "you ignorant unpatriotic irresponsible hatemonger". (actually that feels kind of good to say. and i feel much less bitter now that it's out on the table!) Ill stop now. Thank you.
crap. it took me so long to write that you had a lot of other comments. My apologies to the noble sir Stinkbait. I was referring to the winston smith comment which was the last one before i began to rage. And Im sorry XO but i am not able to see Winston's valid points. But that could be the blind rage at witnessing a persistent choice towards ignorance talking.
LOL Alls I can say is that you proved all of my points with this post. Nicely done!!
But don't you see?? XO wears his 'ban' like a badge of honor, like, can you believe these wussies actually banned me? Afraid to hear me speak truth to power?? And yet you guys in the peanut gallery are no different, you also have no interest in opposing views.
Hey, I don't care who insults me, why don't you just say something bad about my mother while you're at it. I'll be the resident conservative whipping boy, at least until I get banned.
I love how y'all pretend it takes such courage to speak out against GW, Halliburton, all the neocon fascists, Diebold, Abu Ghrab, etc etc etc. Gee, must really take guts to go along with a 78% majority behind you. Wow, you're all so courageous.
But it's really insulting to the millions of people in the world who lived and continue to live under the thumb of ACTUAL fascism. Like maybe the 5 million Iraqis that were living in exile, in fear for their lives from Saddam. They can go home now, such as it is.
Or maybe the millions of Kurds living in fear and oppression, remembering the thousands who were gassed by Saddam's non-existent WMDs. Or maybe the Poles, Chechs, or East Germans. Who speaks for them? You?
You are aware that some of those "millions of people in the world who lived under the thumb of ACTUAL fascism" were Iraqis living under a US-supported Saddam Hussein?
And obviously "5 million Iraqis that were living in exile, in fear for their lives from Saddam. They can go home now" no longer fearing Hussein because he's dead. Yes you're right. They now just have to fear losing their lives to Iraqi insurgents or militias, or Iranian militias. Oh yeah, and I believe there's some American troops there too - but no need to worry about them killing anybody innocent - that wouldn't happen now would it?
And are you seriously suggesting that the US invaded Iraq in 2003 because of the mass killing of the Kurds in the 1980s? That the US waited 15 years and then went after WMDs used in the late 1980s when it was supporting Hussein?
Since you're a fan of invasion to back up UN Resolutions - could you explain why you don't advocate invasion for the thousands of other UN Resolutions that have been violated?
This is a long comment. The short version is that I'm saying your points reek of hipocrisy. And why on earth do you keep going on about you being banned?
You go ahead and cry for Marines, some of us in the world cry for all those who are being killed in Iraq, because we don't value American lives any higher then anybody elses, including our own families. And yes we cried when Kurds were being gassed - we didn't wait 15 years.
winston - "You've created a public forum, then made it clear who is and isn't welcome to post. Maybe I'm not outright 'banned' (yet) but I certainly know when I'm not welcome."
You are welcome to post whatever you like. I don't ban people. I'm not afraid of opposing points of view.
winston - "You guys pretend that Iraq was a happy, peaceful place before big bad Chimpy W Hitler went in there and started murdering babies so we can steal all the oil."
I don't know what blog you've been reading, but it wasn't mine. I think you've been watching to much Fox programming.
winston - "I'll let you in on a little secret, Iraq was a place of murderous violence and repression where people have been dying by the thousands for the last thirty years."
Shall I make you a list of other countries around the world that are places of "murderous violence and repression where people have been dying by the thousands" that we DIDN'T invade? Ever hear of Rwanda? Maybe you should google it. Don't try to tell me that we invaded Iraq to avenge it's persecuted citizens. That was never the justification.
winston - "Every dead marine makes me cry."
What about the dead Army, National Guard, Airmen and Sailors? What about the dead Blackwater contractors? Civilians? Or is it just the Marines?
I suspect that this is a melodramatic overstatement on your part. Been bawling your eyes out for the last 5 years, have you? Yet still pulled the voting lever for Bush? Voting for McCain, are ya? You don't see any philisophical dichotomy there?
winston - "We had every right to go into Iraq. They violated 17 different UN mandates. What good is the UN if their mandates aren't enforced, and aren't enforcable, and every tyrant in the world knows full well that when the UN wags their collective finger at you they are just blowing smoke."
Go look at this: http://www.actionforunrenew.ndo.co.uk/pages/isreal_un_resolutions.htm
It is a list of U.N. resolutions against Israel. Are you suggesting that it is our job to enforce them too? Should we invade Israel, bring down it's government and impose the will of the United Nations?
Most conservatives hate the U.N. and see it as a hinderance to U.S. authority. Yet they seem to have no problem trotting it out to justify the invasion of Iraq. Have I used the word hypocrisy lately?
winston - "We're gonna have a war, we might as well have it in the slimiest shithole in the world, overthrow the government while we are at it, and try and make something grow in its place that is not so openly hostile to US interests."
Absolute fantasy. You really think Iraq is going to be a peaceful, democratic, U.S.-friendly, bastion of stability? You know nothing about geopolitical history.
Your lack of knowledge and eagerness to vote is more of a danger to America than Saddam ever was.
winston - "I'll be the resident conservative whipping boy, at least until I get banned."
Get this through your head...I don't ban people. I might start ignoring you if responding to you takes this much time, but I won't ban you.
winston - "I love how y'all pretend it takes such courage to speak out against GW, Halliburton, all the neocon fascists, Diebold, Abu Ghrab, etc etc etc. Gee, must really take guts to go along with a 78% majority behind you. Wow, you're all so courageous."
Diebold?!? What the fuck are you talking about? Put down the crack pipe and try to pay attention!
winston - "But it's really insulting to the millions of people in the world who lived and continue to live under the thumb of ACTUAL fascism. Like maybe the 5 million Iraqis that were living in exile, in fear for their lives from Saddam. They can go home now, such as it is.
Or maybe the millions of Kurds living in fear and oppression, remembering the thousands who were gassed by Saddam's non-existent WMDs. Or maybe the Poles, Chechs, or East Germans. Who speaks for them? You?"
Ahahahahahahahaha! Yeah. The airlines are inundated with expat Iraquis booking flights back home. They can't keep up with the demand. Are you insane? Seriously.
Poles, Chechs and East Germans?
Poland is a democracy and has been for many years.
Czechoslovakia hasn't been a country since 1993. Are you taking about the Czech Republic? Yeah, it's a democracy too.
East Germany also no longer exists. It's part of Germany and its a democracy too.
That's all I have time for. I have to go to work.
absolutely glorious.
you've got ditto-heads defending their ditto-headness on your blog!
fucking awesome...
i'm laughing myself silly.
Aw.. I'm YOUR devi... I feel so frickin special I got goosebumps.
You know I've always been in lust with you, right?
Nothing turns me on more than a well-informed, street smart, pissed off Liberal.
Add in a white t shirt, a tight pair of jeans and some construction boots and I'll just be a pile of mush.
Oops.. did I say too much?
And this one's for Winston:
Must be easy going along with a 78% majority?
I've been involved with the Socialist party since 1985. I was too young to even vote in 1985.
I was one of the founding members of the North Carolina Socialist Party in the mid-90's.
My politics haven't changed in the past 20 years. Perhaps the message is getting out, or perhaps the masses are beginning to wake up, but either way, I don't give a shit about being part of a minority of me or a majority of 100%.
I believe what I believe regardless of fad, fashion, popular belief or the propaganda machine. (Not just in politics, either.. you should see my closet.)
I believe in open and free communication and the right (and pleasure) of debating. I love a great argument. XO can tell you we've gone head to head right here and we can do it over at my place too (ooh, XO, I think that might have been a Freudian double entendre...). The unhindered free exchange of ideas is what is *supposed* to epitomize American society (see my blog for more of an explanation on why it isn't culture).
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I've been flying with my left wing all my life and not just because the proletariat masses have opened one eye and started to see what's going on.
Man XO, I was going to ban you just for fun.
It's too bad Little Miss Coulter beat me to it.
You guys crack me up.
This is like watching a monkey shit fight at the zoo, where all the monkeys throwing shit are complaining about all the other monkeys throwing shit at them.
Bah- blow this crap off XO.
You CANNOT make the blind see nor the deaf hear The Truth.
And remember- most can't handle that thing anyway...
First I want a taco.
Second I stopped reading after the link to the torture article (But picked up when free food was involved).
I firmly believe that I would rather be tortured then to be beheaded on Iraqi TV like those other soldiers and American contractors. So until they play by the rules I say we eliminated the rules so we are all on the same playing field. That way I won't feel anything but a little fallout when we turn that sand box into a super heated glass block...nuclear bombs will do that you know.
And can I say HOLY SHIT! you fuckers need a better hobby, I haven't seen so many words about death, destruction, war, hypocrisy, elections anger and frustrations in my entire life!
Fuck put down the typewriter and go out side and play for fucks sake. Better yet go get laid, even if you just jerk off, at least it is sex with someone you love!
Can you tell my laptop is all better!
Yep, lets torture some innocent people to make up for other people getting beheaded. Sure levels the playing field.
"even if you just jerk off, at least it is sex with someone you love!"
Not true. Don't you know all liberals hate themselves?
I have two things to say:
1. Too bad you have 4 more years of McCain coming up, or at least until he croaks.
2. To the lady who is a member of the socialist party. I should be named an honorary member of your party, unless it's headquartered in a mental institution, then I would decline.I already read Das Kapital and 54 volumes of Lenin's works.I also was a member of various communist children's and youth organizations from 77-92. Some day we need to get together and reminisce, maybe even dream about the future when we make this country so crappy that even Mexicans will stop jumping the fence. Until then,in solidarity,your comrade Meesha.v
satyavati - Thanks. Ya got me feelin' all warm and fuzzy!
crse - I'm so glad you're back! I've missed ya!
Eolai - Thanks for protecting my flank (no homo).
emaw - "Don't you know all liberals hate themselves?" Not true! I love me long time! Happy finish!
I'm so jealous. I can't seemed to get banned from anywhere except second dates that is.
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