Because Its Been Awhile
Saw this meme over at Moxie Mama's. It looked quick and simple, so I figured what the fuck. Here ya go my peeps:
Getting To Know You Meme
1. What was I doing 10 years ago? Living in Richmond, MO. in this house -

Working for AT&T (from home...thats my office on the lower left corner...largest office I've ever had...only office I've ever had with massive old growth oak pocket doors [which locked], 12 foot ceiling, stained, lead-glass windows, and private bathroom with a gold-enameled claw-foot tub). Been married (for the 2nd time) for 5 years with a 4 year old daughter (my only child).
2. Five things on my to do list for today.
Wake up with the alarm
Make it to the bus stop by 7:10.
Do some work
Leave work promptly at 4:30 to catch bus home
Get my drink on
The same five things that are on my to do list every. fucking. day. Except on weekends. Then I skip tasks 1-4. My little treat to myself.
3. Snacks I enjoy.
Is bourbon a snack? How 'bout scotch? Whisky? O.K., then, fuck it. Beer nuts. Although they wreak havok with my colon.
4. Things I would do if I was a billionaire.
First, I would pay off all my friends and families mortgages, establish college funds for all of their children, set aside a small monthly stipend for myself, and donate the rest to... HA! Fuck all that shit! I'd start spending that money like a drunken sailor. I'd buy this

buy at least one of these

take a ride into space on this muthafucker

and die dead ass broke one year later from a heart attack caused by snorting coke off of Angelina Jolie's naked body

while she is sprawled over the hood of my Pagani Zonda

which I have had custom painted to look as much as possible like this

after drinking an entire pot of this
5. Places I have lived:
This is so anti-climactic after 4 that I won't waste your time. G'night.
coincidentally, I am in business of eating coffee beans and just a day later selling them for their weight in silver. But you are welcome to a free cup.
meesha - you are too kind, sir! Far too kind! I cannot accept your generous offer. Perhaps I could help you market your shitbeans elsewhere?
So if I do it it's "shitbeans" but some marsupial rat does it and it's suddenly a freaking delicacy. Not fair at all.
Bourbon is totally a snack.
Not drinking coffee today! Yuck Thanks a lot!
Sorry about my deleted comment. I must not be awake yet.
I love that house in #1! Very Nice! If I had a billion dollars, that's what my house would look like, only a little bigger!
Skipping the coffee....I like tea!
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