Monday, December 31, 2007

Last Post For 2007

I don't have anything profound to say to close out the year.

I am continually flattered, humbled, befuddled and honored that anyone bothers to spend any of their time reading anything that I have to say.

It is all still a mystery to me.

I am grateful to everyone who inadvertantly boosts my self esteem with a click of their mouse and a minute of their time.

I am profoundly thankful for the new friends I have made this year.

I have found that people who are witty, intelligent, insightful and entertaining on-line are equally so in person.

Much thanks to Michelle and the late, great Greg Beck for calling the first blogger meet-up back in April of 2007.

Many kudos to Spyder for keeping the momentum going.

Spyder, you have turned a random event into an ever expanding community and a handfull of online strangers into a growing network of friends.

I know I'm not alone when I say "Thank You".

I wish you all a wonderful new year.

Peace and prosperity to all.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

I'm getting that urge again...

I'm thinking of going with the Robert Altman trim on the goatee.

This is a reasonably recent picture.

This is a closeup.

This is the Robert Altman trim.

What do you think?

You Have GOT To Be Fucking Kidding Me!?!

"Director Oliver Stone joins hostage rescue team

Story Highlights

* Team trying to gain release of hostages held by Colombian rebels

* Stone invited to join mission led by Venezuela's Hugo Chavez

* High-profile Hollywood celebrity under tight security in Colombia

* Stone gathering material for upcoming films"

What is this idiot doing endangering a hostage rescue by tagging along as a blatant attention whore? Yeah, you were a Vietnam vet. So what? That was 40 years ago. Now you are a 61 year old, crazy stoner who can't distinguish between reality and paranoid fantasy.

What's next?

Is Ben Kingsley going to travel to Pakistan to try and calm the violence with a hunger strike?


You know why?

Because Ben Kingsley isn't a bat-shit crazy narcissist.

Because Ben Kingsley doesn't have an ego the size of the Andromeda galaxy.

Because Ben Kingsley realizes that he is just an actor.

Oliver Stone is nuts.

Maybe the FARC will take him hostage and spend the next few years ass-raping him.

Maybe he could make his next movie about THAT.

I've even got a title for him..."I'm A Fucking Idiot!"

What a fucktard.

Poll Results

I recently asked my readers to chime in on my periodic postings of the Red State Updates.

For those of you who have never bothered to click on those video clips, you can read all about Jackie Broyles (Travis Harmon) and Dunlap (Jonathan Shockley) in the Nashville Scene (Nashville's version of The Pitch).

Basically they just spoof and riff on dumb, redneck Republicans. And they are funny as hell. In much the same way that Colbert mocks O'Reilly.

But I noticed that I generally get a whole lot of dead air after posting one of their clips.

So I asked my you like them, do you hate them, or are you indifferent?

Out of the whopping 12 readers who actually gave two shits either way, the poll results are as follows:

33% Like the Red State Updates and say "keep 'em coming".

58% Say Jackie and Dunlap suck ass, quit wasting my time.

8% Don't give a shit either way.

I can't ignore this sort of feedback.

So, I'm sad to report that 58% of the people who bothered to respond to my poll (that would be 7 people out of the 100-150 or so who visit my site daily) will continue to be annoyed as I completely ignore their feedback and continue to post Red State Updates whenever the fuck I feel like it.

In fact, here's one now.

Choke on it, bitches.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

My New Years Pledge

My blogger pledge for 2008 is to add the following six blogs to my blog roll and make them part of my daily reading.

Logtar's Blog I've seen Logtar lurking around my blog for a while and seen the occasional comment here or there. I had the pleasure of meeting him and his lovely wife at tonight's blogger gathering. The guy was wearing a Green Lantern t-shirt!

We shared a brief geek moment talking about the upcoming Justice League of America movie,

the Green Arrow movie "Super Max"

"Super Max” is Goyer’s take on supervillain incarceration in the DCU [DC Comics Universe - xo]. Revolving around a wrongly convicted Green Arrow being whisked away to the super max prison for out-of-control heroes and villains (where he's forced to face a number of inmates he put there), Goyer says the flick—which he’s developing with writer Justin Marks—isn’t just a Green Arrow film.

“He’s Green Arrow for the first 10 minutes of the movie, and then he’s arrested and his secret identity is revealed,” says Goyer, who also has plans to do a graphic novel or miniseries that would tie in to the possible film. “They shave his goatee and they take his costume and send him to prison for life, and he has to escape. It’s like ‘Alcatraz,’ and he has to team up with, in some cases, some of the very same villains he is responsible for incarcerating in order to get out and clear his name. Of course, tons of people try to kill him while he’s in there. We’ve populated the prison with all sorts of B and C [i.e. lesser known and more obscure - xo] villains from the DC Universe. For the fans, there will be all sorts of characters the hardcore comic book junkies will know, but they’re all going to be there under their human names and no one is wearing a costume, but there will be a lot of characters with powers and things like that

The inevitability of an eventual Worlds Finest movie.

Logtar's blog doesn't really have anything at all to do with super heroes or comic books. But I just decided I like the guy and since he does actually write well, I'm going to make him a regular read. You should to.

Next up is Meesha over at Kansas City with a Russian Accent. Meesha describes his blog as the "Rants of Russian-Jewish-American". As a former resident of Reagan's Evil Empire, he has a unique perspective that is both valuable and entertaining. His political views are a bit more to the right than I would expect, but that's OK. I got to meet him briefly at tonight's blogger gathering and was present at that historic moment when Meesha called Dan from Gone Mild a "Commie". It was all good natured ribbing! No nukes were armed or targeted! But it was an historic moment! Being declared a "Commie" by an actual Russian Jew can only boost Dan's pinko street cred! Look for him to add that quote to his banner! I expect great things from Meesha in 2008.

The Random Ramblings of a Midtown Miscreant. I'd seen his comments here and there before. I think I even visited his blog before and thought "Nice. I like it." But I never went back. Until, at tonight's blog meet Dan told me that the MM was taking his blog to another level.

"I walked out of the Federal Prison in Rochester Minnesota almost 10 years ago, got on a bus with a shoebox and a trash bag of belongings and came home to midtown Kansas City. The reason I originally started this blog was in part to write about those wasted years. I thought I would try my hand at writing about day to day trivial stuff, and work my courage up to writing about prison and what led me there. So that’s where I am at. I realize that not everyone will be interested in this subject matter, and some may get all judgmental and stop reading altogether.

That’s okay, I never set out to be a widely read blogger. I write to pass time, attempt to be humorous or to get things off of my chest. I know it is a cliché, but writing is cathartic for me.
If you ever wanted to know what prison is like without experiencing it first hand, and who could blame you, then you may find some of the stuff I will be writing of interest. There wont be long diatribes about how I got screwed over by the system, I didn’t. There wont be excuses or claims that I’m a product of my environment. There wont be a shifting of the blame, I take full credit for all of my misdeeds.

I will still make lame attempts at humor, I will still dazzle you with marginal writing skill, but with an occasional trip down a memory lane that most people would wisely never choose to travel

That level of honesty, combined with plain ol' good writin' deserves your attention. I know it will get mine in 2008.

Plastic Sax. This is another Happy In Bag blog (all of which are worth the daily attention of anyone interested in music and wonder). This particular blog focuses on jazz in Kansas City. Jazz is as much a part of Kansas City's DNA as Tom Pendergast, Harry Truman and the Union City Massacre.

Jazz is the soundtrack of Kansas City's history. No active blogger knows more about the musical landscape of Kansas City, past or present, than Happy in Bag. If you love music and Kansas City, you should be reading him every day.

And buy this book!

Beneath The Ginko. Kanga is Spyder's husband. He's a bit of geek, but that's OK. They are (or at least used to be) members of the Society for Creative Anachronism and actually have official titles and offices there.

I just own a cool sword.

Kanga could actually show me how to use it properly without amputating one of my own appendages. That's priceless.

He's also a proud and shameless gamer and an absolutely INCREDIBLE and meticulous, modeler.

I've put together plenty of scale models in my youth. Mostly WWI and WWII war planes and historic spacecraft. Especially this one...

But I never, ever, even owned an airbrush or came close to the level of artistry that Kanga exibits. This is an example of his award winning work.

There is an entire school of artistry in model painting that rivals the touch and dexterity of neurosurgeons. It just amazes me.

How small a brush, how steady a hand, how good eyesight, how much patience do you need to produce something of this quality?


Call them nerds if you want, but the talent and skill required to produce works of art like this far esceeds the the level of intelligence needed to switch on a football game, nuke a bag of popcorn and repeticiously pop open cans of beer.

Lastly, is Farmer Bob. I keep tripping across his blog in links from other blogs. I've finally decided to make a special effort to link to him directly and regularly because he cracks me up.

That's just wrong. Seriously.

Blogger Meat Up - late notice

Wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it or not. But I should be there. Probably arrive early and leave early. That's just how I roll.

Stop by and introduce yourself.

75TH STREET BREWERY 816-523-4677
520 W 75th St
Kansas City, MO 64114

Saturday, December 29th, at 4:30pm

Blog Recommendation

If you are interested in history, I highly recommend the 100 Year Old Weblog. It contains news about Kansas City from 100 years ago.

Today's story...


December 28, 1907



Only to Fall Down Elevator Shaft to
Probable Death.

By a strange perversity of fate J. W. Turner, who lives at 1216 Locust street, escaped the Custer slaughter of 1876 and passed safely through the Spanish-American war, only to fall down an elevator shaft at the Avery Manufacturing Company's building, 1000 Santa Fe street, yesterday morning to almost certain death

There is more to the story on the blog.

There are also tons of links to other old Kansas City related sites. Fun stuff!

See what local news was like before Tony's Kansas City!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

This was a shocker!

From a Parade Magazine interview by Gail Sheehy published December 27, 2007

"Editor's note: We are all saddened by the murder this morning of Pakistan’s Benazir Bhutto. The assassination adds more danger and confusion to the already chaotic situation in the region.

In late November, PARADE sent Contributing Editor Gail Sheehy to Pakistan. Sheehy traveled with former prime minister Benazir Bhutto as she campaigned through her home provinces. Sheehy had two long interviews with her—the first in Bhutto’s home in Islamabad, a second at her residence outside Karachi. Bhutto told Sheehy that she had long been a target of terrorists. She knew she was also now a target of the Musharraf government. Today’s suicide bombing mirrors the earlier attempt on her life that Bhutto described to Sheehy.

The interview with Bhutto will be the cover story of PARADE on January 6, 2008.

Who saw this coming? Nobody! Right?

A semi-failed state precariously teetering between secular modernity and theocratic dark ages armed with nukes in social and political chaos.

That must be what our skilled profssional Diplolmatic Corps intended when drafting our Foreign Policy.

Support the military dictator Musharraf (for his support in our failed Iraqi war and his uncanny ability to hide OBL under our very noses...a trick worth of David Copperfield), while blatantly importing and supporting his democratic relacement, Bhutto, knowing her life expectancy would be measured in days. Play one against the other.

Then she gets assasinated.


If our carefully crafted Foreign Policy is to make the modern, nuclear-armed word as chaotic, hostile and unpredictable as possible, we have succeeded admirably.

Well done, Bushies!

We are SO MUCH SAFER with the faith based neo-con Republicans at the helm of our Ship of State.

Optical Delusions

Circles or a Spiral?

They are discreet circles! Follow the lines with your mouse cursor.

Things aren't always as they seem!

Look at this Larry Craig illusion.

The edges really are straight. They only look like they aren't. You will need to hold something long, hard and straight up to your monitor to prove it to yourself. Go ahead. Do it now. See?

This is psychedelic! Stare at the center!

Click on the picture to embiggen. This is a static picture...not an animated gif. Nothing is actually moving.

I'm sure you've all seen these incredible 3D street chalk illusions by Julian Beever. This guy is amazing! I can't even begin to imagine how he visualizes these drawings.

Truly amazing!

This is one of those "how many hidden figures can you find in this picture" illusions. Before you ask, I don't know what the answer is. Consider this an exercise in self affirmation. However many you find, YOU'RE RIGHT! It's kinda like our modern American School System...there are no wrong answers, there are no failing's all about making YOU feel good about YOU!

But the most incredible optical illusion is this one.

It is also in the hidden image category and it kept me puzzled for HOURS before I finally solved the puzzle!

Even after solving it, I still get fooled by the illusion everytime I see it and can look at it for a long time before the hidden picture revals itself.

It's funny how our eyes and mind can trick us like that. The human mind is a complex organ. We may never fully comprehend it's mysterious ways.

See if you don't experience the same confounding mirage.


What'd I tell ya?

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Brian Wilson Kennedy Center Honors

Was just watching The Kennedy Center Honors.

Brian Wilson is the punch-drunk Muhammed Ali of Rock and Roll.

I don't think he had any idea where he was or why.

Here is a clip of him being semi-lucid earlier in 2007. Ironically, he was talking about another permanently semi-lucid rock star of the early sixties. Not much difference between the two.

Brian Wilson Talks About Jan Berry / Jan & Dean

But there were better days...

The man was a genius. He may be a total putty-head now, but he used to be a genius.

He totally deserved The Kennedy Honors. He has no idea he actually recieved them, but he absolutely deserved them.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Just Under The Wire

It's 11:35 on Christmas night. I should have been in bed a half an hour ago.

I just got back from spending the evening with the girlfriend's family where MUCH good food was consumed and the white elephant gift exchange was a lot of fun.

I contributed a 19" color TV boxed and wrapped in newspaper and duct tape. I had two of them sitting in my closet with absolutely no use for them. It was a surprise hit.

I came away with a gift box of Adidas cologne, body wash, etc. I'm a little leary about wearing a cologne named after what I associate with smelly sneakers, but what the hell.

It's now 11:41, so I have to wrap this up if this is going to qualify as a Christmas post.

I poached the poster below from Joe's Big Blog.

Oh, and just to cleanse your XO palate after my Festivus post, I sincerely hope you all had a wonderful Christmas (or whatever you celebrate) with your loved ones and are feeling all warm and fuzzy.

11:49. Just made it! Now it's beddy bye time.

P.S. - I've been hearing A LOT of sirens on 291 here in Independence for the past 45 minutes. I hope it's just the usual Christmas meth busts and nothing that involves terrorists, biblical disasters, or you and yours.

11:55! Jeez, I love living life on the edge!

G'night bitches.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Fuckin' Festivus!

I didn't even bother to assemble the goddamned pole.

At my family "Christmas celebration" this year, I gave everyone blank, generic, envelopes containing unaddressed and unembellished Christmas cards containing one Powerball ticket and one random scratch-off ticket.

All of which were purchased at Dollar General and QT and assembled in the jeep on the way over.

Good luck to ya!

See ya next year.

P.S. - I wasn't sure how many people were coming so I wound up with 5 extra Powerballs which I pocketed for myself. Wish me luck!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Health Update Redux

First, a little background for the newbies (like anyone really cares).

Way back on July 31, 2006 (at 6:35am, to be precise) I smoked my last cigarette. I've been completely tobacco free ever since. Smartest thing I ever did.

I'd never really been concerned about my health before. I never got any check ups or physicals because I knew they would just tell me to quit smoking. Don't need to pay someone to tell me something I already know.

So when my workplace announced a Wellness Fair in October of 2006, I decided to get checked out. Establish a baseline of where I stood.

I fully expected them to tell me I had waited too long to quit smoking and only had hours to live.

To my amazement, things weren't quite that dire:

Fasting Glucose: 91 (Normal Range 65-100)
Random Glucose: 96 (Normal Range <140)

So I wasn't diabetic.

Cholesterol: 246 (Normal Range <200)
Triglycerides: 66 (Normal Range <150)
HDL Cholesterol (the good kind): 138 (Normal Range >41)
LDL Cholesterol (the bad kind): 95 (Normal Range 0-99)
Total Cholesterol to HDL Ratio: 1.8 (Normal Range <4.5)

For a red-meat carnivore, my cholesteral was amazingly good!

I don't have the numbers to post, but the one downside was that my blood pressure was pretty high. [regular readers just dropped their jaws and said "GEE! Ya fucking think?!?!"]

I emailed my doctor (yeah, he's cool like that) with the results and he gave me a prescription for lisinopril, with instructions to follow up with an office visit in 30 days. I kinda forgot about that follow-up part and kept on taking the lisinopril for the next year.

I had a nagging cough that I just attributed to smoking for 30+ years. I wasn't even a year off the tobacco. I couldn't expect a miracle recovery. It takes time.

Then, in February, I experienced some chest pains that scared me. I was sure it was nothing. But I also knew I was 50+ years old, mostly sedentary, had a history of smoking and high blood pressure. How stupid would I be not to have it checked out? I drove myself to Liberty Hospital. They did all of the tests they would normally do on someone who showed up in the ER with chest pains and gave me a clean bill of health.

Whatever it was, it wasn't a heart attack. But they prescribed a Stress Echo Cardiogram, just in case.

I passed THAT test with flying colors.

Then, right around Thanksgiving, I had reason to believe that I should have some other things checked.

I made a list.

Follow-up blood work.

Follow-up blood pressure.

Chronic cough and other respritory issues.

PSE (prostrate).

When I told my doctor about my cough, he said that this long after quitting smoking, that probably wasn't the culprit. But he indicated that one of the side effects of Lisinopril (and all ACE inhibitors) is a dry cough. Which I would have known if I had followed up with him (as he instructed) after 30 days. So I had endured a year of unneccesary coughing because I was stupid. No big surprise there!

He switched me to Benicar. Cough is mostly gone and getting better all the time.

He scheduled me for a chest X-Ray. I was sure they would find me riddled with cancer. The chest X-Ray came back clean. So I'm all good there.

He sent me to get some blood work done. Liver and kidney all functioning fine. Unfuckingbelievable.

When I was in his office, he wanted to do a "digital exam". I told him that I was kinda hoping that we could avoid that today and maybe combine it with the prostrate exam and colonoscopy. Sort of a one stop shopping approach.

He said "Well, as long as you brought it with you..." SNAP (of the latex glove)!

He rooted around, wrote something down and gave me a referral for a colonoscopy.

The blood work on the PSE (Prostrate Specific Antigen) came back good.

"PSA test results report the level of PSA detected in the blood. The test results are usually reported as nanograms of PSA per milliliter (ng/mL) of blood. In the past, most doctors considered PSA values below 4.0 ng/mL as normal. However, recent research found prostate cancer in men with PSA levels below 4.0 ng/mL (2). Many doctors are now using the following ranges with some variation:

0 to 2.5 ng/mL is low.
2.6 to 10 ng/mL is slightly to moderately elevated.
10 to 19.9 ng/mL is moderately elevated.
20 ng/mL or more is significantly elevated

My test came back as .89 nanograms per milliliter. So I certainly don't have any prostrate problems.

So, despite a half a century of unhealthy habits, I seem to be incredibly healthy. I'm packing more weight than I'm comfortable with and my blood pressure is still an issue. But other than that, I'm good to go!

My biggest fear now is that I will actually live long enough to regret the fact that I squandered what meager retirement funds I had.

That would suck ass.

How about a Red State Update

On the Jamie Lynn Spears situation...

A Year of XO

I got this meme from Spyder. It's snowing, I'm bored and mostly uninspired, so what the heck. I can do this.

Rules are simple enough: Paste the first line of your first post for each month, starting with January 2007.

"I was flipping around on the cable and just happened to catch the last 15 minutes of Erin Brockovich."

"I've been following an incredibly fascinating series of Discovery Channel and National Geographic programs looking for historical and archeaological evidence of biblical stories."

"Ok. Not THAT kind of whore."

"All good things must come to an end."

"Remember how relieved we all were when the war in Iraq finally ended 4 years ago?"

"I may just turn my sight into a redirect to this guy."

"Scoot, from Living In The Scoot Utopia is walking from Liberty to Olathe today, right now, with the goal of breaking the 40 miles in 1 day threshold."

"It's Wednesday! Time for Red State Updates!"

"Always read your contract."

"Just got back from the latest blogger meet up at Charley Hooper's."

"I couldn't find a video clip of him doing this live on stage, but I found a clip that someone put WAY too much time and effort into that fits the audio pretty well."

"On Huckabee!"

Friday, December 21, 2007

Into The Wild

The girlfriend and I saw this movie last weekend. It's been nominated for scads of awards and has already won a bunch.


"INTO THE WILD is based on a true story and the bestselling book by Jon Krakauer. After graduating from Emory University in 1992, top student and athlete Christopher McCandless (Hirsch) abandons his possessions, gave his entire $24,000 savings account to charity and hitchhiked to Alaska to live in the wilderness. Along the way, Christopher encounters a series of characters that shape his life"

What follows isn't a movie review, but it does contain a lot of SPOILERS. So if you haven't seen the movie yet, are planning to, and don't want me to ruin it for you, stop reading now!

Because it really is a good movie and deserves all of those awards. It's a great story, Emile Hirsch is fantastic as is Hal Holbrook, Vince Vaughn and the rest of the cast. Sean Penn did a great job with the material and it is worthy of your box office bucks.

You can always come back here after you have seen the movie and read what I have to say then.


One more time, SPOILER ALERT!!!


This movie, as stated above, is about neo-pseudo-hippy Christopher McCandless. He accidently discovered that the normal, white, upper-middle-class-suburban life that he had grown up with was built on a foundation of lies.
Wah. Wah. Wah.

According to Krakauer's book and Sean Penn's movie, this caused Chris to go on a Kerouacesque, soul searching voyage of self discovery, following his Thoreau-like dream to find himself and paradise in the stark wilderness of Alaska. Become the next Jack London.

How very romantic!

(the above is a picture of Chris McCandless taken from a roll of film found in his camera.)

Truth is, the guy was a total fucktard. He couldn't come to terms with the fact that his parents lied to him, he was all stressed out by the pressure that his asshole father put on him, and he straight up ran away.

He was a pussy.

He filled his head with all sorts of hippy ideas, and ran off into the wilderness.

This guy pissed away a college education and a trust fund. He shunned, the corporate rat race, but had no problem working at McDonalds or as an agricultural laborer when he needed money to continue his "spirtual" journey.

But this hippy-wannabe didn't bother to learn the skills that even the most radical, back-to-earth stoners learned 30 years before.

Instead of reading Thoreau, London and Kerouac, he should have read the Whole Earth Catalog.

Or even some Foxfire books.

But no.

He wandered into the Denali National Park, six million acres, 9,419 square miles of primitive wilderness, with a bag of rice, a .22 caliber rifle (which he had no experience with), and a head full of bullshit.

Not surprisingly, he died.

Cold, hungry, possibly poisened by his own stupidity about edible plants, and alone.

Ironically enough, he died in the shell of an abandoned Achorage city bus. Purposely left there by moose hunters as a shelter. Complete with a wood burning stove, some supplies and a matress.

Pretty cushy, if you ask me.

In all that vast wilderness, he managed to find the only rusted relic of the urban civilization he was supposedly fleeing. It was that very thrown-away husk of society that kept him alive for the rest of his short life.

Much has been made of his epic and heroic effort to survive in the wild by virtue of his wits and will.

No, he was an idiot. An idiot with issues, perhaps, but still an idiot.

Suicide by wilderness!

You should read an Alaskan Park Ranger's assesment of Chris McCandless.

"Some like McCandless, show up in Alaska, unprepared, unskilled and unwilling to take the time to learn the skills they need to be successful. These quickly get in trouble and either die by bears, by drowning, by freezing or they are rescued by park rangers or other rescue personnel–but often, not before risking their lives and/or spending a lot of government money on helicopters and overtime.

When you consider McCandless from my perspective, you quickly see that what he did
wasn’t even particularly daring, just stupid, tragic and inconsiderate.

First off, he spent very little time learning how to actually live in the wild. He arrived at the Stampede Trail without even a map of the area. If he had a good map he could have walked out of his predicament using one of several routes that could have been successful. Consider where he died. An abandoned bus. How did it get there? On a trail. If the bus could get into the place where it died, why couldn’t McCandless get out of the place where he died?

The fact that he had to live in an old bus in the first place tells you a lot. Why didn’t he have an adequate shelter from the beginning? What would he have done if he hadn’t found the bus? A bag of rice and a sleeping bag do not constitute adequate gear and provisions for a long stay in the wilderness.

No experienced backcountry person would travel during the month of April. It is a time of transition from winter’s frozen rivers and hard packed snow with good traveling conditions into spring’s quagmire of mud and raging waters where even small creeks become impassible. Hungry bears come out of their dens with just one thing in mind— eating.

Furthermore, Chris McCandless poached a moose and then wasted it. He killed a
magnificent animal superbly conditioned to survive the rigors of the Alaskan wild then, inexperienced in how to preserve meat without refrigeration (the Eskimos and Indians do it to this day), he watched 1500 pounds of meat rot away in front of him. He’s lucky the stench didn’t bring a grizzly bear to end his suffering earlier. And in the end, the moose died for nothing

I'm just glad he died without producing any children.

This, my friends, is Natural Selection at work.

Darwin RULES!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

There and Back Again

In case you missed the news,

"...Team Jackson, New Line, and MGM have made nice and are gearing up to launch 2 HOBBIT movies.

One will be an adaptaion of J.R.R. Tolkien's THE HOBBIT. The second project is believed to be a bridge between THE HOBBIT and THE LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy - culled from the titanic amount of periphery/ancillary/notated material found in Tolkien's works

This is awesome news! We've been waiting for this!

There has been a lot of speculation on Ain't It Cool News regarding the casting.

A lot of people want (nay, INSIST!) on bringing Ian Holm back as Bilbo Baggins.

From a continuity standpoint, that would be ideal. But Ian Holm is already 76 years old! The Hobbit takes place about 60 years before The Lord of the Rings and they won't even begin filming until 2009! He'll be 78.

One of the AICN commenters suggested that Matin Freeman would be a good choice for the young Bilbo.

I think that would be BRILLIANT! He looks perfect!

Elrond is another cross-over character that appears in both The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings trilogy. Obviously, Agent Smith would be the preferred choice, again, for continuity.

But someone suggested (and I agree), that Sam Neill would make a perfectly servicable substitute.

You pretty much have to have Ian McKellen

as Gandalf the Grey.

Gandalf is the glue that binds all of these stories together. You can recast almost every other cross-over character. But you need Ian McKellen!

I'm intrigued about the "bridge movie".

The Hobbit is basically a childen's story. It was written in the style of a grandfather telling a story to the grandchild on his knee. The Ring wasn't evil. It was just magic and it made you invisible! Very handy for stealing gold from dragons!

Nothing more.

The Lord of the Rings was MUCH darker and more adult. The Silmarillion and the Unfinished Tales even more so.

I hope that Peter Jackson "darkens" The Hobbit and that the sequel includes enough of the back story from the First and Second ages to allow for future franchise movies derived from Feanor

and Turin Turambar

and Beren and Luthien.

Despite the almost 24 hours of extended DVD versions of the entire trilogy, they have only just scratched the surface of the Tolkein Universe.

I want to see it ALL!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

How do you talk to kids about Britney's sister?

That's pretty easy.

Britney pretty much paved the way for THAT discussion.

My daughter, young Galadriel Tanqueray Onassis, understands that the Spears sisters are young, white, trailer trash losers.

No, no, no.

GTO laughs at them at them and makes fun of them.

Business Travel

I used to do a lot of business traveling when I worked for a major Telecom that ain't so major anymore. They fell on hard times and got eaten by one of their own children like in some Discovery Channel program on cannibalistic spiders or something.

Then, in another twist, the baby took the parents name! Like those people you hear about who keep their dead mother in the basement for years while they keep collecting dear old mom's Social Security checks.

But I gratuitously digress. Sorry.

When I first moved back to the KC area from New Jersey back in 1992 (fresh off my first marriage/divorce), I was spending about half my time in the air. I made routine trips to exotic locales like Atlanta, El Paso, Cheyenne and back to Jersey. In just 18 months I racked up over 180,000 frequent flyer miles.

I flew so much I used to get free upgrades to First Class! I could board first and sit in the big comfy chairs with room enough to cross my legs, a free Maker's Mark in my hand as I watched the cattle moo their way back to their assigned stalls to anxiously await their free bag of peanuts and half a can of pop. A raised glass, a smile and a wink at my Flight Attendant and my next drink was on the way.

On one memorable flight to Denver (you couldn't get to Cheyenne direct from KC. You had to fly to Denver and transfer to a Buddy Holly flight to Cheyenne) I was lucky enough to be seated next to an absolutely gorgeous woman. She was a bookish sort. One of those women who don't realize how HOT they are. I love those women! You just know there is a smoldering, pent-up, unleashed, sexual dynamo beneath that meek and unassuming exterior.

We exchange brief hellos and settle in for the flight. I get out my book (The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes) and she gets out hers.

At some point during the flight, I notice she is reading a manual about sexual statistics. Seeing this as an ideal ice breaking opportunity, I ask her about it.

She replies, "I'm studying pre-med anatomy at KU. This is a very interesting book! It's all about sexual statistics. It indicates that American Indians have the longest average penis and Polish men have the biggest average diameter. Oh, gosh! I'm so embarrassed! I probably shouldn't be talking about things like that with a total stranger! By the way, my name is Jill. What's yours?"

I smile, extend my hand and reply "Tonto Kowalski, pleased to make your acquaintance."

Because I'm just cool like that.