Thursday, May 31, 2012

You Know What Would Be Really Cool?

What would be cool is if the Official Presidential Portrait of George W. Bush was like "The Picture of Dorian Gray" where it reflected every wound; every lifelong maiming injury; every debilitating, crippling, life changing loss of limb or function; every death of every soldier who was wounded or killed in the useless, meaningless, Iraq and Afghanistan  meat grinders that he fed our sons and daughters into to feed his own political agenda.  Let his "Presidential Portrait" accurately represent the hideous, selfish, idiotic decisions that he made. 

He's a monster in the same league with Robert Mugabe, Idi Amin and Slobodan Milošević. I hope that befoe I die, I can see George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld squirm in fear and confusion in front of a judge in The Hague being tried for crimes against humanity. Amen.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Galadriel Tanqueray Onassis

When I started this blog back in January of 2006, young Galadriel Tanqueray Onassis was just 11 years old.  She was starting her 2nd semester of middle school.

On Memorial Day Weekend, I proudly watched her walk across the stage in Municipal Auditorium as she graduated High School.

You probably know about GTO.  I may have mentioned her on this blog once or twice.

Let me tell you a few things about my daughter.

She's smart.  Really, really fucking smart.  Smarter than you!

She's tough and resilient.  I could tell you stuff.  She's had to deal with a lot of shit in the past 18 years.  She's still dealing with shit.  But she never lets adversity define her.  She makes adversity her bitch.

I trust her.  She has a good head on her shoulders and she makes good decisions.  She makes good friends.  She sees the mistakes that other people make and she learns from them.

She has a really BIG heart.  She cares about other people.  Way more than I do.  When she sees people in pain she wants to reach out and help them.

She's a good friend.

She's a rational atheist with no tolerance for superstition, bigotry, prejudice or hatred.

Much to my amazement, I've raised a daughter who is a genuinely good human being.

I'm proud to be her father and I love her more than anyone or anything.

If the only worthwhile thing I accomplish on this planet is fathering GTO, I'll consider myself a very wealthy man.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Vote Republican! We Solve Problems That Don't Exist!

This is what Republicans do. They conjure scary fucking threats and enemies out of whole cloth. They make shit up. Just like the Nazis.

But instead of Jews in Germany it's Mexicans and Muslims in America. Then they whip up a frenzy in their drooling, inbred, idiotic, paranoid, toothless, fundamentalist, evangelical, Tea Party base. They convince them that The Monsters are coming for them! Then they promise to protect them from The Monsters and the shuffling, mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals believe them and vote for them and anything they propose.

Here are some glaring examples. Kansas governor signs bill blocking use of Islamic law
"TOPEKA, KS (AP) - Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback has signed a law aimed at keeping the state's courts or government agencies from basing decisions on Islamic or other foreign legal codes.  ...Supporters say it simply restates American values. Supporters have worried about Sharia law being applied in Kansas."
OK, when was the last time any defendant requested, or any judge entertained, the application of Islamic Sharia law in a court case in Kansas? Without even bothering to do a LexisNexis search let me go out on a limb and say IT NEVER FUCKING HAPPENED!


Show me 1 single fundamentalist Muslim who wants to move to Kansas and try to promote Sharia Law as the new legal standard.  Go ahead.  I'll wait.  Link to them in the comment section.  I'll look forward to it.

Here's another example of Republican stupidity: Kansas House Passes Stricter Voter ID Law Moving Up Proof Of Citizenship Date To 2012
"Under the terms of the law, which was originally passed last year, voters will need to present proof of citizenship in order to register to vote. Among the 13 proofs of citizenship that the state allows are birth certificates and driver's licenses, if a birth certificate was presented when the driver's license was obtained."
The Big Fear here is that illegal aliens will flood the polling places, cast illegal votes for Democrats and for policies that favor a path to citizenship for undocumented residents, thereby skewing the results election and changing public policy in favor of the illegal aliens.

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?! Undocumented residents, or, "illegal aliens" won't even answer their door or phone to talk to a seasonally employed census taker who doesn't give a fuck because they are afraid of being deported.  Do you really think they are going to go out of their way and take the risk of showing up at a voting booth to try to cast an illegal vote? SERIOUSLY?


Show me 1 single undocumented resident who showed up at a polling place impersonating an American citizen and attempted to cast a vote.  Go ahead.  I'll wait.  Link to them in the comment section.  I'll look forward to it.

Here's another example of Republican stupidity: Alabama sets nation's toughest immigration law
"The measure will require public schools to determine the citizenship status of students -- a provision not included in an Arizona law that has been at the forefront of actions by several states to curb illegal immigration. Under the Alabama law, police must detain someone they suspect of being in the country illegally if the person cannot produce proper documentation when stopped for any reason. It also will be a crime to knowingly transport or harbor someone who is in the country illegally. The law imposes penalties on businesses that knowingly employ someone without legal resident status. A company's business license could be suspended or revoked."
REALLY? Alabama? Let's take a look at an actual map:

If I'm in Mexico, I would have to risk illegally crossing the U.S. border into southern Texas where everyone looks like me, speaks my language and where and I could pass undetected. Do I stay there and stay safe? OH NO!

According to the Governor of Alabama, I choose to travel north and east across a HUGE expanse of Texas, and pass through Louisiana and Mississippi in order to get to the shitty little fucking boot heel of Alabama where I would presumably start breeding like a warren of rabbits and spreading north to steal jobs from lazy, alcoholic, white trash welfare bums and cast illegal votes.  Because that makes perfect sense.

1.) Why the fuck wouldn't I just stay in Texas?
2.) New Orleans or Baton Rouge are way more appealing than anything in Alabama.
3.) Mississippi...OK, I get that. Keep going.
4.) Alabama? Seriously? I've come this far, why would I stop in Alabama when I could travel just a little bit farther and be in fucking Florida!?! Once in Florida I could just tell everyone I'm Cuban and blend right in. I'm home free!

Alabama? Does the Governor of Alabama think that his new Draconian legislation makes Alabama any less appealing to immigrants than the rampant poverty and racism they already have going for them?


Show me 1 single undocumented resident who illegally crossed the Rio Grande, crossed eastern Texas, crossed Louisiana, crossed Mississippi for the "privilege" of settling in a "progressive and welcoming" state like fucking Alabama instead of going for the gold and making it all the way to southern Florida?. Go ahead. I'll wait. Link to them in the comment section. I'll look forward to it.

Republicans are scaredy cat, paranoid idiots.  Go cower in your Cold War bomb shelters, dry hump your deer rifles and live off Spam.  Just stay the fuck away from the polls.  You're too stupid to be allowed to vote.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Father's Folded Flag

I posted last month about the death of father on April 1. His remains were cremated and today was the day his widow chose to have his ashes interred in their plot in Coffeyville, KS.

So young Galadriel Tanqueray Onassis (who just finished high school yesterday) and I once again found ourselves on the road to Coffeyville for a burial service just as we did last October following the death of my Uncle Joe.

Like my Uncle Joe, my father was given full military honors by a detachment from Ft. Riley. This is always a very moving ceremony. The military is very good at honoring fallen soldiers.

However, this particular ceremony had an unexpected finish.

After the honor guard presented my step mother with the folded flag, 3 shell casings tucked inside to represent the 3 volleys fired to honor his service in WWII and Korea, my step mother rose with flag in hand, turned, bowed and solemnly presented my father's folded flag to my daughter.

Did not see that coming.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Fun in Fairmount

Yesterday there was a car show in the Fairmount Business District just west of Independence n Highway 24. Fairmount has a very interesting and unique history which you can read about in "Kansas City's Fairmount Park" by John Olinskey and Leigh Ann Little.
The National Guard was there with a BIG ASS gun!
And there were a lot of very cool cars.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Obama Endorses (finally) Same Sex Marriage

For those Neanderthals who have a problem with this and rant & rage about "THE WAR ON MARRIAGE!", let me dumb this down for you morons.

Let's say I'm marketing a product that is only available to a fraction of the people who want that product due to an arbitrary marketing barrier.

Let's say that my existing available market is declining because my customers have become disenchanted with my product and are pursuing other options.

If I can remove the arbitrary marketing barrier and make my product available to a consumer base that is hungry for my product, I can grow my franchise, reverse the decline and start to grow again.

That's the heart of Capitalism, right?  Supply and demand.

But what if my "product" is "The Institution of Marriage", my disenchanted product base are heterosexuals, and my emerging market are homosexuals?

How does opening my product to a new market constitute a "war" on my product?

If The Institution of Marriage is on the decline, and there are people who want to get married but can't, how does allowing them to get married threaten The Institution of Marriage?  Doesn't it strengthen The Institution of Marriage by making it more inclusive and inviting in more participants?

Don't get me wrong.  I'm no fan of marriage.  Been there, done that (twice), probably not doing that again.

But if gay people want to share in the common heterosexual experience of being legally and financially shackled to a screaming, moody, psychotic partner to whom you have granted the power to deny you sex, make your every waking moment a living hell, and hold half of everything you own hostage to their satisfaction because you forgot to take out the trash, left the lid off the toothpaste or put the toilet paper on backwards, well, who are we to deny you your bliss?

Open the door!  Let them in!  Enjoy!

But be careful what you ask for.  You might just get it.

From My Daughter To My Dad

Copied from my daughter's Facebook page with her permission. Her tribute to her Grandpa Jim.

"All I want is just one more day. One more hug. My graduation day is coming up so fast, the one big moment in my life that I really thought he would be here for. I loved him more than anything in the whole world, and I'm pretty sure the feelings were reciprocated. I would do anything to make my grandpa proud of me. I miss him more than anyone can understand. I regret every phone call I missed, and every time I didn't go see him just because I didn't want to have to go to Olathe. No one will ever mean as much to me as this man did. I miss you every single day, Grandpa Jim. And I love you more than you ever knew. You were more than my grandfather, you were, and always will be my hero. Rest in Peace. ♥"

She and I will be making the trip to Coffeyville, KS next week where his cremated remains will be buried with the full military honors that he earned twice over (WWII and Korea).

GTO has chosen to honor her Grandpa Jim by getting a tattoo of his WWII Merchant Marine Service Ribbons. Although I would prefer that she never get any tattoos at all, if she feels she needs too, this is a pretty cool concept.

The Big Question is the placement of the tattoo.

RULE 1: It has to be somewhere that she can see it and remember.

RULE 2: It can't be somewhere so prominent that it limits here employment opportunities.

We are open to suggestions.