Sunday, September 30, 2007

I'm gonna get a fatwah for this...

Saudi divorces wife for watching male TV host: report

"A Saudi man divorced his wife for watching alone a television programme presented by a male, an act he deemed immoral, the Al Shams newspaper reported on Saturday.

The man, whom the paper did not identify, ended his marriage on the grounds his wife was effectively alone with an unrelated man, which is forbidden under the strict Islamic law enforced in the ultra-conservative kingdom, the paper said.

Men in Saudi Arabia have the authority to divorce their wives without resort to the courts.

Copyright AFP 2007, AFP stories and photos shall not be published, broadcast, rewritten for broadcast or publication or redistributed directly or indirectly in any medium"

You know, there ain't that much difference between this and somebody getting their panties in a twist over homosexuality, or abortion, or whatever else your single issue political clit is.

Lighten the fuck up.

Life is too short for your religious, anal retentive, repressive, supernatural, homo-phobic, alpha-male bullshit. Do what you want (and lie about what you want) in your personal life. But leave the rest of us the fuck alone!

"The man, whom the paper did not identify, ended his marriage on the grounds his wife was effectively alone with an unrelated man, which is forbidden under the strict Islamic law enforced in the ultra-conservative kingdom"

How fucking insecure in your own manhood and your sexual prowess do you have to be to divorce your wife because she watched a TV show hosted by a man she wasn't related to?

Great Googly Moogly! That is like the Fort Knox of limp-dicked insecurity.

Anybody who needs a threat of Divine Retribution from an All Powerfull Entity to keep their wife from straying because she watched a TV show with a man in it has some serious issues.

Maybe if the men over there quit wearing shapeless sack-dresses....

Add a belt. Some sexy shoes. Accessorize!

I'm just sayin'...

Saturday, September 29, 2007

A potpourri

In other words, I got no particular theme here.

It was a good day for the garage sale. Nice weather, reasonable turnout considering my secluded location.

The set of bedroom furniture went pretty quick. That was half of the day's revenue. Surprisingly enough, the majority of the second half was generated by NASA memorabilia.

Who knew? We'll give it another go tomorrow.

The Athiest Homeschooler has a great take on the brain-eating amoeba that has killed 6 people so far this year and killed 23 between 1995 and 2004.

"Christians, especially fundamentalist and evangelical types are particularly resistant to this amoeba as they do not have sufficient grey matter to sustain the amoebas. Fanatical Muslims and other extreme religious people also show shocking resistance to this microscopic brain sucker."

This guy

is as safe as can be. Anyone who can spew such right-wing, evangalical venom while posting the gayest picture of Ronald Regan I've ever seen

is completely devoid of even the tiniest trace of neural DNA.

Thanks to Faith for this clip of violent giraffes boxing each other in the junk.

Thanks to Dan at Gone Mild for this moving proof that at least one Republican has a functioning brain, a troubled conscience, and a human heart.

I would LOVE to see Dick Cheney give a speech like that.

Spyder is calling the next blogger/lurker meat-up for Thursday, October 4th at CHARLIE HOOPER'S. Everyone but Tony will be there.

According to emaw, the University of Texas Longhorns are a bunch of pussy's. He didn't come right out and say so, but...

TKC once again proves that he's a rascist who hates white people by refusing to include a link to my garage sale in his post about weekend activities. I encourage all white bloggers to boycott TKC until he stops making inflammatory posts about race and politics, "get's his head right", and starts including estate sales, wedding and birthday announcements, and stealth proposals in his little "round ups". Because THAT is what blogging is all about!

Okay, I'm done. The long day and the Chinese food are kicking in and I'm about ready for bed.

Time to go.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Blatant and unapologetic self promotion

I don't run ads on this site. Because I think that is a sign of taking yourself and your hit counter WAY too seriously. It's just not worth annoying everyone who visits your site just to get a check for 38 cents every six months.

But I'm willing to make an exception.


Saturday and Sunday!

I got bedroom furniture!

I got dining room furniture!

I got Star Trek Collectibles!

I got real NASA artifact/publication/video/mission patch stuff.

I got household items.

I got clothes.

I got books! In fact, I have all the greatest books of Western Civilization. All of them! Fitty bucks!

I got electronics!

I got python skin cowboy boots and a big ass hat.

I got Darth Tater.

I got people skills!

I got milk.

Anybody who buys anything worth $50.00 or more gets a big, wet, sloppy, passionate kiss. FREE!

Come on by, introduce yourself, meet XO and buy some of my stuff. I'll even offer to autograph the back of any checks you write. I'm just generous that way.

Because in 2 weeks, there will be a similar self promoting post inviting you all to come help me move all of the shit that you wouldn't buy.

I'll have limited access to blogger (but increased access to my garage) in the next few days.


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Product Endorsement

I poached this graphic from a fellow blogger a long time ago and I still just chuckle like a school girl everytime I see it.

Not sure why.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

It's Hump Day, and you know what that means!!

Red State Updates!

On the Jena 6

On Madman Imadinnerjacket

On Health Care

Halloween Store Indicted For Obscene Costumes

Three Johnson County Businesses Indicted

Jesus H. Christ on a crutch! You fucking Kansans, or more specifically, you repressed, meddling, control-freak, Johnson County, Morality Gestapos really need to have someone pull the broomsticks out of your tight asses.

Leave it to a bunch of Crusading Christians to ruin Satan's Favorite Holiday!

I'm going to figure out someway to fuck up next Easter! That'll teach ya!

Okay, now that I have that out of my system, I will admit and agree that some of that stuff probably should be sequestered from young eyes. You know, stuff like this:

I have a daughter myself and when she was in her "I want to be a PRINCESS for Halloween!" phase, I would not have wanted to take her shopping only to hear her ask "Hey daddy? What's a Goat-Fucker Costume?"

But you know what? I'm a pretty aware and knowledgable adult. I know what Halloween is all about. It's my favorite holiday. Before I took my daughter to a store to shop for Halloween stuff, I'd go check it out first and if it had Big Titty and Enormous Penis costumes I WOULDN'T FUCKING TAKE HER THERE! I'd take her to WalMart!

But charging these stores with crimes is just fucking ludicrous. Charge parents who take their kids there with Felony Stupidity and Total Lack of Due Diligence.

What is it about Kansas? Is it the flat, boring expanse of featureless terrain that makes you go bat-shit crazy and think you have to control what other people think, say and do?

Is it the gentle hills and valleys of Missouri that make us chill and say "I don't give a flying fuck at a rolling donut what's goin' on over yonder. Life here is good and I don't care how my neighbor get's his 'O face' on."

Seriously, all y'all need to lighten the fuck up and start "takin' care of business" at home and stop obsessing about what other people are doing.

You I'm doing right now.

This isn't even what I was going to WRITE ABOUT tonight!

I gotta go............

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I couldn't have said it better myself...

I don't always like Bill Maher. Usually his snarkiness overpowers whatever point he is trying to make.

Plus the guy doesn't seem to be in favor of breast feeding in public.


A tit is a tit!

And apparently, a boob is a boob! Leave it to Hugo Chavez to fuck up a Hooter moment.

Personally, this is how I roll.

Plus, Maher's a vegetarian! Apologies to Spyder, Satyavati and whoever. But I've always felt that if The Big Sky Daddy didn't want us to eat the animals, then he shouldn't have fucking made them out of MEAT!

As an aside, did you know that the word "vegan" is not a modern construct as most people assume.

No. It's not.

It's actually an ancient Native American word.

Yes. It is.

It means "Bad Hunter".

But, I digress.

Here is Bill Maher on Articles of Faith. Watch. Listen. Learn. Discuss amongst yourselves.

Monday, September 24, 2007

I Really REALLY Suck At This - Part II

I left some very important people out of my last post!


Very cool lady! Plus, she told me I don't look old and fat (which is a huge lie) so she will have a place on my blogroll forever.

I'm not sure how to describe this guy. I hope he doesn't take this the wrong way...but he kind of reminds me of the good things about TKC, but without the ego, attitude and NSFW softcore porn. He also has more of a local news media POV since he actually is a part of the local media. Not just a wannabe. Good stuff!

This guy stays up all night long monitoring a bank of electronics that would give NASA a woody. Not surprising that he often get's the scoop on the Local News Meat Puppets. He is also a meteorologist whose forcasts are as good or better than anything you will see on TV. Check this guy first thing in the morning to see what happened while you slept and what you can expect while at work.

He's like your personal Magic 8 Ball.

Law School Bound!
She's (incredibly) hot, she's (astoundingly) smart and she collects great pick up lines,

"Wow, is that shirt new? It's very becoming on you.

But if I were on you, I'd be coming, too."

Sunday, September 23, 2007

I Really Suck At This

There are some blogs that I have been visiting regularly that I have not shared with you.

I have updated by blogroll to include those links and want to share them with you now.

Thanks to Janet for leading by example.

American Hell and Irish KC go together because they are authored (bloggered? hosted? created? what is the proper nomenclature?) by the same guy. His name is Eolaí gan Fhéile and no, I don't know how to pronounce his name even though he explains it here. An incredible artist with an encyclopedic knowledge of Irish culture (because he's Irish?) and a heart that spans continents. He recently left KC to and returned to Dublin. Much to our loss. Check him out.

Athiest Home Schooler by Fiery.
Someone has to homeschool those free thinkers who will eventually go to battle against those narrow minded, right-wing, homeschooled idiots. She rawks! She is the door-to-door fundy's worst nightmare. She will invite them in, offer them milk and cookies and send them running home in tears!

I make it a rule to do whatever an Italian suit-wearing chimpanzee packing serious heat tells me to do. You should too. He had me at "I kiss like I already came".

The D Rules
Okay. I hadn't really planned on posting The D. But I should have.

He wasn't on my list. But he should have been. I've been meaning to give more attention and I pledge, here and now, to begin doing so.

Go to any comment section on any blog and THERE HE IS! LOL!

I like this guy. You will too.

Erin in the real that all there is?
That's Erin on the right. She's the hottest pickle in KC! Seriously!

If I were 30 years younger...I'd be a stupid stoner and she'd (rightly) have nothing to do with me. But that's beside the point.

How many bloggers do you know who haiku?

"We are broken up
But your friends keep emailing.
Am I that awesome?

Erin is way cool.

Jay Bird's Kansas City
He's on a break right now, but I check him everyday anyway. Just in case. I just like this guy.

Mushroom Cloud in the Midwest
tec is very cool! I'm not a Live Journal afficianado so I have trouble finding and linking to specific photos and posts. They do things different over there at LJ. But she loves her boys, her partner and her new house and she looks great in a red dress.

My Town, My Take
This is another of Mark Forsythe's blogs. He is someone who really cares about Kansas City. He even ran for city council. He is very well informed and has a lot of great ideas. I like this guy. I wish I cared as much as he does.

Happy Autumnal Equinox!

Happy Alban Elfed!

Merry Mabon! (with recipes!)

My favorite season finally begins! I just call it Fuck Summer Day!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Growing Begrudgingly Fond Of Uncle Fidel

I'm starting to like this guy. Probably because he's been around all my life (and that is a steadily dwindling group of people).

Yeah, I know. He's one of the last Communist dictators left in the world, he oppresses his people, he nationalized and eliminated all the "fun stuff" in Cuba (i.e. stuff Americans were getting rich from), he stubbornly refuses to acknowledge defeat. He's a bad man with bad friends.

Mug Shot

With Che Guevara

With Nikita Kruschev

With Hugo Chavez

O.K. Fine.

But ya gotta appreciate the way he's hung in there for the last half a century, poking his finger in the eye of 9 American Presidents (Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush), flipping U.S. the bird from 90 miles away.

The guy has cajones.

When I was a little kid this guy the biggest threat we faced! Communism right off the Florida coast!

Soviet missles in Cuba!

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh MY!

The choice was clear!

Do we want Good (happy and well groomed) Cubans?

Or Bad (angry and disheveled) Cubans?

Actually, I don't mean to make light of the Cuban Missile Crisis because it truly was the closest the world has ever come to an all out nuclear exchange between two Super Powers that could have easily reduced Modern Civilization to rubble.

Thank God we had a foolproof, undefeatable, secret plan to survive the attack.

So, yeah, Fidel has always been the villian. But then Reagan made his famous "Tear Down That Wall" speech. Soviet support for Cuba dwindled. and he was left to his own devices. And still he survived.

Now, here we are, 4 Presidential Administrations after the "collapse of World Wide Communism", and he's still there.

He's still fucking with us.

The Conservative, Republican, Right Wing cannot WAIT for this guy to drop dead! They think that as soon as he goes face first into the Great Beyond, Western Democracy and Greedy Miami Expatriots will swarm into Cuba and be greeted as welcome liberators!

That's why I think he orchestrates shit like this just to stick his finger up our ass.


"CASTRO: Hey. I got an idea. You know I've been sick and I look like shit, right? Let's take a picture of me laying in a casket and leak it to those vultures in Miami! Those greedy, gullible fucks will eat that shit up! Then in a few days, I'll pull a "Jeebus" and victoriously rise from the dead! It'll be a fucking hoot!!"

My favorite Fidel moment was when he addressed the U.N. a few years back. I can't find a link to it to save my soul. But I remember it well.

Castro is famous for giving LOOONG speeches. We're talking four hour speeches!!

The United Nations has a strict limit on speeches represented by actual green, yellow and red light bulbs on the podium. Green, you're OK. Yellow, you're almost done. Red, you are over your limit and need to shut the fuck up and walk away!

Castro walks up to the podium dressed in a western suit and tie (as opposed to his usual well tailored "battle fatigues" and garrison cap), makes eye contact with the crowd, theatrically whips out his pocket hanky and drapes it over the green/yellow/red lights, rendering them impotent and begins to speak. It was self-deprecating and hilarious!

Castro's Cuba ceased to be a threat to Western Civilization decades ago. Now he's just the elderly, disagreeable, curmudgeonley neighbor who wants you to pull his finger and is absolutely focused on living just as long as he possibly can just to say "Fuck You" to everybody.

I don't agree with his politics, but I can't help but be amused by his longevity and attitude.

And they still make the best cigars in the world!

Each cigar is hand crafted and finished by being gently rolled between the thighs of Cuban virgins.

Like these.

The United States is THE ONLY country in the world with an embargo against Cuba. You can get Cuban products everywhere else in the world but here.

Fall Of Communism - Funny bloopers R us

It's just silly.

Sending Republicans Screaming

NEW YORK, NY (July 26, 2006) - The nude study of Senator Hillary Clinton used in creating her first portrait as U.S. President is featured in a documentary now viewable at, the net’s leading video download site. “Hillary’s Bust”, an eight-minute short produced by Goodnight Film, reveals the sexy origins of a statue of the former First Lady planned for display at New York’s Museum of Sex. The film contains the only footage taken of an unclothed preparatory study of Hillary Clinton’s upper torso used for developing the heroic-scaled “Presidential Bust of Hillary Rodham Clinton: First Woman President of the United States of America”.

The documentary reports Hollywood actor Sharon Stone’s recent statements regarding Mrs. Clinton’s potential White House bid as inspiration for her Presidential portrait. The bust’s creator, Daniel Edwards, points out that during the promotion of her most recent Basic Instinct film, Stone sparked a sexual power debate with, “ I think it is too soon for her to run. This may sound odd, but a woman should be past her sexuality when she runs. Hillary still has sexual power and I don’t think people will accept that. It’s too threatening.”

“I’ve depicted Hillary Clinton in the traditional manner as befits the head of state - with head held high and face matured with wisdom,” says Edwards, “but with unmistakable ‘sexual power’ as a nod to Sharon Stone.” The bust prominently portrays Mrs. Clinton’s cleavage spilling from a lacy, low-cut inaugural gown with her bare shoulders enhanced by a “delicate” nape.

The film reveals the bust is the second Presidential portrait by Edwards. “Richard Nixon made a rare stop in my hometown when I was a young sketch artist for the local newspaper. I drew him during a speech.” Edwards’ other political portraits include presidential aspirant George C. Wallace ailing in his Alabama sickbed shortly before his death.

“Hillary’s Bust” is the first ‘political’ film for Argentine born director, A.D. Calvo. “I’m typically more drawn to macabre stories,” says Calvo. “I share Edwards’ beliefs on the importance of promoting the image of a woman president. We both have young daughters. They need to grow up believing anything is possible for them in America - even becoming president someday.”

“Hillary’s Bust” will be available on and the newly redesigned, actor Kevin Spacey’s online community for burgeoning filmmakers, from now through the six-week engagement of Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Bust display at the Museum of Sex that starts August 9th.
Goodnight Film,

Trying to decide if this is good or bad... says I'm a Cool High Nerd.  What are you?  Click here!

Thanks Spyder!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Trelvix, that world travelling bon vivant and raconteur (not that there's any thing wrong with that) over at "And Then I Said" had a post today about his distaste for sushi.

I commented on his site, but as so often happens with a verbose bastard like me, it turned into a virtual post of it's own which I now proudly present it here with eight-by-ten colour glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one, explaining what each one was to be used as evidence against me.

"I tried sushi once. In Hawaii where it is presumably fresh, clean and prepared by people who know what the fuck they are doing. I just can't trust sushi prepared by FFA cow-milkers in Missouri where we are about as geographically distant from an ocean as it is possible to be.

View Larger Map

The Hawaiian sushi didn't ENTIRELY suck homeless-bum-ass.

Most of the flavor seemed to be in the dippin' sauce. Sorry. I guess it's called "wasabi". It's fucking horseradish, OK?

And it dawned on me. That's the secret! That's the hype! You know that you are eating dead, raw fish. So you rightfully expect it to taste like a three day old floating catfish.

But because it's really fresh, wrapped in rice and other stuff and dipped in really hot horseradish, you can't taste the dead fishy-part.

So it's not that sushi tastes "good", by any means. It's because it doesn't taste nearly as gut-wrenchingly, putrid-bloated-flood-fishy and maggoty as you expect "bait" to taste.

So your reaction is "Hey! That wasn't so bad!"

That, my friends, is the mystique of the sushi craze.

Their marketing slogan should be "It doesn't taste like ass!" or even "You could eat leperosy rolled in shit if it was dipped in wasabe!"

Cleanse Your Palate

Mood's been a bit somber around here lately.

Time to lighten the fuck up.

How about some Red State Updates!





Laughter is the best medicine!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Let's Play A Game!

Apparently, Prezdint Dubya disagrees with former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan on how to run the economy.

Okey Dokey (trying to stifle milk-through-the-nose guffaws of incredulous disbelief).

Who do YOU trust? Who do YOU think is smarter? Who has more credibility?

Alan Greenspan?

The man who carefuly finessed the American economy through two decades of sustained growth and prosperity. The man who took us from decades of sustained defecits to an unprecedented surplus? The American economy running in the black? A surplus of cash?

Or THIS ignorant, draft dodging, intellectually challenged fucktard??

My money is on Greenspan!